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In this week's episode of The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Greg and Kevin chat with Jason Forrest of Forrest Performance Groups. They discuss his method of 'Survive, Thrive and Win' and how to sell emotionally, not circumstantially.
Jason Forrest lives on the leading edge of the consulting industry. Jason established his speaking and training career as a top 1% sales professional. Still, as he trained others, he realized something the rest of the training industry had yet to understand: the sales techniques widely taught at conferences and seminars were installing mental limitations in others, not removing them. That's when Jason took matters into his own hands, completely disrupting the training industry by becoming the first training company to change behavior.
This philosophy led his Warrior Selling and Leadership Sales Coaching programs to be ranked in the top 10 World's Top Sales Development Programs by Global Gurus. His transformative and one-of-a-kind training programs have rightfully earned him his spot in the top 5 of the World's Top 30 Sales Professionals for 2021, alongside Grant Cardone, Brian Tracy, and more. In addition, Jason's success in his sales and leadership coaching programs has pushed him to explore beyond regular training by adding a recruiting arm to his company. FPG finds the most dynamic, culture-fitting, goal-oriented, motivated, and unleashed sales candidates by using the world's premier workplace behavioral assessment.
Greg Bray: [00:00:00]Hello. Hi everybody and welcome to today's episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine
Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse
Greg Bray: And we are excited today to welcome to the show. Jason Forrest, the CEO of Forrest Performance Group. Thanks for joining us, Jason. Welcome.
Jason Forrest: Thank you for having me I'm excited to talk about all things sales and home building. All the craziness that's going on in the world right now. We'll talk about it all.
Greg Bray: It's definitely a unique time for sure. But before we dive into all that, Jason, just for the [00:01:00] couple of people who may not have heard of you yet, why don't you give us that a short introduction?
Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Jason Forrest: Sure. So, I'm officially 42, 43 here coming up. But in all seriousness, I, since the age of 22 or 23, I've been in the home building sales world. And I started my company about 15 years ago. I had one main intention and that was to be the first sales training company out there that was created from a practitioner's point of view versus a philosopher's point of view.
I think a lot of, a lot of sales training unfortunately, has been created by those that can't do teach. And I wanted to be a practitioner based sales organization. So one of the things that we commit we're committed to is a hundred percent of what we teach our clients to do are things that I have field tested.
I am currently doing. So if I tell people to say a certain thing on a, on a using LinkedIn, or if I tell people to create a certain selfie video and send it to a prospect, it's because I've already done [00:02:00] it. And I think that's very important to do.
Kevin Weitzel: So that's the business side of Jason. So outside of puppies, long walks in the park beach, excursions of being one of the sharpest dressed people in the entire industry.
Please tell our audience something about you that they'll only learn on this podcast.
Jason Forrest: So now only learn on this podcast. That Mary and I, my wife and I are martial artist. We've already seen her speak as well at IBS in different places and sales rally. We're both big members of the unity church. How about that? That works. Unity church. The unity church philosophy is that everything is great and we can, we can learn from everything we can learn from Buddha.
We can learn from Jesus. We can learn. Muhammad and Moses and everyone, all the great teachers are there and we can learn from everyone. How about that? That's stuff that you wouldn't know about me. I didn't know.
Kevin Weitzel: I honestly thought you were going to go into jewelry cause I happen to know you have a heavy jewelry background, so, but that works too.
Greg Bray: you go. So, Jason, you told us a little bit [00:03:00] about kind of how you got started, but what attracted you initially into the home building industry? How did you kind of decide that that was the area that you wanted to spend your time?
Jason Forrest: I mean, it was real simple. So the simple story is I was a stockbroker.
I was making a hundred cold calls a day. I was horrible at it, even though I did pass all my testing on my series seven and 21 days and et cetera, et cetera. But I just, I really failed at that career. My main reason why I failed is because my ego was way bigger than it is right now, back then.
And I really felt that I knew what I was doing out of college and I was better than the people that were actually successful. I was making $36,000 a year, but couldn't sell stocks to anyone. And so my boss came in one day and said, Hey, after two years of you grinding it and working hard and I'm to you, I'd never seen it.
