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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

64 Mending the Disconnect Between Sales and Marketing - Roland Nairnsy

Mending the Disconnect Between Sales and Marketing - Roland Nairnsy

Show Notes

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ZillowChip and JoAnna Gains - Magnolia HGTVAlvarez Construction Co., LLCDragas Companies, Brianna Dragas, Tom DaddarioQuint LearsMIKE MOOREMollie Elkman GersonMatt RileyKevin OakleyJay MeagherJimmy BuffettKimberly MackeyNational Association of Home BuildersLisa Direen


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On this week's Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Greg and Kevin welcomed Roland Nairnsey of New Homes Sales Plus. They discussed the importance of mending the disconnect between sales and marketing. Listen to the full episode now to find out what gave Roland that extra "spark"!

This week on Roland formed his own training company New Home Sales Plus, a few years ago and has very quickly gained a loyal following of clients all over North America, with combined yearly sales in the many billions. He delivers his training both in-person and via interactive live Video Conferencing which he conducts daily. He also is an avid blog writer, posts Free Videos on his YouTube Video page, and is finishing his latest book “The Mastery of Selling”.  


[00:00:00] Greg Bray: Hello everybody. And welcome to today's episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine,

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse.

Greg Bray: and we are excited today to welcome to the show Roland Nairnsy, the founder of New Home Sales Plus, welcome Roland thanks for joining us today.

Roland Nairnsey: Thank you so much. I'm thrilled to be here. Thank you, Greg and Kevin for having me it's I'm honored to be on your podcast. It's it's a wonderful podcast.

Greg Bray: Oh, well, thanks. We appreciate that. Well, Roland for the folks listening, who don't know a lot about you, why don't you give us that quick introduction? Tell us a bit about yourself.

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah, sure. Thank you. So I am a sales coach and a new home sales consultant. I've spent my whole life actually in new home sales started a long time ago. And some people listening weren't even born, but I started selling new homes in the 1980s. Believe it or not, I do come from England.

If you could see me, my height normally gives out a way. No, but I came from England as a young man, and just got in into general real estate and then new home sales. And haven't looked back and I've been a new home sales coach now [00:01:00] for quite awhile count. I coach a bunch of companies with, with like a lot of people with many billions in, in new home sales, annually and just take great pleasure in only sharing and coaching and teaching things that I've used myself.

So, I, I think one of the things I enjoy the most is, is, you know, sharing information that I've used and perfected, and watching sales team develop and grow as a result of that.

Kevin Weitzel: so you're a practitioner, not a theorist, which I love by the way.

Roland Nairnsey: Oh, I love that. Thank you. Yes. And it's something I'm glad I actually brought up. Cause I forget to mention it. Sometimes there's so many other good things that  I want to share, but absolutely. Right. So when I was a younger sales person, I would go for, I could see, I would seek all the training I could find.

And then I bring it back to my office and I would try it. And sometimes it worked like a charm and other times, I'm not gonna say that again. You know, it just, it didn't work. So if I've tried it and it works, I'll teach it. If I'm not comfortable, then I'm not going to share it with anybody.

I'm not going to expect people to do what I wouldn't do. So, yeah, [00:02:00] it's purely practical, pragmatic in the, in the field stuff that works and it's always evolving and thanks to the two of you. With technology. I went back and I was a sales manager or a sales director for four years. And, and, uh, so I got update everything and really practice things and throw out some old stuff, bringing some new and really embrace this digital, you know, age that we're in and make sure we incorporate that into our processes.

Kevin Weitzel: so before we get into the business side of things and hearing more. We're about to roll in there and see a method and approach. I got to know something secret about you. Some that people will only find only learn on our podcasts. You know, are you in the long bow archery who knows what the into.

Roland Nairnsey: Yes. I would like to say I, well, no, I was a pretty, I was a fairly, that's interesting. You said that I used to throw the discus when I was younger, but that's not the thing I'd like to share. What I'd like to share is that I'm sorry. I'm going to have two now, but I was actually hit by lightning. and, and obviously survived, you know, I'm [00:03:00] real. I was about six or seven years ago in Sarasota when I was director of sales. And I walked into the parking lot with a client, my receptionist, who is very smart, said, Roland, you know, just be careful of lightning. I had an umbrella and I made this foolish statement, regular like this.

If God, if God wants me, he knows how to find me. So I challenged God, never again, humbling went to church that weekend, but I walked out in the parking lot and sure enough, my umbrella was hit by lightning. It went down my arm. I dropped the umbrella. I screamed like a girl and ran back in. But I, I lived to tell the tale.

