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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

71 Adapting Across Cultures for OSCs - Cori Masters

Adapting Across Cultures for OSCs - Cori Masters

Show Notes

Guest Links:

Cori Masters

Beacon Homes

Matt Riley

Royal Oaks Home


Kevin as Fat ElvisUnited States Air ForceMike Masters Royal Oaks, a Division of Mattamy HomesMatt RileyFacebook, Michael Lenaers, LennarM/I Homes, Inc.Jessica DantEric ThornhillMeredith Oliver, CSP, MIRMHHHunt Homes, and Kristin Alexander of HH Hunt.

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This week's on the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Cori Masters of Beacon Homes joined Greg and Kevin to discuss how you can differentiate your company from the other builders by having an OSC with the ability to adapt across cultures.

Cori has over six years of experience as an Online Sales Specialist with proven success. In the past, her expertise has helped contribute to over 60% of overall sales. In addition, Cori's multicultural background has allowed her to navigate the industry, supporting and understanding buyers of different backgrounds. After studying photography in Italy and Japan, Cori and her husband moved to the US, where she started working as an online sales counselor for Royal Oaks Homes. Currently, she works for Beacon Homes in OK while living in Boise, ID. Most recently, she has been involved in developing her builder's Tour Now program and continues to be a part of the Online Sales and Marketing team. You might have seen her on the big virtual stage at IBS earlier this year - where she participated in the session with our friends Kerry Mulcrone and Laura Hanson, called Humanizing the Virtual World. And most recently partnering with Michael Landers Founder of Culture Crossing, Inc. to offer an Online Sales training program.


Greg Bray: Welcome everybody to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. Hi, I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine 

Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse. 

Greg Bray: And we're excited today to welcome Cori Masters, the OSC and marketing coordinator with Beacon Homes who graciously agreed to do our welcome in Spanish today. So welcome Cori. Thanks for joining us.

Cori Masters: Thank you so much for inviting me. 

Greg Bray: So Cori, for those who haven't had a chance to meet you yet, why don't you give us that quick introduction and tell us just a little bit about yourself. 

[00:01:00] Cori Masters: Well, like you said, I am the OSC and marketing coordinator for Beacon Homes. I have been in the industry for about seven years or so, and I was born and raised in Argentina, but I've kind of lived everywhere.

So, you might hear a little crazy accent 

Kevin Weitzel: when you say "live everywhere". Give us, give us a little bit more. What's everywhere included. 

Cori Masters: It includes Italy, Japan, and North Carolina.

Kevin Weitzel:  One of these things is not like the other just kind of comes to Argentina, Italy, Japan, North Carolina. No, I grew up in North Carolina, so I love North Carolina, but, uh, That's great.

Cori Masters: It is very pretty, very cute, cute state. 

Kevin Weitzel: So, Cori, one of the things beyond just places that you've lived, what's a little something that not everybody knows about you, that they can only learn on this podcast

Cori Masters: Well, I always thinking really hard about this [00:02:00] one. And, what I came up with is that I was born and raised in Argentina, which most people assume that I was raised here because how I speak and everything, but I was raised there and all my family still lives there.

And my favorite thing about that is that to me, Christmas should always be on the side. Cause, that's how it, the other side of the world, everything is summer and we stay up and we celebrate until like midnight and we see who's Santa to us. And he comes out at midnight on the 24th. So that's like my most favorite holiday thing in the world.

And we're trying to do that with our kids now. So they get two Christmases, 24th at night and the 25th in the morning. 

Greg Bray: So why did you, what was the reasoning behind going to like Japan and to Italy? What's, what's the thought process behind just saying, Hey, that's where I want to go. Right? 

Cori Masters: It was not me.

It was my parents. So my, my dad is a pilot and [00:03:00] Argentina is a complicated country when it comes to that. The airlines and everything else. So we decided we wanted to go somewhere else where he could have better opportunities. And Italy just came up in the map and we moved there when I was 16. So it's a very, very upset teenager that I was getting taken out of my country and all my friends and upset that I was going to Italy.

 A spoiled little girl. And then, while we were there, I ended up meeting my husband who was in the military. In the U S military. He was stationed in Italy.