Seen the guy works so hard to be so bad at this. He said, so he said so if you could figure out a lower your ego and, humble yourself and be coached by people. You know, that are better at you than I think you'll be very successful, at your [00:04:00] life. Cause you work really, really hard. And that was a very big kind of awakening moment for me you know, I just always thought that the hardest working person was the one that was the most successful.
And that's just kinda how my internal belief was wired. And that's part of it. You have to be the hardest working, but you also have to be the wisest as well, and you have to be humble and you have to be coachable. and some, sometimes if you're, if you're working, if you're working really, really hard doing the wrong thing that's not very good.
Right. So, that's what I learned. And, so immediately I decided to go, I had a choice career choice and I wanted to go either the real estate home sales, my brother-in-law was working for a builder at the time. And I also want to go into pharmaceuticals. My father had a career in pharmaceuticals.
I interviewed a both and chose home sales
Greg Bray: and the rest, as they say is history. Yeah. There you go. All right. So how long did you work for a builder before you decided you wanted to get into the, [00:05:00] kind of the coaching side and training side?
Jason Forrest: so I had a couple of years, onsite, and then I had a couple of years, two or three years as a manager, and then from there, and then I was the national sales trainer for Richmond American Home.
So a couple of years of sales person, few years of sales manager, and then a few years as is the head of sales training for MDC holdings, Richmond American homes.
Greg Bray: Cool. So tell us then, you talked a little bit earlier about, it's kind of a crazy time right now in home building, you know what, from that sales perspective, what are you seeing these buyers, asking for that's different or they're what they're expecting.
That's kind of new and what what's kind of making that so crazy for the sales team right now.
Jason Forrest: Yeah. Well, I think the biggest thing right now, That. And I talked about a lot of this actually with Kevin, I believe a year ago when COVID was going on, you know, and I wrote this book on how to sell through the coronavirus and my whole thing was around that.
And I actually kind of predicted a lot of the [00:06:00] stuff. If you remember, Kevin, I talked about how that we had this crazy pent up demand right now, because back when it first started, people thought I was nuts. And I said, it's because people didn't sign up to spend 24 7 with their kids. They didn't sign up to spend 24 7 with their significant other.
They thought they were going to be married after five, until nine o'clock at night when it's bedtime and maybe a couple of hours on the weekend, they didn't spend, they didn't sign up to be married 24 7. And so all of a sudden this coronavirus thing kind of forced everyone to say, you know what?
I want to entirely totally different house that. And if I think if I can, if I get entirely different house, it can change. You know, it can change my view of my life right now when it comes to being a parent or it becomes to being a husband or wife. And then, so that's really what, you know, to me, that's the big catalyst that obviously it's happened.
Right? And so now we've got this huge pent up demand and people, and it's not, you know, letting go. I personally think that, you know, and I'm a trainer, but I believe [00:07:00] this is, I think sales warriors, which is what I call them sales warriors. I think there are protective.
Of people making the right decisions in life and a protector of their builder's profit margins. But I think it's extremely important for them to still sell emotionally and not circumstantially, which I know is very difficult to do in this time. And I understand the task, but you know, customer comes in and, they want the home because everyone else wants the home, you know, and they're trying to buy the home because they're afraid of missing.
And, I think that's going to hurt them in the long run. I think that's going to affect it. You're already seeing it. You're already seeing the most recent report came out that 60% of people that are buying houses right now, actually regret the decision they made. I read a report recently on USA today that said that.
So that means they're not buying it because this home will improve my life. They're buying it because you know, it's like the last thing it's, it's like my last option. And, and so I think we have an interesting kind of perfect storm that's [00:08:00] coming. And so my advice would be to practice the art and science of, of selling to people.
So when a customer comes in, I think they should speak the truth to them. And then I think they should say, you know, look, you know, I know it's a frantic time right now. I know it's a crazy time, but my, my best advice for you right now is, is don't, don't get overwhelmed with the fear of missing out. And, you know, let's see if we can find a home for you that really improves your life, the most, a home that's worth you moving forward with today.
And let's see if we can do that. The sales warrior needs to add some rationality to things and be prepared to tell a person to not buy something. If it's not right.
Kevin Weitzel: And I assume that a lot of this is covered in your most recent book, The Mindset.