I think it was the rubber soled shoes I think saved my life. Probably.

Kevin Weitzel: so note to self challenging. God definitely add definitely in the bad column, don't do that

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah, that's out. I did buy a lottery ticket on the way home. And they said, if you, you know, if you get hit by lightning as a vibe, you should probably, I don't know something about, you get more chance of winning the lottery or something.

Kevin Weitzel: That's

Greg Bray: Wow. Wow.

Roland Nairnsey: a lightening whisper. Now I told max who was six or seven.

That I can always sense when, when lightning is [00:04:00] coming, you know, I can, it's a superpower I inherited from getting hit by lightning. All right then.

Greg Bray: Yeah, that that is scary, frankly. That's, I can't even can't even process that, so, tell us, how did you decide you wanted to get more into the coaching and training side? You know, obviously you were out you're selling, you know, you can have a great life doing that.

You get to work with people, you know, everything. And so what makes you go, you know what, I'd rather be a teacher.

Roland Nairnsey: Well, that's it. What a great question. Yeah, I found that I really do enjoy selling. I mean, just, just naturally, you know, when I went back out there, uh, you know, for the sabbatical, from training and before years as a sort of selling sales director, right. I'd forgotten how much, I just really do enjoy the selling side of things.

As a sales manager, you know, every manager out there knows how stressful that can be. What I found was the part of my job. I enjoyed the most was training and development. I just got a, just a literal high from training [00:05:00] people, hiring people and then training them and watching them flourish just, just gave me a whole lot of pleasure.

And I really do believe that thanks to my 30 plus years of boots on the ground experience. I have processes that, not everybody has. And so I just really wanted to share that with people. And, that that's been my experience is that I really enjoyed the training, frankly. It's fun for me, you know, I wouldn't do it.

I've tried to make it into something where I have workbooks around here. There, they could be a couple hundred pages, but I've tried to make ways to make it fun and enjoyable. So that's really, and I think that also there's a lot of trends in the marketplace to make training, always looking for this new thing, that's hip and everything, and that's fine, but some of the old school stuff is really important and I'm afraid that a lot of the younger generation of salespeople.

I'd even been exposed to the basic, you know, that basic the fundamentals. So, that's part of my inspiration is to, is to be that link back to the past and make sure they still learn the good stuff. And not only focus on the, 

[00:06:00] Kevin Weitzel: I know for a fact that your statement there was just one pinch selfish, and I'm going to tell you why, my entire time, the motorcycle industry and car industry. I was highly successful sales so I could sell all day long. However, I never got more joy than when I'd see a young up and coming salesperson that I trained, that I brought to speed, seeing that excitement level of them when they hit their first, their first real sale.

That first, what we called the big deal. That's where I came up with the big deal, man. But there's a reward that it's, it transcends money. It really does. It still equals money. You gonna get a commission and part of that deal, but that's not the point.

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah, exactly right. I mean if you look at my social media threads, it's full of pupil that I've trained. I mean, I'm quite old by now. And so, it's rather nice to look at a pupil. There's a young lady in Sarasota that actually worked for me when I was with [00:07:00] this builder, that has now gone on and is leading her own team.

And, it's a great thrill to it, to see people flourish and prosper that way and, and use a part of what you shared with them to help develop them. So, yeah, it is, a pinch selfish,

Greg Bray: Well, Roland you mentioned this idea of you're bringing some of the, the traditional, the good old techniques and ways that, that have been working for a long time, but, what are you seeing changing, especially over this last year and with the customer's expectations and the experience, more digital technology.

How has all of that kind of changing the whole sales process and things that need to be happening?

Roland Nairnsey: I think it's improving it a lot, Greg it's a great question. I think that, there's just like always, you have to embrace whatever is whatever that technology is and understand how it fits in what his role is. Uh, so I think that, that thanks to all of you and the great job that you do in driving and qualified [00:08:00] prospects that now know much more about the builder and what they're selling.

I think that the sales person just has to understand that and ask better questions about that. How the client heard about the builder, what they already know, and then meet them somewhere in that process. And not necessarily just always start from the beginning. So, you know, if a client's being on Zillow, Trulia, Redfin on the website done and has done research, et cetera, that's wonderful.