Kevin Weitzel: in the military, what branch

Cori Masters:  he was in the air force. 

Kevin Weitzel:  All right, also a pilot?

Cori Masters: No, not at all. No, he, well, he is a pilot now, which is another crazy thing, but he was a military police and he lived far away from the base.

I had no idea there were Americans out there and out of the blue, we met in a little tiny English school where I was helping build their website and he was going there to learn [00:04:00] Italian. And, that's kinda how we met. We started dating. My parents told me Hey,  we're moving to China. And I was like, I'm not doing this again.

I'm not going to China. And I told Mike, and he was like, no, stay with me. Don't go anywhere. I was like super dramatic Italian style, or like Kevin said telanovela style probably. Uh, and then we decided to move in together. We got married eventually and we moved to Japan. And then, he left the military after a few years and we moved to North Carolina where his parents are.

So that's kind of how everything happened. 

Greg Bray That's, that's quite the story, quite a, quite a traveler, I think, you know, we'll dive into that a little bit more cause I think some of those experiences has given you some unique insights into, you know, kind of understanding people, and, and learning how to, connect with them a little differently.

But, before we do that, tell us how you kind of went on that journey, how you ended up in homebuilding. 

Cori Masters: Yeah. So funny enough, my [00:05:00] mother-in-law has always been a realtor in different states and when we moved to North Carolina yeah. I think I was 20 or 21. I was still like a baby. And with all the traveling and everything I had done, since I was a kid, I hadn't gone to college.

I had done a bunch of online courses and different things, and I was very interested in the cinema, but move into North Carolina. There was like no opportunity there for me to do anything related to movies or script writing or anything like that. So I went into photography and then out of the blue, we walked into a beautiful model.

And, because it was the parade of homes weekend. We moved right in October and I met this sweet lady and she was like, my company's great. You should look at it. And I was like, I want to buy this home, but I don't have a job. My husband doesn't have a job. We just got out of the military. We don't know what we want to do in life.

And she was like, look us up. We're a great company. We get great training. I look it up. I find an ad for online sales counselor, which I had no idea what it was, but it was for Royal Oaks Homes, which was the [00:06:00] company I had fallen in love with based on their homes. It was like a Saturday at midnight. I apply.

And then I get an email from Matt Riley actually right back to me. Hi, thanks for applying. Please fill out this like 35 question questionnaire and send it back to us. And I was like, I'm on it. And I said that back at like 2:00 AM and we started interviewing and that was like, Maybe like a two months? No, maybe like a a month interview process.

And I got the job and I loved it.

Greg Bray: Wait a minute. How many questions were on this questionnaire? 

Cori Masters: It was like 35. It was so long. And then I told him, I was like, cool. Why did you care about like all this stuff? And he was like, basically, because. And this is funny, but the job ad was like online sales counselor, all their responsibilities pay said up to like $120,000.

And I was like, this is crazy. And then an experience in education. It said, no educate, no college degree, no nothing. So he was like, [00:07:00] we would always get all these people. Would apply and expect us to follow up with them and nobody would follow through with a simple questionnaire. So his main thing was why would we, why would we like spend time trying to do something for people that don't even want to fulfill a questionnaire when you're supposed to be.

applying for a job. And so that was the main reason behind that.

Kevin Weitzel: That's nothing though, because I sent Matt Riley, a friend request, I don't know, about four or five years ago. He sent me a 60 question questionnaire just to be his friend on Facebook

Cori Masters: . He's very particular. You have to like apple to be his friend.

Otherwise he can't be here.

Greg Bray: Oh, that's, that's a fascinating story. And I didn't realize that you were that connected to Matt, so that's great.

Cori Masters: Oh, yeah, he was my first boss we set like right across from each other all day long. So yeah, he was great. 

Greg Bray: So tell us, then you've seen a lot of change in the whole [00:08:00] OSC kind of landscape over the last few years.

You know, that, that was kind of a, probably a little bit of a newer position when you were starting. And now it's, a critical position that everybody talks about. Of course, I'm still amazed how many builders don't have, which is still kind of, kind of shocking, based on some recent research I saw, but tell us some of the things that you've seen change and evolve in that role and the responsibilities that since you kind of got started.

