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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

75 Marketing and Sales Team Collaboration: A Strong Foundation - Lindsey Tapscott

Join Lindsey Tapscott of Davidson Homes on this week's episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. Greg, Kevin, and Lindsey deep dive into how collaboration between your marketing and sales teams creates a strong foundation. Lindsey's juicy fun fact single-handedly renders both Greg and Kevin speechless. Listen now to learn more!

Lindsey Tapscott joined Davidson Homes in 2018 as the Director of Marketing for the Corporate Division. Tapscott holds her bachelor’s degree in communication arts with a concentration in public communication, and a minor in marketing from the University of North Alabama. Prior to her position at Davidson Homes, she spent 10 years developing sales and marketing strategies for several companies and entities. Over the past three years, Tapscott has steadily grown the Corporate Marketing and Online Sales Divisions while also creating, managing, and executing the company’s marketing strategies. She is currently enrolled in the executive MBA program at the University of North Alabama.


Greg Bray: [00:00:00] Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of The Homebuilder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine

Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with OutHouse.

Greg Bray: We are excited today to welcome to the show Lindsey Tapscott, the Director of Marketing for Davidson Homes. Welcome Lindsey. Thanks for joining us.

Lindsey Tapscott: Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here.

Greg Bray: Well, we really appreciate you sharing your time and your experiences with us today, but before we dive into all that, why don't you just give us that quick introduction, help us get to know you a little bit better.

Lindsey Tapscott: Okay. Again, Lindsay Tapscott with Davidson [00:01:00] Homes.

I am the Director of Marketing and Online Sales. I have been with the company for three years. My background is communication and I have a minor in marketing, and I am currently enrolled in the MBA program at my alma mater, so I'm really excited about that. Crazy time to be going back to school, but really enjoying that.

I'm a mama too, so balancing work life, home life. I really, really love what I do. So I'm excited to share that with you guys today.

Kevin Weitzel: Now I can tell by your very distinct accent, you're from Boston. Is that correct?

Lindsey Tapscott: No, I'm located in Alabama, obviously.

Kevin Weitzel: What school do you go to?

Lindsey Tapscott: I'm enrolled at the University of North Alabama.

Kevin Weitzel: Gotcha. All right. One thing that I always hit people with almost immediately when they get on, so I can just shock them is that's a lot of personal stuff about business and work and family, but I need to know something secret about you that people will only learn on this podcast.

Lindsey Tapscott: Okay. So, before I came to Davidson Homes, I sold bacon [00:02:00] and sausage for a company called Fatback Pig Project.

Greg Bray: I'm speechless.

Lindsey Tapscott: You have more questions. It is, what you can imagine. It was a processing plant, so but I can kind of go back to a little bit of my background, but I have had marketing and sales roles my whole life.

So, I was in the hospitality industry for several years before moving into the home building sector and an opportunity presented itself for me to get out. It was actually a really, really fun job, but it's just something, a lot of people don't know. So I've had some, some really funny experiences with that position.

I went out and I got to cook at food shows and go work with chefs in kind of a farm to table type that atmosphere. Really those were the kind of clients that we were looking at picking up. So, it was a lot of fun. It was really challenging and I traveled a lot, I got to go to a lot of fun places.

Greg Bray: Selling to restaurants and stuff?

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah. So restaurants as well as US Foods and vendors would carry our product. So, I would go out [00:03:00] and cook at food shows for like a Cisco or US Foods and then actually go in and sometimes do tastings with chefs. The whole concept behind the project, Fatback Pig Project was to re-employ Alabama farmers.

So it was heritage bread hogs. The meats that we would produce, they were raised what they were fed and things like that.

Kevin Weitzel: More importantly than Greg being rendered speechless, you have single-handedly rendered my loud mouth speechless. Holy cow. So please walk me through how the opportunity presented itself for you to go from Fatback Pig?

 How did you go from that to home building?

Lindsey Tapscott: It's funny because I really, really liked what I was doing there, but I was traveling a lot.

Going back to mom life and having kids and I was really just kind of praying about the right opportunity or what the next opportunity was going to be, and I was on LinkedIn and Adam, the owner of the company, and I actually went to high school together. He posted on LinkedIn that they were looking for a Director of [00:04:00] Marketing.

I was like I don't have industry experience, but I feel like what he was describing that he was looking for, I reached out. So I was like, hey, I would love to talk about the opportunity. Are you set on somebody having industry experience?