But then it's up to the sales person to embrace that and find that out because maybe the client's built their home online already has a really strong idea of what they're thinking. So you're not, you're not peeling the onion all the way back to the very beginning, you know? So I think that's, it's an evolution of the sales process and the sales people just have to jump in and understand that and embrace it.

Does that make sense by the way,

Greg Bray: absolutely. Yeah. So at its heart, you're seeing a more educated buyer walking in the door.

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah. Yeah, it is. And it's, and I think probably it's, it's a more passionate by it because, you know, we're all watching [00:09:00] Chip and Jo Jo on HGTV, you know, I say we're all watching it. I, like chip and Jo Jo, I mean, any of those shows on HGTV. So, so buyers are inspired. What whatever's causing this massive pent up demand, you know, obviously COVID did, did something where people go.

Sick and tired of their current living situation. So, you know, but I also think that HGTV and Zillow and all that takes credit for that because people are seeing these much more beautiful homeless than the ones that people are currently living in. And it's inspiring them to come in and want something like that.

You know, I want my white Quartz counters and 42 inch wider gray cabinets, et cetera. Um, so let's jump in and join them. Let's make it fun. Let's have the salespeople have fun with the client, understand what they're trying to accomplish there. So, yeah, I think it's only improved, it should improve the expense.

Kevin Weitzel: So you don't think, cause I hear this pushback quite often from sales directors, where they say this technology is going to steal the thunder from the sales.

[00:10:00] Roland Nairnsey: really? I mean, I got a little high pitched whenever I get upset. I go, hi. Oh, terrible. I don't know why that happened. It's a Scottish history, I guess. No, it's still the thunder. That doesn't make any sense. I mean, I, you know, there's a part of it in thinking, you know, this podcast today, I was preparing myself mentally, shockingly, I had a few seconds to prepare.

 It is a common thought. I think that people can go too far. And just because a client's been on your website and has built a home online, they don't always buy that home. I, that's the secret that we need to understand, but it's been very effective.

It's a very effective tool. If that's what we're talking about, that they go on your website and you have that wonderful sticky tool of the, what, the stuff that you create, that you know, where they can build a home on paper, and then they save their home, go back to it. And all the research shows, people love that, right?

They could spend 25, 30 minutes building a home. On a Friday night, you know, who knows what they're doing? 11 o'clock at night, but, they're building a home. So that's great. They're doing that, [00:11:00] but that the sales person needs to understand it. It might be, they build a home that's way more money than they can afford, or it doesn't fit on the home site or they end up having to gravitate towards.

But let's embrace it. Let's find out. So let's find out Mr. Mrs. Smith, what did you like about that home that you built online? Okay, so the master bedroom is the own, the bedrooms downstairs, and it's a great room. Your budget's only really weighted budgets here. Not only, I've never said that your budget's here, so let's, let's help you recreate that plan, but in, you know, in a value range that that suits you and so I think it's great information.

Gosh, if I was a sales person and had access to the kind of data where I could track, right? You could track that they've built the own. This is what they want and why they like it. Why wouldn't you go in there every time before the client walks in, if you haven't yet appointment with them and understand that.

So, no, I'm sorry. That's a long answer to a short question, but I think that that would be a, I know that they should definitely, I think maybe where there is a disconnect is that marketing and sales don't always talk to each other enough, perhaps. And so maybe that's where that comment would come from.


[00:12:00] Greg Bray: So, Roland taking that idea then that the builders are putting out some of these tools. Do do you see the sales people really taking advantage of the data that can help provide them to help them get to know? Or do you feel like that's still a big opportunity that's being missed? With that handoff

Roland Nairnsey: I yeah, I absolutely think it's an opportunity lost and, and I can't speak for every single builder across the country, but I do tend to think that there is sort of a, segmentation of, you know, marketing is marketing sales is sales. We've got secret things going on, on both sides behind each curtain.

I think that that's a huge area for improvement. Because what you guys have created for us is this amazing technology that should be shared with the sales person. So yeah, I would say that that's an area for immediate growth, you know, I mean, I've had conversations with you and others and had a look at the data and there's all this backstory on people's sort of heuristics and why they're buying [00:13:00] stuff and what they're spending time looking at.

So why wouldn't you know, that it just, and really, it's not about. Manipulating and selling, selling a client more quickly. It's about giving them a better experience, but you're not going to focus on what they want to talk about, not the whole, you know, presentation that might have other things that aren't as relevant.

So yeah, I think it's a definite area to it to move towards.

