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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

59 Pinteresting Your Way to Selling Homes - Alisa Meredith

On this week's episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, we chat about Pinterest opportunities in home building with Alisa Meredith, Pinterest Product Specialist and Marketing Manager at Tailwind. She shares a bunch of tips and tricks on how to implement Pinterest in your home builder marketing plan.

Alisa Meredith is currently the Pinterest Product Specialist at Tailwind and has even written the book on Pinterest Promoted Pins (Pinterest advertising). Alisa is a believer in the power of words! She has been honored to speak for Social Media Examiner at Social Media Marketing World three years in a row on the topic of Pinterest - her favorite! Alisa has also been featured on many podcasts and published on several blogs, including Social Media Examiner, Hubspot, and Businesses Grow. You can catch her every other week on Tailwind's "Marketing Unleashed" Facebook Live and podcast.


Greg Bray:  [00:00:00]Hello everybody and welcome to today's episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine 

Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse.

Greg Bray: We are excited today to welcome to the show Alisa Meredith, the Pinterest Product Specialist and Marketing Manager at Tailwind.

Welcome. Thanks for joining us. 

Alisa Meredith: Hey, thanks, Greg and Kevin. Happy to be here. 

Greg Bray: Well Alisa, we know that you are not someone who is really in the home building industry, so I'm sure most of our audience has not met you yet. So please give us that [00:01:00] kind of introduction and tell us a little about yourself so we get to know you better.

Alisa Meredith: Sure. I am a marketer from way back. I got interested in Pinterest when it came out and I realized that I was using it instead of my browser bookmarks. And I thought, how can businesses use this? And there are lots of ways. So the deeper I dug, the more excited I got and, working with my first client on Pinterest, I just became more and more hooked based on the results that we were getting, the tremendous amount of traffic you can get from Pinterest as well as lead generation.

It's just been an impressive platform to me that I makes me feel a little bit sad that more marketers aren't using it because there's a lot of potential there. 

Greg Bray: All right, but we need to get a little bit more personal than just Pinterest. We need a little bit more. 

Alisa Meredith: Yeah. All right. I live in Wilmington, North Carolina, but I'm originally from Maine.

I got a little too cold up there. So I came down here where there's a beach, about 20 minutes away. I take advantage of that as much as I [00:02:00] possibly can. I am on the Tailwind team full time. So that keeps me incredibly busy and my brain engaged. So on the weekends, I enjoy going to the beach and also painting.

I took up painting about it a year ago. 

Kevin Weitzel: Number one, and there was a follow-up question. Does Maine has the best lobster and number two, do you paint lobsters?

Alisa Meredith: Well, number one, I wouldn't say I have had lobster from everywhere else on the planet, but it's definitely the best lobster I've ever had. And number two, no. The kind of painting I do is more abstract. I think when you're in marketing or any kind of content creation or any kind of planning, product releases, everything is so precise and measured that when it comes time to have a little bit of fun, what you want to do is throw paint at a canvas, which is great.

Kevin Weitzel: Alisa, you're missing a potential bucket of cash of profitability here. I [00:03:00] know that the guy, the artists that did those little olive paintings, you know, where people are dressed up like little olives is a multimillionaire. Now you felt you quarter the market of lobster paintings. 

Alisa Meredith: Oh, I could, but what would I really want?

Greg Bray: And we digress. So thank you, Kevin.

Alisa Meredith: When I'm a multimillionaire, I'll think of you. 

Greg Bray: There you go. Well tell us a little bit more about Tailwind and the kind of agency you guys are in the services that you provide. 

Alisa Meredith: So it's actually a software as a service, so not a service agency, but it is a tool that will help you to create, publish and analyze your social media.

 I get into it of course, because Pinterest is my thing, but it goes way beyond Pinterest, it's just a great tool. It's kind of the tool you need when you don't have a marketing team. And I know that's a [00:04:00] concern for a lot of business owners, or maybe they even have a small marketing team, but there are just never enough people to do the work that needs to be done.

Greg Bray: It is definitely a challenge to keep up. 