He said not necessarily. Let's talk. So, we had a conversation and you know Davidson Homes was on the verge of a lot of growth, and they were really looking for somebody to come in and establish the departments, the process, the systems, and that was my background with what I had done prior to Fatback.

All my jobs has kind of been like establishing the foundations or all of the positions that I've had, and so within the hospitality industry, I worked for community bank for a long time. I was the first marketer or that they had had, so I feel like at the end of the conversation I felt comfortable.

I can learn. I can learn what I need to learn in the industry, but that I had the skillset to come in and establish the foundations he was looking for. So that's kind of how I jumped in with both feet, and so I've been in the industry about three [00:05:00] years. It's funny because I feel like it's been the fastest, slowest three years of my entire life, especially considering what we've all been dealing with over the last year and a half.

It's just been so interesting to come in, it was summer of 2018 when I started for Davidson Homes. We were really focused on trying to establish the systems and the processes, and barely got our feet underneath us and then 2020 hit.

So, it was like being on a roller coaster.

Greg Bray: So, just for the record, every time you say the word Fatback, Kevin giggles. He can't help it.

What's funny is that Lindsay and I hardly even know each other. We've only met socially and occasionally through the industry and stuff, but your name has come up multiple times when I'm dealing with other clients.

So, I've had the question, not once, not twice, but three different times, hey, do you know Lindsey Tapscott got over there at Davidson Homes? Is she happy? Do you think she'd be willing to move somewhere else? Question is that with being a much desired rockstar for Davidson Homes, does Greg worry with his new position as COO that you are gunning [00:06:00] for his position?

Lindsey Tapscott: Oh my gosh. No. You know, I just want to be valuable. I think too, it's been one of those things that being new to the industry, I obviously had some fears and so I think just being open with that and diving in, making sure to really learn the industry and the thought leaders in the industry and really align with that.

I just wanna be valuable to the company. So, I think whatever that means for what my growth is with Davidson Homes, that makes me excited. And yes, I am happy at Davidson Homes. I love the leadership team here and it's just really fun. We just have so much going on and it's so cool to be a part of the growth that's going on here.

So yeah, I don't think he thinks I'm gunning for his job, but whatever that means for me to continue in my role. Even as we grow, I've had opportunities that, you know, my job started off as director of marketing, and so as I was here for maybe six months, we really need to consider starting an online sales program, and I'm like, okay.

So, then that was the next thing that I was kind of [00:07:00] challenged with. I have a sales background. My first job out of college was selling Yellow Page advertising. Are your eyes this big again?

Kevin Weitzel: Not to poke at age or anything, but we haven't had Yellow Pages for 20 plus years. I only thought you were just fresh out of college.

Lindsey Tapscott: Thank you, Kevin. You're my new favorite person. So, I had a sales background, and I jumped right into that. I love that marketing and online sales. My department, we were structured in a way that we worked so close together.

Obviously challenging at first, because we started from scratch, so it was getting all the things in place to make sure that we could be successful on top of all the growth that was going on. So, it was making sure that we had a good CRM in place and all the systems and processes on that side as well within the department that they could be successful.

We've accomplished a lot in the last three years and so on the days we need to get to this, or we haven't gotten to this, I look back and just so excited about the things that we've accomplished and will continue to accomplish over the next several years.

Greg Bray: So, Lindsay, tell us a little bit more about Davidson Homes. Where you guys are building, which [00:08:00] markets you're trying to serve, what kind of buyer demographic you're after? So, we can understand that.

Lindsey Tapscott: Okay. So, Davidson Homes is obviously a private regional builder. We are currently in five markets.

The Alabama market or Huntsville market, which is where corporate is based, the Nashville market, the Raleigh market, the Atlanta market, and we just recently expanded into the Houston market. So typically, south, south east. Our home buyer demographics is from first time buyers all the way up to, you know, downsizing, and really from market to market, our product varies a little bit.

So, I think that's kind of what makes us is a little bit unique too, is that we really try to cater to the market and make sure that our product line reflects that. So, we've got homes from 1400 square feet, all the way up to 5,500 square feet, depending on the market and the community. So, I think one of the things that makes us unique too, is being a production builder, but the level of personalization that we really strive to offer to set us apart in the market. So I [00:09:00] think that is something that sets us apart.

We were founded in 2009 by Adam Davidson. Like I said, we've known each other since high school. So about 12 years old we celebrated our 2000 closing in June of this year, and we are doubling in size year over year and a half for the last three years, and so no plans of slowing down.