Kevin Weitzel: So we've got a disconnect between marketing and sales. That happens actually quite often. And then we also have the lack of buy-in sometimes from sales, because they're worried about it stealing their thunder, et cetera. What other areas do you see dealer or dealers? What other areas do you see? A whole builder's falling down on?

Especially the sales sales element.

Roland Nairnsey: Right. Well, well, yeah, I, that's a good question. So on the marketing side, we've sort of talked about that a little bit. I think on the customer experience side, I think that there's room for growth. So as we all know, there's, it's amazing boom, in housing, but both new and used used, uh, anyway. I think that what I'm [00:14:00] finding is most of the sales people that, that sales teams I work with across the country, Many builders are pressing pause right there that, you know, they're there either because of lack of land or just really mainly the price increases escalating at such a high rate.

So the builders, the pressing pause, what I'm trying to preach to everybody is, is all the sales team is to use that time to create a much better experience. So go back and nurture that backlog of clients that you have. Um, and I think something we've always taught. I've always talked about it in managing your franchise, if you will, and, and doing it.

But now look. You know that there are salespeople that I work with that have sold out of the neighborhood. Instead of taking two years, it's taken three months. Right or whatever those numbers are. So, you know, on the one hand that got this beautiful backlog of clients and knows a sales person, I think of it as a nest egg of commissions waiting to hatch, if you will.

on a more philanthropic kind of way, you've got these wonderful clients sitting there, instead of worrying about what am I going to do next? And, oh my goodness, I'm sold [00:15:00] out. What a perfect time to go back and nurture those clients. And it really in a meaningful way, like walk their home every week and check on them and make sure it's being built correctly.

Reach out to the clients and hold the hand through the soft cycle, which may have maybe in the past, it was a month. Now it could be three months before the house break even longer, but before we break ground. So I think those are the areas really to the bills could do better. And I think that the, the confusion is who's supposed to do it kind of thing.

You know, so I've, I've worked for builders where no, no role in you, you, you weren't supposed to call them, but I, it to, I wanted it to nurture and there are others that only put it on the sales team. And so somewhere in between that is good. 

Greg Bray: So, so Roland, when you, when you think about, you know, the marketing team that's out there generating these leads and the salespeople trying to nurture them, what is it that you wish marketing understood that the sales team is?

You know, one of those disconnects, I really wish marketing understood [00:16:00] X to help the sales team do a better job. Anything 

come to mind?

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah, well, oh, so I think that they're there. There are two sides to that. So I think one is just empathy for each other. It's not just a one-way street. So, um, I just did a program last week. Funny enough with a wonderful team in Baton Rouge,  Alvarez Construction, and we did whole company, the whole company training where we had.

Marketing the builders in the salespeople in that. So, and really it's as much about empathy for each other's experience as anything else. So, uh, I don't think that marketing, even though sales people make a lot of money and all that, we are giving up weekends mainly we work nights and we have the stress of not knowing where the next sale is coming from.

And even though we might have a big backlog, we might have to wait a long time to get that. So I think the empathy that, even though everything appears to be wonderful, and I know that we salespeople where we're typically flamboyant high tigers or eyes, whatever you're saying, so that it's easy to sort of not love us as much as [00:17:00] we should be loved, I suppose, because we have these irritating, you know, w w we're making great money.

We drive nice cars and we don't appreciate any of that. You know, all these things that one could actually accuse us of. And. But there's a level of truth in all of it, I'm sure, but there's also a lot of stress and not everybody can sell. I mean, right now almost anybody could sell, but, but you know, in a normal market, it is a difficult thing.

So, so empathy for each other and then what market is doing. But, I think really, it's just understanding what the sales process really is. Um, and, how those two things connect together, sort of how, how the puzzle should go together and how in sales, we, we really depend upon marketing and that they should really understand what the client experience is.

Once they walk in the door, I don't know if I gave you a really good answer other than just understanding each other more and being together. I just did it. I did it on Monday. I was with a company, one of my monthly video conferences with a company called Draggers Communities, out in Virginia Beach.

[00:18:00] And we had the marketing manager was in the meeting and it was fantastic, her name is Laura, and she was so in tuned with the salespeople. And, uh, we're doing real to outreach, but she's starting it, but they're finishing it. And it's really more about being connected to the sales team than any one specific thing.

I, I believe, you know, and understanding it and. Yeah. And I also don't think sales people always understand the you know, the technology available and the tools they have that marketing could share with them as well. So, you know, that training on that.