Cori Masters: Yeah. So I think a big thing that happened within a year or two that I started was. Most companies only had one person doing the job. And we were always working every single day, weekends, all crazy hours within a year of me starting, like it was insanely busy. And then we started seeing the rise of the OSC teams.

So that was great. And then from. if I had to compare that to today, taking out COVID and everything that's been crazy, people are just much more response responsive. So getting [00:09:00] 50 to a hundred leads in the past was very manageable. Very cool. For just one person you could do your job very well.

And now 50 to a hundred leads are in a month period. Right? They're very responsive. They email you before you even have a chance to call them. So it's very different from them. 

Kevin Weitzel: So do you find, cause Beacon Homes you're in Oklahoma now, right? Yes. Okay. So with beacon homes being an OSC, do you find that being bilingual is a major benefit?

Like, do you have a large, uh, Latino or Spanish speaking, uh, client base that would benefit from you being a real hold on full conversations in Spanish 

Cori Masters: Unfortunately, not so much in Oklahoma. Surprisingly, I saw more benefits to me. Speaking Spanish here in Boise. Idaho is actually live in Boise, Idaho. I don't live in Oklahoma.

So I work remotely for them, but in Boise we would get many more like Spanish speakers. Customers when I worked over here [00:10:00] and that was very helpful. And in North Carolina in the Raleigh area too, was very good. I would, I, there was one lady I helped from like when she requested information from the website all the way through closing.

I mean, I was there at the closing table with her and it was very rewarding for me and for her. Cause she didn't thought she could buy a home. And, there was a lot of things we could do to help her, but we had to help with the lender and translating for her what she needed. So that was great. It was one of my favorite experiences during this job for sure.

Greg Bray: Do you feel like builders need to do a better job at reaching out in general to folks from different cultural backgrounds that maybe they aren't paying attention to with kind of their online presence and their OSC programs? 

Cori Masters: Yeah, I think sometimes the hardest thing is that we are wired to think that people think the same way we do.

And people don't. So there's things that work really well for a person that was born and [00:11:00] raised here in the us, or that has been here since they were little and things that wouldn't work for people like my parents who were born and raised in a different country and like people from Argentina as if it's the smallest example.

That to me was huge when I moved here and I saw people were buying homes every three to five years. I was like, why are people buying it? Why are you not staying at your home? What's wrong with your home? And because in Argentina, you buy a home. You buy it as your forever home, and you're going to renovate that thing and you're going to end the dream of buying a home is you see yourself growing old in that home and you see the memories you're going to make.

So it's a very long lengthy process and there's a lot of thought behind it. And there's a lot of like future projection in that home. So I think sometimes as Americans or as marketers, we have to think about how do other people. What do other people expect to do in this home [00:12:00] and to other people it's not just a three to five-year investment.

And that word is so different when you think about buying a home in a different country. So that was that. I think that would be huge. If people could understand that other people think differently and expect different things from their home they could market them differently to them too. 

Greg Bray: So I know that that you've actually been working a little bit on training.

Teach people, some of these ideas, tell us a little bit more about, you know, how you go about trying to open the eyes of other builders and OSC's to, you know, how to communicate with. 

Cori Masters: Yeah. So this is something that Michael, who's  I'm working with to create this program he's been doing for years, and he's worked with huge builders like Lenore and M I, and he has a bunch of different training courses for for people to help understand buyers from different backgrounds.

So what we did is we decided to take some of those teachings and courses that he had and convert them to online sales, because. All [00:13:00] their training weekend from online sales is the very important basics. Like how do you answer a phone? What are the scripts you should use? But there's so many people like me who have been doing this for a while, that you kind of have the basics already and how the, and to me, the biggest thing is how do you get better at being different?

Because there's so many OSC's right now, pretty much. Everyone has an OSC. So how do you get different? How can you differentiate your company? How can you be better? So I have a lot of passion for helping people understand each other because I was there doing that for my parents. When we moved to Italy, they didn't speak Italian, but being my little sisters did.

So we were the ones like helping with the rental process and how to buy a car. So like all that empathy comes from that place. In my life. Um, so I reached out to Michael, who I had heard at IBS like 7, 6, 6 years ago or so. And I told him, is this something that I love what you're saying? This is great.