Kevin Weitzel: So I don't even want to admit that the listening public, because I guarantee you I'm going to get teased about this, but I am a Pinterest user. I am a Pinterest addict. I look at scooters like Vesta scooters, mid century, modern architecture and pin up calendar art.

Those are my three categories. And. I use it just to google and oogle things. And I think those images and all that stuff is really cool. And I bookmark them and I collect them on Markham as you know, I pinned them. But how do, how would a build or utilize that platform to their advantage to spread basically the joy of their company.

Alisa Meredith: Well, I want to back up a little bit there because if you are being made fun of the you're not alone because the number of men on Pinterest in the past year has grown 40%. So [00:05:00] you're not alone. My co-hosts is Jeff Sieh and he has the biggest beard you've ever seen and he's all about Pinterest too. So if anyone teases you, it's just because they're not admitting what they're looking up on


Greg Bray: So, it's not true that Pinterest is just women. 

Alisa Meredith: No. Okay. No, it's not true. It is still primarily women and especially in the United States, for some reason in the UK, it's more half and half here. It's definitely more women, but men are getting into it now they're seeing what they were missing.

Although scooters and things is what you're saying. You are joining the, the gen Z, 

Kevin Weitzel: please pass on to Jeff. It was Jeff, right? Yeah. That he should shave the center section of his beer to make. Big giant juicy chops. 

Alisa Meredith: Oh, he's never going to do that. I'm sorry. It's like it's in his logo and everything.

He has this mega beard. Yeah. Sorry. 

Greg Bray: Before we dive into Kevin's well, I don't want to lose Kevin's [00:06:00] question about how builders can use it, but, do we need to do a little bit more background just for the couple of guys who don't know what Pinterest is that are still, you know, how does it work? Why does it matter?

Where does it fit in the world of social media, you know, inquiring minds want to know. 

Alisa Meredith: Yeah. So if you think about the way that Kevin is using Pinterest, That's kind of the way most people use it. They used it to collect ideas and inspiration, usually for something they want to act on later. So it's basically a visual search and discovery engine where when you get on there, you have your feed, which is, is full of images from people you follow images related to things you've engaged with in the past, plus some promoted images.

and then the biggest thing though is search. So that is what people mostly do on Pinterest is search, which makes it a lot closer to a Google than to Facebook or Instagram. So I think that's key for people who are new to Pinterest to understand that it's. It's has [00:07:00] some social features, but it's really not social media.

It is really search and discovery, which I think makes it feel a little bit more accessible to some people. I like to think of it as the introvert's network, which is why it really appeals to me. I have no problem speaking to people, but my happy place is when I'm kind of planning and dreaming and thinking about my future or something that I want to do as opposed to presenting an image of myself, the way I want to be seen, which is what Instagram is really great for [00:08:00] and there is nothing wrong with that. It justins't my preference or my comfortable space. So, yeah Pintrest really is a happy place for alot of people . It is a very safe place, they have been careful to keep fake news off the platform, they didn't provide any political ads. Anything that helps people to imagine a better future, even if it's just what I'm going to wear to this event in three weeks has a place on Pinterest. And that, I mean, there's really no better fit than someone dreaming of a new home. 

Greg Bray: I love the way you just described that as more of a search tool than a social media.

Platform. So my goal on Pinterest is not to interact with people the way that I do on social media per se, but rather to find the things I'm looking for and have a way to kind of collect that I'm gonna use my text search results if you will, in a different kind of way, because it's more of a visual search than it is a keyword or content, or texts. Sorry. It is content pictures or content too, but more of a text based visual based versus text-based, I'll get that out eventually. 

Alisa Meredith: So, Pinterest this year, [00:09:00]  they have said that their mission has changed a little bit. So in the past, it's always been about connecting people with ideas and that's typically how people use it today. What they'd like to move towards is creators, like content creators acted with the pinners. They want to bring a bit social into it, so that is where they create stories, upload photos, but there is still a huge component of that search and discovery.

Greg Bray: All right. So let's go back to Kevin's question then. All right, go ahead, Kevin, ask it again. 