Greg Bray: so, so homework assignment for the marketing team, go hug a sales person.

Right. Go show some love, right. Show a little love.

Roland Nairnsey: a hug and vice versa, you know, I mean, it, just be together more, uh, you know, I've been a salesman and sales director all my life prior to being a trainer. And I've sat in meetings where I felt sort of spoken down to, and this is the way it's going to be.

And, and it sort of condescending and, and I'm sure it goes both ways. So. It's not on purpose. [00:19:00] It's just, people are busy getting stuff done. And, and so if it could be much more of a conversation and spending time together and, you know, marketing being in the sales office and chatting with the sales per, you know, chatting with the sales person, like, I, I, I love the technology of interactive media, you know, TVs and whatever, but let's put it in the right spot and make sure that that is part of the sales process.

It's not an obstacle to it. You know, as an example, perhaps of, you know, I, I know as a sales director, my mark, and one of my migrants thought, well, you, you, you just don't like any of this whizzbang stuff. Cause I love it. I love the technology, but I don't want the client to walk up to the screen and not engage with the salesperson.

So let's put it on the right wall. Let's put it in the right spot and let's make sure we have backup with props, because if it fails, I want the salespeople to make sure that they can rely on that, build a story without, or whatever. So, you know, I do love it, but let's integrate it in the right way and understand that, that, you know, there's different ways for it to be a,

Greg Bray: Yeah, no, I think that's a, that's a great point that [00:20:00] that having the technology is step one, but then how do we actually use it in the process? Right. Where, where does it fit and where, where do we expect the buyer to interact with it? And where do they. You know, need to have some guidance and help, you know, or you know, we can't assume that every customer is going to take the same path.

Either. Some of them need more hand holding. Some of them don't want to talk to somebody until the very end, you know, and so we need to, you know, kind of help him. So, so do you see, do you see salespeople pushing back against those technologies? Like, you know, kind of those interactive kiosks in sales centers and things, do they, do they feel like they get in their way?

Roland Nairnsey: Um, sort of yes and no. And I, I, I think what's wrong with that is that they aren't invited in enough. I mean, and I hope that this isn't coming off as a really negative podcast because it's all very fixable. I am a Sunday night optimist and I live in a world of unicorns and rainbows.

I really do. So I'm only bringing it up because I'd like you to be fixed. And I think if you just merely invited a sales person in, like [00:21:00] I was. Thinking that, that it's something as a consultant that I'll do. So whenever I work with a new builder, I'll go on their website. I'll see what tools they have.

I'll even build a home. If that's what you have on the website, I'll spend time playing with it, having fun. And then I'll look at the competition. And, and, and, and see what they're doing. Um, and so why can't our salespeople do that is my point. I I've literally, you know, as an, I was in investing in property, when I lived in Naples and I called a new home sales company, and I asked questions that I seen on the website and the sales person bless the hot.

You have to say, bless the heart or something mean is coming, bless the heart. Y'all but anyway, she goes, well, I didn't see that. I, and she hadn't been on the website and was like, well, I just got the information from there. And it was a shock to me that that had happened, but I realized that it does happen.

And so, you know, you've got all these. Gadgets and whizzbang marketing stuff. That's so amazing, the salespeople need to be instructed that please go and play with it, practice it, have fun with it, understand the client experience [00:22:00] and embrace it a lot more. And so I think it's just an invitation waiting for them and for the, for them to do.

And once they realize that, I think that's a solvable thing. What do you think.

Kevin Weitzel: I a hundred percent agree. And I'm going to touch on that. The fact that go back. 2025 years ago when builders were still using slips of paper, you know, salespeople had their little sales, tally sheets, and then when they were introduced to a CRM, they were just dumped the CRM and on the left, they're like, I don't want to use this.

I've got my system on this paper until they realize that once they put that CRM to use that tool to use it made their life. 500 times easier. So I think the same thing comes down with technology of, you know, interactive floor plans and interact with sales kiosk. That if you're, if you, if you go in with the approach that you just dump it on and say, Hey, this new gadgets start using them versus here's how you can use these here's I can use them to your advantage.

And here's the data that supports why you want to use these.

Roland Nairnsey: Right, right. Well, exactly right. Because somebody could have spent 30 minutes on a Friday [00:23:00] night building their home, and that's surely as better than just a walking off the street that doesn't even know where they're at. You know, that you have an intentional buyer. I, I did want to bring up the, the importance of the CRM and the tech and the technological world as well.