And he was like, do you want to do a course for [00:14:00] OCS? And that's kind of what we came up with. And, um, I love it. It's very interesting. And he has so much experience that every time I talk to him, I'm like mindful. 

Greg Bray: So tell us then Cori, give us a little taste because some of the things that are in there, you know, more specifics as far as how do you become.

Better. How do you differentiate from the other builders and what are some of the tips that you're sharing intercourse? Don't give it all away. Will make them have to go to the whole class, but 

Kevin Weitzel:  how do you become a Cori Master? 

Cori Masters: Well, you can't, but no, I'm just joking. No, I would say from my experience, the most important things are.

I would say number one would be to have a lot of empathy for people that you can't understand when they're talking to you on the phone. And I know it can be super frustrating because you're like, I thought a lot of people have the mentality of, oh, you're here. You should speak English really well.

And. To them, they probably are trying and they're trying their best and they might not have had the [00:15:00] best education on how to speak a different language. Right. And there, they have the courage because it takes a lot of courage to pick up the phone and try to speak in a different language over the phone.

So try to think about that when you're talking to someone that doesn't express themselves the best way. Right. That's how I always think about it. When I talk to people that I cannot understand because. Different language that I don't speak. I'm like, slow down. Take your time. My best tips for talking to people that don't speak English very well would be slow down, try to itemize things in a very concise way.

Like, if you want to set an appointment, the first thing we would do would be one, set an appointment, figure out a time and just try to like use very short sentences, no slang words or things that could be. Misconstrue like my mom is super funny. Like if you tell her, get out of here, she [00:16:00] would literally think, oh, get out of here.

Why is someone telling me to get out of here? She wouldn't understand that. Meaning, you know the joke. Oh, get outta here. So try not to use words like that or phrasal verbs that way. And then, if you are in a market where you're getting a lot of people from certain, like even states, Greg, you probably know North Carolina right now is full of people from New York.

And what they expect from a home in New York is not what we could build in North Carolina. So we had to figure it out. How do we get the information of what they need the home for and not what they think they want? Like they wanted a basement, you can get a basement. So why are you going to use that basement?

That type of thing, so those are my tips. I don't know if that helps

Kevin Weitzel: you tell me you, in North Carolina, you can't build a 400 square foot apartment that rents for $1.8 million a year. 

Cori Masters: No, we can't

Greg Bray:  [00:17:00] Cori Cori. I spent a couple years in, in Germany when I was younger and learned German.

I do remember. That as I was trying to learn a language, speaking on the phone was the hardest part of speaking because you lose the visual cue. That go along that nonverbal communication that you depend on so much more and it's just, the audio is not quite as clear and, and some of those things.

Yeah. So, so a question for you. Do, you get to the point, if you're trying to slow down and, and talk to somebody because you can tell that they're, you know, when does it become. Offensive that you are, I'm talking slowly so you can understand me or something like that, you know? Cause I don't want to be offensive to this person or use small words because I can't understand, or whatever, you know, any thoughts on that?

Cori Masters: Yeah. And I would say sometimes that's a lot in our head said that we feel like we're being rude to them. [00:18:00] And I think if you're being able to have a conversation with them and you feel like they're relaxing and they're like opening up to you, you're doing a great job. If that is not working.

My other advice would be to ask them to take the conversation over a text or. Because that way they will have the opportunity to translate that on Google translate or show it to a friend of them that speaks English better or even their kids. So sometimes if you feel like it's not working out, if you can communicate or you think they're, they're thinking that you're being disrespectful, sometimes it's easier to say, Hey.

I have a meeting coming up. Is it okay if I email you that information? Or can we text is texting okay for you and they, most of the time, I don't think I've ever had someone say no, stay on the phone would be, I think they're always very much enjoy the opportunity to do, like you said, visual cues of, of words that they can translate.

And they can take their own [00:19:00] time to write back to us telling us what they really need. And that's super helpful. 

Kevin Weitzel: No, that's a, that's a great insight taking it into the written word does change the communication. Now sometimes it can add another layer of confusion, but you know, but at least, at least they can have time to wordsmith that a little bit more.