The train is rolling and it's exciting to be part of that. We were named to the Builder 100, the top 100 we're number 93 on the list this year, and were awarded the biggest mover, so leadership team will be going out to California to receive that award in September.

Kevin Weitzel: Not to take anything away from the rest of the team at Davidson Homes, but isn't it crazy how coincidental that year over year growth happened during your three years there?

Lindsey Tapscott: I would love to take all the credit for that, but I look back and I think having the things that have happened over the last three years to position us to be ready for the growth. So, when I came on in 2018, we had a [00:10:00] website in place that was not built for the growth that was happening.

So, that was the first project to tackle. So, we literally turned a website in six weeks with the developer, which is unheard of it. We needed it and we needed it like now because we were already past the point of being able to, there was just a lot of growth going on.

We didn't have a CRM system in place, so we put a CRM system in place. We didn't have an online sales program established yet, so we focused on that. So, all of those things, coupled with the leadership that they've really been able to go out and put in place and in the local markets to our division presidents are fantastic.

Our sales directors are great and we just have such a cohesive communication established too. I would love to be like marketing has played a huge, huge role in that force, but I think it just is coupled with the fact that we have fantastic leadership too.

Kevin Weitzel: So speaking of leadership, I mean, there's only one Lindsey. So how do you divide that up? How did you coordinate all this [00:11:00] stuff? How much of it did you do internally? Externally? What partners are you using? How did you get the brass to open up the pocketbook to fund the fun stuff you wanted to do?

Lindsey Tapscott: So initially there was, it was just me, obviously. So I started and then I started thinking about how to structure my team, the first hire I made was a digital media specialist and so that was my first hire. We all know that's where things are. So focusing him on, we gotta get a new website.

You're the point person, we're working on this. This is your first thing to tackle. So getting ourselves positioned to do that and have someone fully focused on that. And then I hired a graphic designer, so we had a lot of, internal needs that we needed to make sure that we had somebody full-time focused on those items.

Then my next hire was a content marketing specialist. Then the graphic designer that I hired is also also kind of marketing coordinator. So she helps me a lot, just kind of keep all the balls in the air. And then my digital media [00:12:00] specialist recently has been provided to marketing technologists.

And so he's really kind of responsible for all things digital still, but really the connection of our systems and processes. So all that being said, with my current team, the way that we kind of tackle what stays in and what goes out is it kind of happens organically I feel like. Really, depending on the season that we're in, if there's an expansion that we're really just swamped with all of those things and, you know, maybe where we would normally keep a sitemap in-house maybe that goes out or there are specific things like obviously all of our floor plans renderings and things of that nature we outsource those.

Then it just depends, so I wouldn't say that this is always outsourced or this is always kept in house with the exception of one or two things. I like it that way, to be honest, I think it keeps my team fresh and I think it lets them be able to experience the things that they want to kind of have their hand in.

If we can do it well, obviously, from a budget perspective. What makes sense to [00:13:00] handle inhouse versus outsource because we need it and if we need it, we go get it. From a partnership standpoint and being in the industry, I think we have a lot of vendors in our industry that are great too.

I think it's just making sure to have, like you Kevin and Greg, it's having relationships with people that can really help point you in the right direction if you are struggling in an area and need additional help and support.

Greg Bray: So Lindsey, you mentioned that you were tasked with kind of starting the online sales program as well.

When you talk about your team, often we see that falling under the the VP of Sales versus the marketing side is kind of that online sales counselor in their role. Was there some conscious choices just to put it under a marketing versus the sales team? Or how did that come about?

Lindsey Tapscott: I would like to say yes, but I think it was very much, we need this and it makes the most sense for it to fall under a corporate position, here you go marketing, but I will tell you, it makes [00:14:00] perfect sense to me that it does fall in with marketing.

 Our online sales consultants and marketing have a direct relationship with each other, and I think that that is invaluable because marketing is essentially driving the leads to the online sales consultants, so for us to have dialogue and conversation with each other and really have a pulse of what's going on, it would upset me if we changed and had it any other way.

Now, they've done a lot of things and structured in a way where there's a direct line of communication between the local sales directors and the online sales team, but I think the way that we have it structured makes perfect sense.

Our marketing team had a round table, I guess this has been about a month ago, and so as our environment in our industry has looked like it has, we've had so much communication with each other to sit down at a round table and be like, okay, what are we hearing from customers and from a website perspective of how we're setting correct expectations.