And I think that that's, that also is a miss for some people. And it probably is an age thing. It's sort of generational, you know, people that are my age and up probably struggle a lot more with the technology of a CRM, but it's such a great tool when, when you realize all the amazing things that it can do.

And the fact that you can learn about a client, go look at their social media and understand their backstory and sort of learn what, what the motivations are and what their real, why is all just really utilizing your CRM,  as well. You know, and I, I did a lot of training with salespeople where I think almost every sales person in this market is not going to miss that hot, that ready, willing, and able buyer that wants to buy.

Now, that's pretty obvious that, you know, maybe you can't sell to them right now. You've got to put them on a list. But it's those B and C buyers that see that we sales [00:24:00] will struggle with. So I'm trying to train them to have, an action plan for that and say, okay, I know you're not ready for, you know, eight months or a year.

Let me make a note. I'll contact you in August and we'll do this as opposed to call me if you're interested, which I, if you ever end up meeting like call me if you're interested uh, I want you to take a wet noodle and slap yourself really hard because that's not the ending of the sales process. It should be something that you, as a sales person, engender with ice.

You know, I know you're busy right now. You want to get the kids in school, let me call you September or whatever it's going to be, and I'll make a note. And then you do it because just your CRM you'll set a reminder to do that. So yeah, I had, I was with a sales person the same, the same team, on Monday that I was doing a video conference with.

Um, and I forgot the sales person. I think it was Brianna who said this? She said that she had a client. That was waiting for the immigration papers. It was gonna take six months to come through. They had to get some kind of a, I guess the green card probably. And so she actually set a reminder called them and exactly the [00:25:00] day she did and the person bought a home that month.

So one extra sale from being organized and using the CRM. So it's just an example of how we can connect and integrate and use the tools properly.

Greg Bray: Well, it's a great example. And just, just to kind of go back to something that you and Kevin were just saying, I, I think there's a real risk that, you know, marketing invests in updating the website with all kinds of new gizmos and gadgets, and then nobody ever tells the sales team or, you know, we just, we just spent how many thousands of dollars on interactive floor plans and nobody ever told the sales team and they're, and they're not on the list website looking at this stuff.

So they don't even know the customer has access to it. And. You know, so I, I would say, you know, homework assignment for the sales team, you, you should be looking at your company website on some type of a periodic basis. Maybe not every day. Right? I get that. But I, and frankly, make sure that the stuff listed for your community is up to date, right?

You're the one that knows. So you should be double-checking that too. Cause stuff happens. Things [00:26:00] get out of date, you know, things don't update, right. Sometimes.

Roland Nairnsey: It's true though, those the estimates can, can, can really destroy your why, where I work for in that Sarasota market, the same one, right I got hit by lightning. We had a bias coming in, making really low offers. And I just, as a director of sales, couldn't figure it out.

And then I went on Zillow and realized that our information was incorrect, which was my fault. You know, I, I fixed it. But, but they were basically basing their offers on land only value, the homes were anywhere from a million to 5 million, but that they were just coming with low ball offers, but it was on me because our technology hadn't been updated correctly.

And so, you know, as a salesperson, you're right, you should go online. And what are your buyers experiencing where you go and experience it too. So you'll understand it. And as you said, you can suggest improvements, but I think it's a great sales training thing to do, to have each sales person go online.

If you have that interactive tool, build a home, bring it in, let's discuss it. Let's discuss your, experience with it, you know, [00:27:00] because it's actually fun to do. Right. You can pick out your colors and all that, all that great stuff. 

Kevin Weitzel: Huh, let me ask you a question, being that you're bringing up training, what do you recommend for the sales person in today's today's market, where they don't have to do anything? Literally, all they got to do is they're order takers. They're glorified order takers, really highly compensated or, uh, order takers, what they really are.

And right now, right

Roland Nairnsey: I'm going to defend them cause I love them. So, you

Kevin Weitzel: Yes, no. And I trust me, I'm

Roland Nairnsey: now. It's my own tribe. Just be careful.

Kevin Weitzel: But the point is, is that, how do you keep them to stay on their toes on the best practices and the habits that you need to have when, you know, when the market does, when they do have to challenge and actually earn more of these deals.

Roland Nairnsey: it's exactly right. Which is where this training and development comes in is that we have to explain to that. It's not, going to be like this forever. Which, you know, what wants, it's a good thing. In some ways it's very stressful in many ways. So I think that's training and development.