For sure. 

Cori Masters: Yeah. And the other thing I would say is sometimes even if you had a good phone conversation, make sure you send an email with everything. Like I said summarized again because sometimes people think they understood what you said and they forget. So it's super simple. If you just say, well, this is what we talked about.

This is all the info. I hope this helps. And just put it in very simple terms. And that tends to be something very helpful for my parents. For example. 

Greg Bray: I'm going to say that that's probably helpful even for native English speakers, because there's people that don't listen very good sometimes and think they understood and they missed a step somewhere in the process.

Cori Masters: So [00:20:00] the training we're doing is also for different different age groups. I wouldn't say I'm a young or old millennial, but I'm a millennial. And sometimes it's hard to communicate with people that are older than me and the fact that they love being on the phone. And I don't love being on the phone for hours.

So, a lot of the training is that to understanding how to communicate with different people, well, backgrounds, different ages. Countries, different states. So I hope that helps. 

Kevin Weitzel: Do you find that you are easier to pivot when it comes to cultural issues and to further expand on that question? When I worked in the automobile industry, When Indians from India would come in you know, the sales guys would avoid them like the plague and they avoided them because they didn't understand their negotiating technique.

And in India, proper, it's very common to just offer. A much lower rate than what the person is asking. And that's just the way it is then it's just some back and forth. And nine times out of 10, you wind up landing on the original number anyway, and then it's all [00:21:00] done, but they would have bought it.

And I sold almost exclusively. I would go grab them because I'm like, I know the game they play. So it just comes down to understanding the game that they're playing, because it's part of the culture of where they come from. And even like, when you go down to Tijuana and Mexico, The way you purchase things there, isn't it the same way you purchase in a mall in Phoenix.

So do you find that you're able to pivot better to match those cultural differences because of your life experiences? And can you teach it?

Cori Masters: I think most of it comes down to what your willingness to understand and educate yourself. Cause it's like you said, Kevin, it's clear in your head that in their culture, this is 100% acceptable and expected.

If you don't think . It's kind of a disrespect to themselves. Like, oh, I could have gotten a much better deal, but I did it. So, I'm a disgrace and that's the way that it happens in China to where my parents live. It's kind of crazy. But [00:22:00] that's their culture. So it, comes down to understanding the people ou're talking to, and like you said, you knew they were coming from India, so you probably did some research and you figure out how to understand them. So I think this, and that's part of our training with Michael. We talked to builders and we figured out what are some of the problem areas that you are facing?

Is that people of different age groups, is that people coming from different countries? What is it? And he has a huge amount of resources. To go back to and, and learn from. And then we come up with a training for that. So that's kind of what, what we've been doing, but yeah, that's a great example. 

Greg Bray: So Cori, when you think about, you know, just the OSC position in general, what are some common mistakes. You see OSC's making out there now, as you start to talk to them, whether it's about cultural communication or just in general, any commonalities you see that people are opportunities where we can improve? 

Cori Masters: Well, I think if you were an OSC starting in 2019, [00:23:00] 2020, you're going to think this job is a super fun and fast and, and you make a lot of money and it's easy.

And right now a lot of people are getting into the point. Oh, but I don't have any new leads and it's like, no, you have a database full of people. So go, go search through them. So it depends on when you started as an OSC, but most of the, the biggest problem I'm finding lately is that everyone's still using the same templates that I use when I started seven years ago.

And a lot of it is honestly not the OSC's fault, but it's management's fault for not allowing the OSC to have some, creativity and, and. Yep. I'm throwing the management down. Can you please say that again? I see you're giving them so much trust by letting them take care of your lead to are so expensive and you're letting them take those $300 of every single lead that comes in.

So give them the opportunity to. Try out different templates. It's the internet. You can [00:24:00] try things out for a week or so, or three weeks. See if it works. If it doesn't work, change it back to the way they were. But I think that's when I was at OSU, I was so thankful that I had good management and every company I've been with that listened and was like, okay, let's try it.

Let's try it out. See if it works, doesn't work, let's try something different. But I've known of so many that are like, I can't touch this. URM, I don't have privileges in this year. I'm to do anything. I can't even go out and take pictures of the community because it's not approved by marketing. So just trust your OSC, please.