Jason Forrest: Well, no, well, not really, the mindset of the sales warrior, this was written in 2019.
Right. So the book you're referring to, so the mindset of the sales warrior talks about the psychological leashes that hold people back right from right. From a sales person. So we all have these leashes of a story, which [00:09:00] is, you know, the economy and the circumstances that are going on or a rule I need to see feel, or hear this in order to move the sale forward or a reluctance.
I don't want to come across too pushy or maybe a self-image, you know, I don't really identify myself as a sales warrior. I'm more of a sales helper. So that's the more of the mindset side. The book that I wrote last year in March of code. Was how to sell to the coronavirus. And that was more how to provide certainty during uncertain times.
What I'm referring to now is more just stuff that we're teaching our clients right now, which is you need to be the voice of truth to your customers and just in, and don't be just an order taker. So meaning that you need to speak to customers and speak true to them. That says, look, I know it's really easy to get carried away and it's really easy.
Just to settle for something, but if we can, let's really make sure that we understand what you're trying to buy here. And what outcome do you have? What are you trying to improve? What are you trying to get away from? And let's make sure that we can find the right overall [00:10:00] solution for you to do that.
Greg Bray: So Jason, you said to start selling emotionally and not, what was the other word did not circumstance circumstantially. So the difference then being, if I'm understanding correctly, is, is more about not being the order taker, but rather really understanding what their needs are, what they're looking for and making sure it's matching with the right the right home.
Set of circumstances. Is that kind of the difference between that or so?
Jason Forrest: Yeah, so circumstances, there's two types of circumstances, right? There are circumstances on the kind of the customer's end, which is, you know they just sold their house and they've got to find something new, right? So there, they got to get into something or school's about to start.
And so that's circumstances on their end new job, new location. There are circumstances on our end which has to do with, you know, we're starting a new neighborhood and, we're launching strong or we've got one home remaining of a certain type or one home remaining and a certain community or [00:11:00] one home or any period of the city or the circumstances of the interest rates are changing, you know, or prices are going up, whatever those are circumstances.
Gotcha. Okay. Emote that's circumstantial urgency, and then there's emotional energy. An emotional urgency is the desire to improve one's life. And, why is a person like really buying a house? And if you say, okay, why are you really buying this house? And if their answer is well, because I just, you know, I'm afraid if I don't get this one, I'm going to miss out on any home.
Like, that's a, that's a completely circumstantial answer. I need them to say, I want this home because. It feels the best because it, when at the first time I saw it, I just knew, I knew it was what our home needed to be in the next chapter of our life. Like it needs to be that. And I think this is a perfect time for salespeople to, to practice the skill of that, because here's the thing team is that.
And [00:12:00] everyone please listen to this is that a sales warrior does not need to do everything I'm saying to do right now in order to make $300,000 a year, they don't need to do any of what I just said. But they were gonna, they were going to need to do everything that I say in 2022. And that's my prediction.
My prediction is in 2022, we're going to, it's going to look a lot like 2008. That's my prediction. Now a lot of people think I'm nuts but businesses there's a seven year economic cycle. That happens period. So the last economic cycle was 2015, not every market. But oil and gas went from a hundred dollars, a barrel at $20.
A barrel. A lot of markets were affected in 2015, 7 years before that 2008, seven years for that 2001, continuing on people. If you look at all the stats we've got over a million foreclosures are gonna be dumping into the market. At the end of this year, we've got inflation right now. That's four to 5%.
The only way to our only way to offset inflation is to raise interest rates. If interest rates go from three to [00:13:00] 6%, a builder has to adjust. Their house by 30% to make the house the same, the same affordability, which it's not, they're not capable of doing you say so we're going to have an interesting, an interesting circumstance in the future that is going to require a sales warrior to sell to people emotionally, not circumstantially.
The best time to practice that skill set is to do day when they don't need to not a year from now, when it's going to be here.
Kevin Weitzel: I agree with you a hundred percent. I don't think it's going to be quite as gloomy as 08. I do think that we will see a downtick and the rockstars are going to outshine the people that are just filling a butt in a seat, you know, fill in a space on the seat.
So what do you say to the sales profession out there. That is literally right now, just an order taker. I don't care how polished you are, how fantastic you are with your sales pitch or your close ratios right now. You don't have to do anything. You literally just [00:14:00] go. Yes, I have a host. You can, you can buy it.