What I would [00:28:00] do as a sales manager, it is reward the sort of best practices of things and, and not just the sales, because it doesn't make any sense to reward sales anymore. They're already selling out. 

recognition programs, I think a great book. Recognizing salespeople on the customer experience. And so salespeople that spend time nurturing that backlog walking homes following up correctly, using the CRM, bringing an appointment back in that was an old lead.

You know, the note one that came in yesterday. That is easy to sell, but, but that kind of stuff, and working on your process and, rewarding that and recognizing it in a fun way to keep those skills develop. But you're right, there's a real danger that sales skills are going to atrophy right now, but you just don't need 


Kevin Weitzel: So in a follow up to that role in, you know, cause I battle all the time with builders that are like, oh, Hey, you know, I know we were looking at X, you know, in our floor plans, site plans, whatever, but because we're selling. Well, we're going to hold back on marketing spend, which I believe is a mistake because you really need to put that those [00:29:00] items in place.

So you're ready to hit the ground running. So from a sales standpoint, you want to keep fresh, you know, are there like, would you recommend that, while the sales are good and stuff that you go get some training, maybe go to, a summit, if you will.

Roland Nairnsey: Funny, you should say that we happen to been having a Beachfront Retreat in October. Yes, I absolutely. I mean, uh, you know that there's always, it's sort of counter-intuitive right. Why would you need sales training at a time like this? But I think that, that there's a real danger that if you started selling homes today, or this last three months, let's say.

And that's all you ever knew without any training, then, then you, you would not know you once. This is over, which it will be, of course, like all these cycles, then you really want, we didn't have a sales process that you could replicate. This is going to feed you for very long. So, you know, I'm, I'm fortunate that I'm, I get to work with lots of builders who are very owners, builders, sales managers that recognize the importance of training still and having a structured process that is [00:30:00] measurable, that has a beginning, middle and end.

Even video shopping is still something I would strongly recommend and, you know, and have a glimpse at what we're doing. Um, and then have, and then turn it around and go, okay. What was that customer experience like? And, you know, calmer is a bad thing, right? So if we treat bias badly, it just possess so many of them what's going to happen just after oh eight.

That's sorta what happened, where I think builders became, so, you know, it was so easy to sell homes. Of course, to the different situation. There was an open supply and they were mainly investors, but still comma was bad. And, so we didn't have the skills to sort of survive. So I agree with you entirely.

I think we should focus on training

Kevin Weitzel: just going to take a brief moment to apologize to the listening audience for that obvious softball pitch.

Yeah, you missed it, just a hair, but because Greg and I actually made some, we made some rules when we started this, you know, that, you know, we, we don't care if competitors are on here. If competitors mentioned and you know, we're not going to softball pitch, you know, our, our guests, but you have a fantastic event coming up.

And what are the dates? [00:31:00] Where's it located? 

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah. Okay, perfect. Thank you so much. So, uh, October 12th through the 15th, Margaritaville on Hollywood Beach, South Florida, is where it's going to be. So again, October 12th through 15th, it's the tropical sales and management retreat. So the emphasis is on, is on relaxation, rejuvenation.

Uh, there's tons and tons of training. I'll get into in, into that in a moment. But what I recognized is that we're a little bit tired right now. The people we've been very successful, which is great, but there's a lot of external stress with that success. And so I wanted to create an environment where people could come down and relax on the beach in October, you know, a time of year where probably wherever you're living, you don't have sunshine.

And that kind of stuff. So I checked and even I, I live here in Miami, but the average ocean temperature in October is 83 degrees and sunrises about  7:15. So we're going to start the day for [00:32:00] those that want it. We're going to have sunrise, yoga, meditation, if you want to. A full day, we've got, two and a half days of sales training.

It's the, the other part that I recognize is that I wanted to surround myself by the best experts in the country and that we could find, so we have, Greg Bray will be here on the marketing part of it. So, Greg, thank you for joining us. The sales pop we've got Quint Leer's who's very, well-known and myself and a fellow that works for me that  NLP expert, neurological programming on how to adjust and adapt it.

His name is Tom Daddario and we've got Mike Moore, who's a great motivator coming in. And then under Kristin, who's also a famous podcast, but knows a lot about marketing as well. And then we have a two day marketing program. Uh, which are mainly symposiums with experts like Greg and Molly and, Matt Riley, Kevin Oakley, and those, and those folks. Jane who's well-known design studio expert, uh, she and [00:33:00] lead the ducks and Mike Moore were talking about.