Kevin Weitzel: been pitching this to Greg for quite some time. I said, Hey, drag me into this box. You said I'm not supposed to use profane language on here. And I told him, I said, let's try something new. Let me just go to town and just cuss and cuss, and cuss. And he just says, no. 

Cori Masters: Well, there's some research behind that

Greg Bray: research, research about Kevin specifically. 

Cori Masters: But, [00:25:00] you know, people are craving authenticity. And I was actually talking to Jessica yesterday. She was showing us a beautiful template. She has, That kind of puts kangaroos in it. You should ask her about it. It's super fun. And people respond to that every single time, because it's funny and you're not expecting it.

You probably getting the, how should we proceed email that everyone else is using.

Greg Bray: help me understand where the kangaroos fit in.

Cori Masters: I didn't explain that. Well, and like her last email let me find that it's super funny. It says something like, are you okay? We haven't heard from you. We heard that there's like wild kangaroos, shall we call animal control or something like that? It is super funny.  

Kevin Weitzel:  I use something like that. So a lot of people know that I can grow ridiculous looking sideburns and I have on occasion dressed up as fat Elvis. So one of my phones quiet on me and some people listening have [00:26:00] received this email.

What do I have to do to schedule a meeting with you? Do I have to dress up as fat Elvis cause I'd do it

Cori Masters: That's awesome. And you probably get responses every time, even if it's like, no, leave me alone, but then you get something

Kevin Weitzel: it's 50, 50

Greg Bray: the occasional restraining restraining order that comes through. Oh, that's no.

Okay. Now I understand where the kangaroos fit in that that's helpful. That's helpful. 

Cori Masters: But it's, it's all of them, it's their idea, but it's wonderful and it's authentic and people reply to it. And even if it's just to clean up your database, it's so helpful. 

Kevin Weitzel: So being that we are the digital marketing podcast and you are an on the ground boots on the ground, in the trenches, OSC, what tech that.

Beacon Homes offers that they have, that they offer to their client base. What tech do you find the most beneficial or several platforms that you might find the most beneficial to aiding you in your job? 

Cori Masters: I think [00:27:00] as far as tech goes that we offer to people, I would say they're loving interactive floor plans and the interactive map.

Just knowing, like I can build this on here is the most helpful thing in the universe to them. 

Kevin Weitzel: What's an, a loaded question, Greg. I've honestly, I love the answer, but I honestly was just looking for what the answer, what the answer you were going to give and that there are two of the things that we produce it's for the time.

What about, what about just ease of navigation on the website? Cause when I've researched, you know, potential clients, you know, for interact for planes renderings or whatever, you know, sometimes their websites are just Junk Ola. So how important is it, you know, as an OSC for your website to be navigable? 

Cori Masters: Oh, it's, it's huge.

I mean, I can't express that. I can't say how much it is important to us because it's the biggest tool we have, it, to me, it's like at this point, it's like a basic, if, when I. Was interviewed for every company I worked for. The [00:28:00] first thing I do as an OSC is go to their website and I figure out, is it a website that is going to give me leads?

Yes or no? And in my first interview, if this is funny with beacon, I told them your website is really good. There's so few things we can do here and there that we can change so I can get better leads. If that doesn't happen. I don't think I can work for you because I won't be able to make money and you won't get the best use out of me.

And Eric, our owner was like, I love that. Let's make this happen. I was like, okay, good. I'm glad you think that way. Otherwise, this was over at this point in time, 

Greg Bray: the OSC is that you talked to Cori, do you feel like they have influence over, you know, website improvements and changes or is it a, is a missed opportunity for a lot of builders where they're not getting their feedback?

Cori Masters: Hit and miss you have some really good companies. I would listen. And then you have some companies that they don't care about what the OSC has to say. They think their marketing company or their developer [00:29:00] is better than, than the OSC and they don't care to listen. And it's really sad because we know what people are looking at and we know.

Concerns we know their problems. We know what we struggle with to show them how to get to a floor plan. With the interactive floor plans and maps. Right now, we don't even have them on our website, which is like SAC religious, but at the same time, it's a really good source of leads for me because they call me and ask, can I see your map?