To have the online sales consultants sit at the table with marketing and us like pound on [00:15:00] that stuff out, I get excited because I think that's how we really move forward and make the appropriate changes that need to be made to ultimately make sure that our customers are seeing the correct information and we're setting the right expectations.

Greg Bray: I think that is actually more unique than you might believe from some of the other folks that we've talked with, especially some of the online sales counselors, they don't get asked as often as they could.

It's a wealth of knowledge of how to make the website better is in the online sales counselors and it sounds like you've already discovered that. So just a little kudos there. That's awesome.

Lindsey Tapscott: My marketing technologist who oversees kind of the functionality of the website, I just, you know, and it was a simple hour and a half conversation but the takeaways that we were able to walk away with after just sitting down and having dialogue, because they are the boots on the ground, if you will, from the digital perspective.

They're the ones that are receiving the feedback from people, you know, I don't understand this on your website or this doesn't make sense to me. So for us to be able to capture that and really go back and look at the website and be like, [00:16:00] well, yeah, I mean, it makes sense to us we look at it every day, but then trying to make those small changes to improve the customer experiences has really it's made a huge impact.

Greg Bray: Do you have one example that comes to mind of something you just went oh gosh, we never thought about changing that.

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah. Like our site map. The key on our site map and the colors being very similar between like an under construction or a move in ready home. To us we're like, yeah, they're clearly different colors.

It was confusing buyers. It was them I'm trying to understand what was actually move in ready. So we've made some improvements to that. I think also setting clear expectations for appointments. So as we were kind of going through the chaos of the first half of the year of having things that were not available and so really trying to convey we'll be happy to set you more of an informational type appointment, but we've limited the sales in this particular community.

So then creating banners that we're setting those expectations ahead of time before they get to the online sales consultants, so that their [00:17:00] first interaction with us is not something of a disappointing nature.

Thinking that they're going to go out and they're ready to move forward and then we have to be like, no, no, no, hold on, you can't move forward yet cause we don't have anything ready for you. So some things like that came from the meeting that we had and we really made a lot of progress.

 Then the other things we have Davidson Homes mortgage. So one of the other things that we did was add to the website a kind of pre-qualify button that sent people to Davidson Homes mortgage because that was one of the things as we were dealing with limited availability, things like that, trying to get people pre-qualified ahead of actually going out for an appointment, so we added that functionality from that meeting as well.

Greg Bray: Well, Lindsey, it sounds like when you described coming in a few years ago, that you did pretty much a digital overhaul and you came in, you, you did some website, you talked about adding CRM, you built a team, you started online sales program.

Give us just one or two of the [00:18:00] big challenges that just really didn't expect that you had to overcome with all this change and all this new technology that you were going after.

Lindsey Tapscott: You know, I think sometimes that when you have a certain level of technology in general, I'm comfortable with technology.

I use technology, not everybody does. I think internally, talking about when you go in and you start changing things, I think the biggest thing that we have learned over the last three years with any change is that we have to have buy-in from the ones that it's going to impact. So as we have changed the website and added this or that we always try to start with a conversation with, okay, what departments is this going to affect?

If it's going to affect sales or whatever and we do a lot of cross department projects and we have our hands in a lot of operational things too, to try to keep moving us forward from a digital perspective, just in general, the whole entire experience with Davidson.

So I think that it's one making sure that people understand the why behind the change and then I think that it's [00:19:00] testing, quality control and making sure, cause you can have this idea for a change and if you really didn't test a lot and then you roll it out, then there are unforeseen things. So we try really hard to make sure that we do that before we implement something so that we can kind of think through, okay, if this happens and what about this or how is this going to affect current processes system?

We've made a lot of changes over the last three years and I also think that sometimes it can be really easy as there are a lot of changes, it kind of feels like drinking from a fire hydrant of even trying to adapt to one change and then here comes the next one and here comes the next one.

So I feel like some people respond better to change than others and so I think from a team perspective it really involves a lot of, okay guys, let's come together, everybody needs to understand why the change is happening and get them bought into it and what role they play in it.

 Then it's received a lot better, I think, than just being like we're doing this rip the bandaid off versus having them be part of spearheading the change changes. [00:20:00]

Kevin Weitzel: So talking about site plans, you mentioned site plans earlier, and that you had that to kind of revamp them. We're in Arizona.