One of 50 people that want the same house. So what is your advice to a salesperson sales professional to stay active when there is no activity for them to stay.
Jason Forrest: So it would be still another sounds nuts, but it would still be like still practice as if, as if you, as if you have to actually, if you have to sell this way, you know?
So, so for example, you know, so we teach a process called the 5, 4, 3. So customer comes in and, and they're looking for a certain home. No problem. I want to do my absolute best to narrow down and to help you as much as I possibly can. There's a few reasons why people looking for a home it's either this or this.
I'm curious, what's most important to you? You know, I mean, the idea is like practice, they're selling message, practice. They're selling process as much as they can. Fast forward. How about contract customers under contract? We've got a ton of customers right now that the problem is, is that, you know, the pricing keeps going up.
Obviously, you know, we got some builders have escalation clauses, assemblers don't have escalation clauses. I can talk about how to sell against [00:15:00] either against either one of them right now. You know, you've got builders that, you know, there's tremendous delays. A person, you know, was going to buy a house and thought it would be ready in nine months.
Now it's gonna be ready for 18 months. You know, these are all selling moments. So they, so you, you got to still practice your craft on a customer thought they were going to buy a house in nine months and it's really going to take 24 months or whatever it is. Okay. Well, what do you need to say to that customer to keep them in love with you to keep them in love with the home?
And, they need to practice that because all of those skills, all of those messages are what they're going to use when they're not trying to keep a customer happy, which is what they're doing now, but they're going to use it to actually make money next year. Next, they don't even make money doing that today.
They just need to do that to be, to make it where it's not a headache for them right now. It's just a headache. It's more of an annoyance that customers are coming in and saying, Hey, I thought I could buy a house in nine months and now it's taken 18. And they got to like sell through that. That's not gonna affect their [00:16:00] income.
These customers are still going to stay on. Right. But, they're gonna actually have the need that message in 12 months to actually make money. And that's what I mean by that is practice today. It's like the Navy seals have the greatest quote, right? One of the mantras and the Navy seals, I talked about my mindset book is you train in times of peace, so you don't get bloody in war.
You trained in times of peace, so you don't get bloody and more,
Kevin Weitzel: they stole that from the Marines.
Jason Forrest: Maybe they did. I don't know.
Kevin Weitzel: just kidding. I don't know. I got a lot of respect for my Navy brothers.
Jason Forrest: I didn't know your Marine.
Kevin Weitzel: Yeah. Eight years sniper United States Marine Corps
Jason Forrest: . That's awesome. That's awesome.
So I think that's important. Right. And does that fall true?
Kevin Weitzel: No, cause we deal more with the digital side of things and more on the marketing end of the house, more so than just the blatant sales portion. But we run into builders all the time. They're like, oh, well, things are going so well.
We're going to back off our marketing spend and marketing spend can be done in several ways. You know, if you're backing off of, you [00:17:00] know, your, your SEO, your ad words, because you know, you don't need to have people gravitating toward your website. But at the same time, you're still, you still have really old library of assets that aren't even currently relevant.
Now's the time to update that. What are your thoughts on, on investing in your marketing when time to real fact? The way they are?
Jason Forrest: I mean, look okay. So I'm gonna share a concept with you called survive. Thrive. Win, so the bottom level of a pyramid, I want you to, I want you to kind of picture the word, survive the right above that thrive and right above that win.
Right. So let's take, let's talk about football for a second. So we've got, the SCC, which you know, is a pretty crazy football league football conference. And in, the SCC you have one team that everyone wants to always play against and that's Vanderbilt, but why is that? Because Vanderbilt's the door mat.
And so they want to play against them when it comes to their homecoming, when it comes to whatever, right? They're the doormat. Well, Vanderbilt is a survive based team. And the SCC conference, their mindset says the best that we're ever going to do is when a [00:18:00] couple of pre-season games and maybe a regular season game, their mindset is let's just survive.
How in the world they're going to play against Alabama and everyone else in that league. Right then right above that is thrive. Thrive. Best team is. And M wins. Majority of preseasons wins. Majority of the regular season goes to a bowl game. Every single year. Hasn't been to a national championship, a hundred years.