Can you tell me where I can find what lots are available? And then I send them the link to our interactive map and they that's a way to get their email, their phone number there. So I'm kind of debating. Do I want to add it to it and those, those potential leads or are we not really losing anyone? So it's another one of those things we'll have to try out and see what happens.

Greg Bray: Yeah. I think the secret to that Cori is tested, right? Because, the problem with anecdotal data like that of just your experiences, what you don't know is how many people didn't call because you didn't. Yeah. Right. The ones who called you were good leads [00:30:00] because they really wanted that information.

And that's the challenge, right. Is when something's not on the website, how many people move on? And don't call or don't reach out. And that's, and that's one of the pieces where we have to test, like, you were already talking about testing templates and messages and everything else. So it's the same thing, applies to the website and trying new features and, and seeing how that works.

Cori Masters: Yeah. Which is what I always tell management when they're like, whoa, why would we put a picture on the website of you? And I'm like, we'll test that out. See if more people are going to call in and yeah. Put different pictures, not just one that looks like a stock photo of a random lady, but different pictures of me.

So they know it's a real person 

Kevin Weitzel: for a very small fee. Builders can have a photo of me dressed as fat Elvis

Greg Bray: I thought that was like a really expensive fee. Kevin. I know it's free. You heard it here first, you can get a photo of Kevin free of charge. All right, Cori, we want to be mindful of your time.

You've shared a lot with us today [00:31:00] and we really appreciate that. Um, just a couple more questions though, as we, as we wrap up when you look ahead, how do you stay current with new ideas and new things? What are some of the sources you look to to get inspiration? 

Cori Masters: well, I, I think well the home builder, digital marketing podcast is my number one source, but I really love listening to podcasts.

It's like, it's a number one thing to do when I'm not working. And I'm washing dishes after my kids go to bed, I put something on and listen to it as I'm doing chores and stuff. So podcasts are wonderful. I love the Hometown build their townhome. That's the name of it from Meredith? I love watching that.

And then I say my biggest resources are my other OSC friends that I've come to known and grown with them within the industry. And we talk all the time. Like, what are you seeing? What are you doing? What's going on with your side of the world? And, that's huge, definitely [00:32:00] staying in touch with them.

Kevin Weitzel: I want you to call out one super bad-ass rock rockstar. Top of mind who comes to mind right now? 

Cori Masters: Freddy Mercury? 

Kevin Weitzel: No, no. Okay. Well, there we go. So here's the cultural difference? I, asked for rockstar, I just met somebody that's really good at their job. Not necessarily an actual

right there. You shouldn't use slang. Somebody that's super awesome at being an OSC. One of your peers, who would you lose top of mind? Doing such an awesome job that, wow. 

Cori Masters: Well, she doesn't get it. Recognition much cause she's really shy. And her name is Kristen Alexander. She works at HHS Homes in Virginia.

She is awesome. I worked with her when I was there in, well, she actually works for the Raleigh division, but I worked with her very closely. And she's one of those people that you tell her what we have to do, and this is how it works and she gets to it and she does it. And [00:33:00] she's great. She has great customer service.

She's always down to try new ideas. And she's not afraid of change, so she's awesome. She's one of the best. 

Greg Bray: And now that she's a shy, that we've called her out and she's going to get all these people calling her and she's not going to know why.

Cori Masters: No, she's awesome. 

Greg Bray: Cori, do you have any last thoughts or pieces of advice that you wanted to share with our audience today? Before we wrap up? 

Cori Masters: Not much just know your basic, the basics of your job know the job, know them really well and then try to be different and have empathy, 

Greg Bray: have empathy, love that love 

Cori Masters: Hm. 

Greg Bray: Well, Cori, if somebody does want to become one of your new, uh, online friends and connect with you, what's the best way for them to get in touch

Cori Masters: they can find me on Facebook or LinkedIn. And they can even email me too. I'm always available to talk and I'll talk your ear off about all my stuff, so be ready.

Greg Bray: Awesome. Awesome. Well, thanks again for [00:34:00] participating and joining us today and thank you everybody for listening today to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine and 

Kevin Weitzel:  I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse

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