I've always wanted to talk one of our Southwest builders into using a nacho cheese block as a sign for sold instead of just plain old sold, so it says nacho home, because you can't buy them. Their sold. There's a question here. I promise there's a question. Greg's giving me the crazy look like Kevin, do you even have a question?

You sound crazy. You're obviously a very fun person. You have a very bubbly and bright personality. When you're talking about Davidson Homes, what is your zero to 10 on a personality for fun scale? Do you have to hold back the Lindsey when going forward with the marketing outreach?

Lindsey Tapscott: I don't know. No, I am, who I am and you get me, you know, I'm a hundred percent all the time. I think with my team, I definitely can be over the top for sure, but I think that's what makes me good at my job too.

I think that's what I've been able to like come in and I'm a cheerleader by nature. I'm a high [00:21:00] I personality. Again, my background is communication, but I think my team responds well with that too. It's funny cause I had asked them separately what they enjoyed most about our team and they love the round table, they love that we come in and we collaborate together and I joke with them because I'll walk into a meeting and I'm like, we're keeping it an hour today and they laugh because they know that that's never going to be the case.

That's where our best work comes out to is just to collaborate and be able to come away with new ideas. I think it can be exhausting at times because I'm a very like high energy personality, but I don't feel like I ever try to tone myself down.

I am who I am in whatever setting that may be. So whether it's with my team or executive leadership. I do feel like that the energy is also how we accomplish stuff. It's not like I feel like I have to tell them myself down, but I definitely have times where I have to like, you know, sit there and [00:22:00] practice the pause because on nature, I am a talker.

Greg Bray: So Lindsey, when you're in these meetings with your team and you guys start talking about what's coming next, what are some of the things that you're watching for over the next few years that you're trying to get ready for now?

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah, I mean, I think the biggest conversation has been buy on line. Obviously a topic of conversation and we have done some things to kind of position ourselves for that. We've partnered with Earnest awhile back to be able to have a way to receive earnest money digitally. We did that back in April as the pandemic really started.

We went through a digital overhaul, but I feel like 20 20 sped everything up because there wasn't a choice. Appointments were moving virtual and all of these things that were happening, sped up everything that we were working on. So for us, I feel like the biggest focus has been how do we continue to move to the digital direction.

What does that look like for us to be able to go out and get the assets that we're missing virtual tours, renderings of new plans. For us being a [00:23:00] builder that is expanding really rapidly and bringing on new product and things like that it's become so important to make sure that we have assets to support that because as you know, being a builder in a new market having a new product can prove very challenging to sell.

So I think that's been a big initiative to make sure that we stay on top of that. I think as far as for us, and kind of our goals are to make sure that we do keep up with the trends and what that looks like for Davidson and our approach to personalization and so from a design perspective, what things do we continue to add to the website digitally to give the customers, I mean, they want more information and they want it now.

So one of the projects that we're currently working on or undertaking is Davidson Homes app with Nivea Home and so we're really excited about that.

Kind of going back to the conversation earlier yeah before we made the decision to jump into that, it was very much, okay, well, this is going to be a customer experience solution for us who all is involved, who needs to be part of the [00:24:00] conversation to make sure that everybody's bought into this so that as it impacts the sales process or presentation, that they understand the why behind it.

Being able to improve the customer experience from start to finish has also been a really big goal for me and the department, so what does that look like? That's kind of how I feel like my longterm vision has been structured around that of what does it look like to be able to literally take every part of the customer experience and just continue to improve it every year.

So that's kind of how I look at what our goals need to be for this year and next year and the next year in line with the trends that we're seeing in the industry.

Kevin Weitzel: Wait a minute, did you just say continually improve? So you mean to tell me you're going to sit there and tell me that you can't just put a floor plan and a rendering on your website, and then 10 years later still sell the same thing.

Lindsey Tapscott: Again, being new to the industry and kind of the approach that we're taking and how we [00:25:00] kind of look at innovative ways to look at it differently. So of course, I think that as a marketer it's your job to look at your systems and your processes and what you're doing and constantly evaluate those.

I mean, that is your job, you know, we want to push the company forward and that's not going to happen for us to continue to sit in the same old ways of doing things, as people are embracing technology even more so after the past year. There's no going back from that, right? I mean, what happened in 2020 is not going to be like people aren't going to settle back into what they were used to ahead of that.

I mean, I want virtual appointments and they want all these things, being able to tour on their own and all of the things that people rushed to implement. We're not going to back pedal from that. So I think it's making sure as we look to the future, that all of those things are kept in mind too.