Kevin Weitzel:  Well I guess I do want to go back to that question because I do feel that it's very important to know for our audience, you know, how do home builders, how can they capitalize on the platform? But that kind of, when you said that, you know, they're kind of changing their mission.

I've noticed a lot more Pinterest images that have tags to products. So if you have a guy wearing a fancy suit, And [00:10:00] he's when you can catch a glimpse of his watch and might have a tag where you can tag and see what watches he wearing, where do you buy it? How much did they cost? Is that something you foresee that maybe home builders are under utilizing that they could be utilizing to their advantage?

Alisa Meredith: Possibly, and the reason I say that is because most of the time when you see those tags, if you look at who created that image, let's say, give me a name of a men's suit creater, roughly. It's Ralph Lauren made the pin, but if you look at the items and when you click on the tag, it could be JC Penny or Kohl's, it may not be Ralph Lauren.

And that's because Ralph Lauren has not tagged anything in their photo themselves. So Pinterest is doing it. So if you have products that you're showing in an image, you definitely want to be tagging them. 

Kevin Weitzel: So you're basically saying that a home builder may not necessarily use the tagging feature, but maybe let's go [00:11:00] with Kohler, Kohler plumbing, maybe finishes or LG appliances would tag in their image of their kitchen that they're showing that they're showcasing.

Cause they decorated and designed his kitchen as part of their home. But, Kohler might go on there and say, Hey, this is our X, Y Z model sink brand new this year with the new I guess black stainless steel is the hot thing. So yeah, so maybe this is our black stainless steel product line.

So is that pretty much what you're talking about?

Alisa Meredith:  Yeah. And those tags can make it really easy for people to actually buy from Pinterest and people on Pinterest are looking to buy. Sometimes they're just looking and they end up buying, but it is a place that leads to sales, for sure. 

Greg Bray: So, so I guess that kind of dives in yeah.

Are people thinking of Pinterest as a marketing platform and opportunity, or is it still more of kind of more, a personal use type of thing? Where do you see that? Just in a general, what's the word I'm looking for? Kind [00:12:00] of a viewpoint, I guess, of businesses. Do they think Pinterest can help them marketing or what are your thoughts?

Alisa Meredith: Well, judging by the percentage of marketers who say they use Pinterest, I do think that they're maybe not understanding the potential. So I think the last number I saw was 36% of marketers are using Pinterest. That's not a lot. I think part of the issue is they don't quite understand how it works or they have tried it, but they've tried to make their Facebook or their Instagram strategy work on Pinterest.

It's not going to work. And then they give up. 

Greg Bray: All right. Well that just opened up a whole bunch of questions, but go ahead 

Kevin Weitzel: and, and half joking, but can you, you could potentially monetize those tax as well. Right?

Alisa Meredith: In what way? 

Kevin Weitzel: Like, and I'm using this, the joking part I could tag on a competitor site, aren't competitors image, [00:13:00] these things, don't buy this, don't buy this, don't buy this. And here's why, because this is better, but let's say you could spin that the other way and say, in addition to being able to purchase this in an Ashton Woods home, you can also buy this for your own resale home.

Alisa Meredith: So you can't pin other, I mean, you can't tag other people's images. You can only tag your own images. Okay. Yes. Which is a good thing. We don't want people out there doing that and a roague kind of way. 

Kevin Weitzel: Gotcha.

Greg Bray: What are the opportunities for marketers Alisa?

Alisa Meredith: Oh, they're tremendous. So one of the things that I think is really interesting about Pinterest is that, 97% of the searches people are performing on Pinterest and there are billions of them going on.

97% are unbranded. So that means if you are a home builder who doesn't have national name recognition, it doesn't matter. On Pinterest, because people are in kind of an earlier stage of that. Decision-making where they're just looking for ideas and inspiration. [00:14:00] They're not looking for a specific builder or a specific floor plan.

They may not even have a style in mind yet. So it's an opportunity to get to people when they are just in that first stage of, I think I might be ready to build a home. 

Greg Bray: So how does a builder go about getting there content to show up for that type of a search in that type it for someone at that point in their kind of buying journey?