There's one team. The, of course I would consider to be a wind based team and STC and that's Alabama that's because Bama knows they're going to expect to win all the preseason. They expect to win all the regular season. They expect to go to a bowl game. They're grateful to go to a bowl game. They expect to go to a bowl.
But they don't consider themselves to have a winning season unless they go to the Napoli national championship and win. But the reason why I give you that metaphor is because that is humbling right now, that is humbling in the market we're in right now, there are survive based builders, survive based salespeople.
There are thrive based. Salespeople thrive based builders, and there are wind based [00:19:00] salespeople and wind base builders. And what you will see that happens Is that the wind based builders they, they are all about winning market share and they're all about how do I constantly put the gas down? How do I constantly, you know, add more fuel to the fire?
And so during times like this, how do I take even more market share? How do I spend even more money on marketing? How do I sell even more? Like we, I got one builder Jayco homes that has over 80% market share and connect. You know what Scott Jager talks to me all the time about, he says, Jason, how do I get to 90% market share?
He's got counterparts that I've literally stopped sales. He's got counterparts that have just stopped it, shut off the valve. And so we're not selling any anymore. What do you think Jake, thinks Jake goes like, bring it. That's great. You stopped doing what you're doing because you know, a hardness to put that machine back going again, you know, hardest to turn that thing back on.
A startup is very difficult. Most startups fail. And so, [00:20:00] a wind based culture is look like Cobra, Kai sweep the leg, right? No mercy, take them all out constantly. You know, now that also applies, not just now, but what's also scary. Kevin and Greg if you stop the momentum and I think that's probably the key word everyone should write down right now.
Every time you stop momentum. It's extremely difficult to get momentum back going. And so now, now all of a sudden we've got the winter, the winter is always coming. So now we had the winter, when the winter comes, you know, you're either sprinting into the winter or you're jogging into the winter, you're crawling into the winter.
What are you doing in that winter storm? And if you're not running and sprinting at winter storm, it's going to take you out. So that would be my, so my metaphor, there is a hundred percent right. I think people should absolutely be spending money on training right now on marketing, on sales, on any sort of innovation technique to give themselves a competitive edge so that they could stand out when things get tough.
Kevin Weitzel: So yeah. You work [00:21:00] more with the sales team. What is your advice to sales professionals? When they say my company's installing interactive floor plans, my company is putting virtual tours on and they think that their days are numbered because of technology. What's your advice?
Jason Forrest: Very simple. A warrior always finds the advantage.
That's my mantra. I mean, that's the first thing I said, as soon as COVID hit March of 2020, right. Everyone was always talking about, Hey, stop selling, start helping, you know, everyone's retreating going home. I went to my team and I said, team a warrior finds the advantage. I have 30 employees.
I said, how do we capitalize during a time like this? How do we take advantage of this? What is the advantage here? You know, what are people not doing that they, that we need to do for them? And, and so the advantage, for example, that I would say is, okay, well, what's the advantage?
Well, the advantages, how can I be the best at utilizing the technology that I have? You know, how can, how can I. You know, as a sales warrior, how, how can I take the [00:22:00] interactive floor plans and how can I leverage them to be the extension of who I am? You know, I think that's important. Right?
Greg Bray: So, Jason, I think you've touched on so many great things here. You've kind of covered a lot, I just want to tell you how much it resonates. The momentum concept resonates with me, you know, how hard it is from a business standpoint too. Regenerate a restart things that you let slide or paused.
It's, it's just a great concept. And I hope everybody kind of heard that because there is this temptation to step back on marketing. Um, there is this temptation to step back on training right now. There's a temptation to, because I'm moving. I'm crazy, but now on the flip side, it shouldn't be because you can't afford it because right now there should be the revenues that are there are there to help you.
So it's a perfect time to improve those processes to, to actually, you know, [00:23:00] sharpen the sword, if you will, for your warrior analogy. Right. And make sure that it's ready to go. So I love it. I love the motivation there. So, so thanks. I didn't have an end point there. I just wanted to say thank you
Jason Forrest: well, but yeah, so I think, but I think that really probably is the big theme for the day.