Greg Bray: Well, Lindsay, you've shared a lot of great information and experience with us today. We really appreciate it. Just a couple more questions though, before we wrap up, when you're looking for these ideas [00:26:00] and looking ahead, what are some of the sources that you're watching, your source of new ideas.

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah. I love a good conference. I'm excited about the Deconvert conference in August. I'm excited about that. Just went to the Jeff Shore conference. I feel like I'm a conference webinar junkie cause I love to learn and I think that that's such a huge part of also what makes you a good marketer is you don't ever stop learning.

So I think that's also why I decided to jump back into school because I think even direct industry knowledge, but it helps me as a person and grow as a leader and make sure that I'm able to lead my team and help them in the company achieve the things that we want to achieve.

On LinkedIn I follow thought leaders in the industry and listen to all the podcast and even join webinars and if I can't join it live, I'll go back and watch it. I always, always, always gained something from it. It's never a waste of my time. I always think that there's a nugget of information that I can take and apply to something that will help make us better and help us keep improving.

Kevin Weitzel: There's not a home builder [00:27:00] out there that can't say that they don't look at the competition in markets surrounding market, the big movers and shakers out there. Where do you look outside of the industry for any kind of inspiration or new direction pathways?

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah. I'm very heavy into leadership, you know, John Maxwell and just profile and leadership things.

I feel like it's really how I kind of create my department and structure that. We do a lot of team building, and I love to watch all of John Maxwell's. I can apply that. I mean, I apply that. People obviously can't see the podcast, but I have a lot of books that they all kind of take and read a chapter and I'm able to bring that to my team and we kind of sit with maybe a quote at the beginning of it.

 So something that I've read that week and then I'll kind of bring it into the meeting and we'll kind of reflect on that. So that's just how I kind of personally, I might have like three or four books, right like into, within the same week that I'm kind of [00:28:00] just picking up pieces of things that I'm able to apply.

I feel like articles on LinkedIn just about staying yeah up with what is happening in the economy and making sure that that you're reading those things. I mean it's relevant, so stay on top of those kind of things that again, makes you a better marketer and you understand what's going on in your area and for market to market is really important.

Kevin Weitzel: I love your philosophy on to learn and don't ever stop learning because I am the same way. I'm a skimmer I read when I skim, but I've found and you ready for this Greg? I have found that in life, if you just follow the Greg Bray Way, coined by Carol Morgan if you just follow the Greg Bray Way, life is so much easier.

Greg Bray: It's a story beyond the time we have available today and we'll have to see about the editing process. Thank you, Kevin, for bringing that back up.

Kevin Weitzel: Absolutely.

Greg Bray: Well, Lindsay, because we're interested in your way. What last piece of advice do you have for our listeners today? [00:29:00] This is your chance to throw that nugget of wisdom out to them. What do you got for us?

Lindsey Tapscott: Okay. So I have rested in two quotes this year. The first one being in time is not refundable, use it with intention. So be intentional. It's so easy to just get caught up in the rat race, but I think use your time and be intentional with it.

Strive to balance efficiency and to be an effective at the same time. That's something I've kind of really been my theme for the year. Then my second one, I mentioned the leadership at Craig Rochelle. Rochelle is one that I follow a lot too. He posted something recently that has resonated with me and it was the difference between a good leader and a great leader is one who learns to anticipate rather than react. And so that has been something I have really, really, really taught hard this year. Obviously there are going to be some things we can't control, right, but what can we control and how can we be proactive and not reactive.

So I think that that's how I've really tried to get through the last [00:30:00] year. I think those two things have kind of kept me grounded and really helped me try to make sure that we're moving in the right direction. And I think that the next half of the year, I think it's going to be a little bit challenging over the second half of the year, and we're not going to experience exactly what we saw the first half of the year. So just being prepared for that and making sure we don't get caught flat footed thinking that now's the time for us to make sure that we're prepared to finish out the year strong.

Greg Bray: Well, Lindsay, thank you so much for sharing today. If there's folks who want to get in touch with you and connect, what's the best way for them to reach out?

Lindsey Tapscott: Yeah. Lindsey Tapscott on LinkedIn, or I'm never opposed to an email, so L tap Scott at Davidson Homes And I love to collaborate and connect. So, anybody that wants to reach out feel free.

Kevin Weitzel: Thank you so much Lindsey for your time and thank you everybody for listening today to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast.

I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine and I'm Kevin Weitzel with OutHouse. Thank you.


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