Alisa Meredith: Yeah. So you probably have your keyword research done for Google. You're going to take kind of your most basic keywords because they're all going to be a little bit different on Google. People have a little bit higher of a purchase intent and they have an idea more of what they want on Pinterest.

We said they want ideas. So almost anything paired with the word idea, we'll be good. Right? So custom home ideas, how to build a home. You know, anything where people are kind of in that early stage of, I kind of think I might want to do this, but I'm [00:15:00] not really sure where to go find them at that point, because if you can become that source of information and inspiration, they're going to save your content to their boards.

And when they're ready to move after they've done lots of research everywhere they're going to have that pin to come back to and act on. Okay. I was going to say that another thing is because they're so brand new when they find you on Pinterest, right? A lot of your traffic from Pinterest is going to be a first-time visitor, which is great, but it also means that they're probably not ready to sign up for a consultation immediately.

So what you want to do is make it very, very easy for them to get on your email list. 

Greg Bray: And can they do that from directly within Pinterest? Or do you have to link them over to your website?

Alisa Meredith:  You're going to link them over to your website, but that clicking from Pinterest to a website is very common, expected behavior. Basically people get that teaser on Pintrest and they are going to go to a site and get more information. So they are very conditioned to do that. They probably aren't going to sign up for my newsletter or sign up for a free consult, but they may sign up for 10 questions to ask your builder before you hire them.  For example, just a quick little PDF that they need as part of that really beginning part of their journey. 

Kevin Weitzel: That's actually a good idea.

So I admittedly I use Pinterest and I use the free platform, you know, cause I just go on there and lurk and search tag things or pin things. What kind of budget can people expect to put into paying for ads or paying for placement on Pinterest? 

Alisa Meredith: Oh man, that the range is extreme. Uh, you don't have to have a huge budget.

You don't have to spend a whole lot to cost per click, um, doing things like interest targeting, which is pretty broad. You can get very, very inexpensive clicks. If you want to do something like a max width video that takes up the whole width on a [00:17:00] mobile you know, your CPM is pretty high.

It's like, I don't know about $8 or so, which it might be higher than what you're paying on Facebook. But the thing about Pinterest ads, I think if you want to try them, make sure you have a budget to go about twice, as long as you normally would on a Facebook ad campaign to see if it's working, it takes a bit longer.

Of course the audience on Pinterest is smaller. So you just need to have that double time before you decide if it's working or not. 

Greg Bray: So let's go back to something you said about my Facebook strategy. Probably won't work on Pinterest. What is it that you see in people's Facebook strategies that does not translate or that because they they're not treating the platform kind of the same way there that they should.

What is it that they're the mistake they're making when they do that?  

Alisa Meredith: Pinterest is wonderful for building community. Pinterest, not so much people want inspiration and information. [00:18:00] So if we think about what we might post on Facebook or what we might post on Instagram, that's a lot of Instagram, especially is about your company and what you're doing for people, your company culture, and that really people want that information for like, they want to get to know you before they do business with you, but they don't care about that on Pinterest at all.

So when you're on Pinterest, I've even had people say, well, I've been posting my company party photos on Pinterest. It's like, Whoa, no, no. like honestly, they don't care about you. They care about what you're going to bring to them. Uh, so it's a little bit of a different thing. What people want from you on Pinterest compared to Instagram or Facebook?

Greg Bray: So then what is the first step then? If it's not the company party pictures, because you know, Kevin gets good traffic on his company party pictures,

but where, where do we start? Okay. I'm a builder. I've never touched Pinterest before. I'm going to create my account and I got to put [00:19:00] something on there. What do I start with? What are your thoughts? Do you have a blog? Yeah, I hope we've got a blog. Yeah. 

Alisa Meredith: Yes, yes. So you are going to create several images for each blog post and each one is going to appeal to a different audience.

So what I mean by that is if you can take your main title of your blog post, what might be a blog post title that you would 


Greg Bray: Well, it could range from certain events like grand opening at a new community, or it could be something more about maybe some home maintenance tips or it could, you know, lots of different directions to go.