Right? The theme is look, I think success in life is definitely about momentum. I think momentum is everything and, and look salespeople that we're seeing right now. They know that right. It's so much easier to sell something after you've already sold something. It's about momentum, you know?
And so you just never want to turn it off. Like, you know, and I mean, I even joke in our own company, we call it the wave of success, you know? So like I had one of the biggest months in my life a few months ago when it came to sales and cause we're in about 50 different industries now we started in home building.
That's where I'm starting. And, I'm very grateful that that home building gave me my start. But we're at about 50 different industries right now on top of home building and, and I'd want to. And it was interesting. We have a thing kind of in our company that when a sales reps in wave and the wave of success, just leave them alone.
You know what I [00:24:00] mean? It's like a picture that's, you know, throwing a note, you know, throwing a no-hitter, right. It's usually they're in the zone. Just leave them alone, you know, but that's kind of the wave of success, right. So we want to leave it alone. Right. And now we don't want to stop it.
We don't want to stop the flow and Jack it up. And so if you've got active marketing leads that are happening, you need to you know, you need to keep it up. Or what I would advise everyone to do too, is this might be a good time to hypothesize test and pivot new marketing strategies.
And I know that might sound, I'm like super out there for most people. You're like, what do you mean talk about Jason? I've got all this walk-in traffic and all these people that are coming to me, you know, out of the blue, why in the world would, I want to spend. And waste money on new marketing efforts that I might see like zero return for.
Well, because this is the best time to actually like try new stuff
Kevin Weitzel: because X plus one X plus one, because when you have, and plus one X plus one, whatever the, whatever the formula would be, and you're happy with the business that's [00:25:00] coming in, why not go after more business? You know, do you think Dr. Horton does 50,000 flipping homes a year because they do the same thing.
Well, technically now, yes, but on their way up, they had to implement new practices, new techniques and ways of going out there and being more aggressive with their margin, you know, grabbing that market share. Otherwise you're always going to be a 30 home builder a year,
Jason Forrest: Yeah. And, and, you know, my favorite books is the trilogy series.
By, Jim Collins, the first was Built to Last. The second was Good to Great. And the third was Great by Choice. And a lot of people haven't read it, read the third one for some reason, but a Great by Choice is a great book. He talks about 10x leaders and one of the principles of a 10 X leader.
So 10 X, meaning 10 X, their industry peers it is, they call it first fire bullets, then fire cannonballs, which is also like the science theory of hypothesize test and pivot. So for example, like I learned that theory. When we had a race to get a million followers, I wanted to get a million followers on Facebook and 60 days.
And we studied a lot of people on how to do it. And the philosophy was hypothesis test and pivot, right? So you get on Facebook and you, you know, you buy I [00:26:00] some ads and you put some, put some pennies towards these ads and so forth and different things that you're doing. And then you're looking at the ad spend every day for 24 hours.
And then what, you know, what works? You put more money to it. What's not working. You stop the ad and then you pivot. So you make adjustments. Okay, well, what's good about this one. Let's make a little adjustment. Sometimes it was a font. Literally we adjusted the font size. We adjusted the image, like whatever it was, I made this little pivot and then we did it again.
Right. And we were able to get to a million followers in 60 days. And now we got 3 million followers between three brands, but the hypothesized test and pivot thing works really well. We also, now we have a sales recruiting. So we do training, but half of our revenue so far, this year has been on a recruiting side.
So we have a whole recruiting arm and we'll go out there and find a sales warrior for you or a sales manager. We'll use third party assessments to make sure they're better than half your team. And then we train them in our training programs. And right now where you're selling is listed as number one in United States, number two in the world and our coaching program is number one in the world.
And so, but that also came from my [00:27:00] hypothesized test and pivot situation. Hey, we're doing really well on this trading side. We're making lots of money and we have lots of profit. So why don't we take that profit and why don't we go test something new? Just like you're in Vegas, right. You know, you're making a lot of money in this table.
Well, let's go take a little bit of those profits and go test this theory over here and let's see if it's going to work well. It's worked really well. I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if this time next year we're a recruiting company that happens to do. Because right now, our revenue is, is a fat is growing faster on the recruiting, the recruiting side than it is the training side.