Thinking retail with design and the importance of design studio and integrating that. So, it's actually four days in a row, 12 through 15th on the beach emphasis on fun and relaxation, even things like chair massages. And we have a pool party overlooking the ocean on the second night, with some probably Jimmy Buffet and some reggae out there and some funds.

So it's all about learn a bunch, you know, and transform your processes and your, uh, you know, what you do, but you can do it in a relaxing environment as well. And how cool we actually now have 14 speakers, believe it or not, so how cool to hang out with them and, you know, and get to know them on a personal and a personal level, really connect.

And, you know, if I can pick Greg's brain and purpose. It's hard to say Greg Bray's brain. That's not easy to say. I want to pick Greg Bray's brain. Um, but I probably have more than one question. So I'm having lunch with you on one of those days. What a great opportunity to really get to know these experts [00:34:00] in a more meaningful way.

Greg Bray: I think, I think you had them all at sunrise yoga. I think

Roland Nairnsey:  Okay. I'm going to go ahead, What's wrong with that, man. I want my people to learn, you know, they, they're not going to enjoy themselves, but look, we have a workbook full of content and information, but we can also relax and enjoy ourselves at the same time and come early, stay late is what I'd recommend.

Greg Bray:  we'll drop a link to the website in the show notes for people who are looking at looking for that. Cause we're excited to be involved in and I do think it's going to be a lot of funds could be great to be just with people again. Right. 

Roland Nairnsey: Well, yeah, it's, it's not virtual. It's actually live. And in-person, although we have a few, two, I think two or three of the, of the speakers will be zooming in virtually present there in other places like Kimberly is going to be at NHB that day. Um, but yes, you're going to be live and in person having fun and meeting people again.

And then yeah, you go for a swim in the morning, go for a swim at night. Walk down the boardwalk and enjoy yourselves and Hollywood beach. [00:35:00] So it's going to be fun.

Greg Bray: Well, we really appreciate you sharing so much today. We appreciate you giving your time. Just as we kind of kind of wrap up any last pieces of advice that you'd like to share today, anything that you wanted to just kind of get out there with the audience?

Roland Nairnsey: Yeah. Yeah. I think just good to just sort of keep it simple. I'd say let's still celebrate our success and be grateful, but sometimes this tendency to only focus on what doesn't happen, right. Or the stress of price increases or, or time delays. So let's celebrate, have fun. Um, stay humble though, because there is, there are bigger forces at play, right.

The market and what's going on. So we've got to keep our head down and stay, stay humble. And then, and then just always focused on the client experience. Please, please don't lose please. Don't don't lose sight of your fans, who are your buyers that need to be treated properly, even with an abundance of them out there.

We still, need to figure out as builders and marketers and trainers, how to focus on creating the best experience and, and elevating that and keeping [00:36:00] it going. Sound


Greg Bray: Awesome. Awesome. Well, Roland. If somebody wants to connect with you and learn more, what's the best way for them to get in touch.

Roland Nairnsey: Sure. is probably the easiest way. That's my email My website is The new home sales plus whatever www, all that stuff that you need that anymore. With my last name, there's no way I want to build a business around my name is on it, but no one can.

What's a Nairnsey. Why, what the heck is a Nairnsey? So hopefully there's a company that we'll live on a long time with new home sales plus. So it should be easy to find. So, would be great. Yeah. I'd love to get questions and help anybody that I really can. It's what we're all here for.

Greg Bray: well, thanks to Roland. We really appreciate your time. Again. We'll invite folks to connect with you and learn more. And we certainly love to see everybody in October, at your event.

Roland Nairnsey: Thank you so much. I'll look forward to seeing you then [00:37:00] now it is rumor that I have a Speedo, but I think that that might scorch people's eyes a little bit. So I'm probably not going to bring my British Speedo

Kevin Weitzel:  Roland, Roland That's nothing compared to my Speedo.

Roland Nairnsey: really, I would imagine.

Greg Bray: Okay. We're we're trying to go, for the child that the clean audience here, guys. So let's be careful.

Roland Nairnsey: Good. No, it's a pleasure. Thank you so much, Greg and Kevin, for having me on your podcast, I've been an admirer of you both for a long time. You're doing a great job. You're serving our industry. So thank you for very much for including me. I really appreciate 

Greg Bray: well, we appreciate your thoughts and thank you everybody for listening today to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine. 

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse Thank you. [00:38:00]

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