Alisa Meredith: Okay. So the grand opening that like Pinterest, they don't really care about that, but home maintenance tips. Okay. So we have one of those, maybe it's eight home maintenance tips for every new home buyer. you can create. That main image, right? With the eight maintenance tips on it, then you can create an image that just talks about one of those maintenance tips, and you can create seven more for the other seven, right?

So now you have seven different pins [00:20:00] that can show up in seven different or eight different searches, and that's expanding your audience for that one piece of content. Now, once they've gotten to your blog, Hopefully there's a really easy way to get them on to your email list. You're probably going to have a PDF with how to do those eight different things.

Greg Bray: So if I'm understanding where you're going, this is not just about, Oh, I did a photo shoot of our kitchens and we're putting up a big kitchen gallery of kitchen photos that's one use. But what you're talking about is actually getting messaging into the photos themselves, the images themselves. So the tip is actually part of the graphic and then linking that graphic back to the website. And so, you know, for the tip or whatever, so that there's a connection there. So I'm not just saying, Oh, that's a pretty kitchen I've actually got whose kitchen is it?

 Or whatever in the image itself. So there's a little more than just taking the pictures. There's layering content into [00:21:00] the imagery. Am I understanding correctly. 

Alisa Meredith: Yes. Although I think that's the only half of it, because like you mentioned, you have those beautiful photos of kitchens from homes that you've built in the past.

You can absolutely. Especially for your industry posts, post those beautiful pictures, just make sure you have your logo or some other branding on it. So people know it's yours, because the big thing is yes, you want to inspire, but you also want to motivate to action. Right. So it's those, when you have a blog post with actionable information, for someone in that stage of hunting, there is something for them to do, definitely inspire them with images, but also make sure that in your title, on your pin and in your description on your pin, you're talking about what they can do with this information.

Like want a kitchen like this. You know, visit our showroom, visit our website. We have this cool custom home builder app or, you know, whatever it is, make sure that this [00:22:00] gorgeous picture, isn't something that people are just going to save a million times on the platform. It's something that's actually going to lead to an action for you.

Kevin Weitzel: The marketing managers that are listening to this are going to laugh at me when asked this question, but I use Pinterest just for just those idea boards. And just to say, I don't care if I look at a picture of a scooter and it's from Sri Lanka, I don't care. Can you focus your, image, outreach to someplace to your market share?

So like a K Hovnanian might blast out some pictures and you look for national reach, but now let's look at somebody like arrive homes in Utah. Arrive might only care about, you know, their general market there in Utah. So is there a way to channel those to where they get seen by more of just the people in your area?

Or does that not? 

Alisa Meredith: I, that is tricky. there are some things you can do. I, because of course they're in that early stage of discovery. [00:23:00] Well, most people probably aren't searching for Utah home builders, but I would still use those keywords and in every pin so that if they were you'd show up now the way to, without fail target people only in your area is with ads.

So that that's definitely an option for you. Just realizing that because Pinterest is national it's international. If you are a local only, and you don't have anything to offer outside of your area, you're going to attract a lot of, a lot of traffic that is not going to do anything for you.

Greg Bray: Yeah. So it sounds like what I'm hearing, Alisa is there's the visual component of, because the content is all very visual, but there's also a real SEO element that goes along with that, as far as titling and descriptions and tagging and all these other pieces to help, because at the end of the day, People are still typing in search strings, trying to find [00:24:00] stuff and that, and so if we want our image to show up, we've got to have those keywords that,  maybe they're just looking for decorating ideas and we want to show up for that.

But if somebody is looking for, show me pictures of four bedroom homes in Wilmington, North Carolina, we want to show up for that too. And, maybe we happen to, and frankly, sometimes. They're typing that search on Google and it's the Pinterest page that's showing up as the result, as the result on Google, that you can then pull them through, into your content and your website as well.

Alisa Meredith:  I wanna say that one of the interesting thingds about Pintrest SEO is that they are committed to continuities. So what they want to see is simularity and keyword usage, kind of an image style from your website, whatever your page you are linking to, to the pin itself and even the board you are saving it to on Pintrest. So all of these things work together [00:25:00] as a signal to Pinterest about what this content is. Um, they will look at the title of your pin, the description of your pin, your board name, your board description, other pins on that board, uh, the keywords on your page. They even read the text on your image. They also can see which items are in your image.