Kevin Weitzel: So you saw that trend in your own company. What trends are you watching in the home building industry that are allowing you to shift how you train and how you change the focus of people that you are.
Jason Forrest: Well, so, so the thing that we did, I really pride ourselves on it. FPG is constantly asking our customers, like I have a customer right now that we're going to, I'm talking to before then the day's out.
And we're always asking a simple question that is like, what's the real problem right now. Right? Like what are you really dealing with right now? And, [00:28:00] and the work we're developing training that is dealing with whatever that is. So for example, Let's say, you know, I got one builder that doesn't have an escalator clause, so an escalator clause.
Right? So, the home, the home consistently increases in price and the customer can, the price of the home can go up, you know, 50, a hundred thousand dollars. And how do you deal with that? Right. So I got one builder that doesn't have that. Well, I got another builder that does have that. Okay. Well, how do I give them each individual selling messages to sell through that situation?
You know? Right. And so it's those kinds of things that we have to, we have to kind of get through because I mean training, my job in training is not to trump the business reality, you know? So I I'm all about what is the outcome or the goal of what the company is trying to accomplish?
What is their business reality? What are they doing? And then how do I get training to reinforce that? So if they, if they decide they want to create an escalator. Then I've got to, somehow I've got to create a message around [00:29:00] that. They decided that they, you know, they want to compete. They're builders out there that do lotteries, right?
That you can't decide the home that you want until it hits fountain until it hits frame stage. And then they just do a bidding war. You know, those are all different situations and challenges. I don't have any builders of that bidding war thing. Thank God. Cause I don't like that
Greg Bray: So, Jason, we really appreciate how much time you spent with us today, just as we kind of look to wrap up, you know, what, if somebody is looking for some resources, you've already mentioned a lot of great books and things, but if you had just one or two other resources that people should be looking to, to, to learn and help them grow, what are some things that come to mind for you?
Jason Forrest: Well, of course, you know, I would say my favorite book I've ever written the Mindset of a Sales Warrior. I've written six or seven books now, but that's my favorite book. I mean, the Selling of the Corona is just a, you can buy it on Amazon Kindle for a dollar, and it's just a very quick read and it gives us, it gives you a lot of language of certainty in there, which I think still applies to this day.
It's just, it's a book about [00:30:00] language and certainty and mindset. The mindset book is more of a holistic book that will never go away. And just talks about how to remove the story of self-image reluctance is in rules that hold us back in life. So I think those are important. And then, we're doing, you know, I mean, every month got a two day warrior selling bootcamp that we launched online.
That's a two day zoom bootcamp, and then it's a 90 day followup program. And we have, we have a full class of 20 to 30 people that are in there every month. People can sign up.
Greg Bray: So any last pieces of advice you wanted to share today?
Jason Forrest: I think it's important. I think it's important for people during this time to not number one, not lose momentum.
And number two is to always find the advantage. And so again, we talked about a lot of advantages today, but one advantage that a sales person has right now is to work on it. To work on things that they normally wouldn't do because, you know, [00:31:00] because it's too risky, like right now, there's no, there's not really a lot of risk, you know?
So if you want to work on doing group presentations, do that. If you want to work on using selfie videos in your followup, I mean, I teach selfie videos all the time and follow up. If you want to work on LinkedIn campaigns, you know, I would use this opportunity to work on things.
That maybe are uncomfortable for you that can give you an advantage so that when you really need to do those things, you will have it as an internal resource because I'll end with this. And that is, I believe every human being is doing the best they can with the resources they have. And I think positive change always comes from adding more resource.
Greg Bray: That's a great thought. Great thought. Well, Jason, if somebody wants to learn more about Forrest Performance Group or get in touch with you, what's the best way for them.
Jason Forrest: Just email me, F as in forest P as in performance, G as in So you know, me or, but or of course connect with me on LinkedIn direct message.
And all my, I will tell you guys all of my most leading [00:32:00] edge newest stuff that I'm thinking about is always posted on LinkedIn. That's that's like my personal journal that I just like, here's my thought of the day. So if you want to know my most leading edge, random, newest unvetted thought, that's that's LinkedIn is where you want.
Greg Bray: Awesome. Well, thanks again, Jason, for joining us today and thank you everybody for listening to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine
Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse Thank you.
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