So even if you're not using a keyword, but you have a bathtub in your photo there, they can see that that's a bathtub and they will kind of behind the scenes attach that keyword. It's really smart. 

Greg Bray: It's, it's a little scary, frankly, but you know, some of the image technology that's coming up, I know Amazon now has some things where you can take a picture of a product and it'll find it on the website, so you can just use the Amazon app to take a photo.

And so, these types of technologies are really growing and becoming more common. And, so it won't be very long homebuilders where someone can say, Show me four bedroom homes like this one, and [00:26:00] it's a picture of a home. Right? And now it's a total visual search. I mean, those types of things are coming and you are going to need to have your content out there in a place like Pinterest, so that someone they have a library to look at to find these types of.

Do you think that type of search is coming? I think that type of search is coming. Would you be comfortable with that? 

Alisa Meredith: Yes, there's already that on Pinterest. So you can do a visual search either within Pinterest. There's this little icon, you can click and then select the part of the image you want to match.

And they'll bring up thousands of results. If you have the Pinterest save, widget on your, on your browser, it will, it will pull up something that looks like a kind of a broken, rounded square, and you can select part of an image on that page and it will pull up products. That match that image. It's wild.

I, yeah. And I can see Kevin face, his mind is blown. 

Kevin Weitzel: You blow my mind. I realized in our listening audience knows that I'm the mouth breathing, knuckle dragger of the two of us. However, are you seriously [00:27:00] telling me that you can take a picture of just a random thing? A bicycle. And when you take a picture of the bicycle, it, the picture itself is going to cue into different things.

Like what wheels are on it, what pedals are on it, cranks and what seat brand is it that, 

Alisa Meredith: I mean, it's, it's probably unless it's real distinctive, not going to give you the brand and the part number, but it's going to give you very similar items. 

Kevin Weitzel: That blows my mind, my mind completely blown.

I'm going to go seriously, take a picture of something and do a search on it. 

Alisa Meredith: Just, you said upload it. And if you upload it and you're like, Hey, they didn't do a very good job, figuring out what this is. Give it a couple of days because I've noticed that what they do at first is they look at the overall.

Uh, visual style of it. So they might pull out colors or fonts or just aesthetic. Right. And then a few days later you check in it, Oh, that's a little bit closer. And a few days later you check. And I was like, Oh my goodness. They totally figured out what my pin is. That's really cool. 

Greg Bray: And [00:28:00] this is the kind of technology that the builder who's got their library of imagery out there.

Is way ahead than the ones who haven't really started yet or aren't even paying attention. So yeah, 

Alisa Meredith: kind of jealous of them if they haven't started yet, but they have all these blog posts. They have all these gorgeous photos from houses. They built, you have a treasure trove of Pinterest content that is just waiting to be out there and waiting to be found and just make sure, like the key features are prominent in your photo.

Because again, Pinterest is going to recognize what's in that photo. So you have like a clawfoot bathtub. Make sure you can tell what that is by looking at it. Cause Pinterest will pull that out too and help people find it 

Greg Bray: well, now that Kevin's mind is blown, we're going to have to wrap up because he just can't handle anymore.

I can't wait. We gotta, we gotta make sure he can come back next time, but we're really appreciative of your time. Just a few, a [00:29:00] few more questions is kinda wrap up, what do you think, just to try and blow Kevin's mind the last little bit, this last what else is coming?

What do you see coming down the pike related to Pinterest or kind of along those lines in the next couple of years that we need to be ready for and paying attention to? 

Alisa Meredith: Yeah. So Pinterest is really all in, on stories right now. Every platform it seems like has stories. The difference with Pinterest stories is that they don't disappear.

So this is their kind of their way to get pinners and creators to connect so that they are all about the story right now. and that is really where you can kind of let your yourself shine. So I, you can't link from a story and that's the thing where a lot of creators, like, I don't even want to bother cause I want the traffic, but the thing is.

When you do what Pinterest wants. And when you combine that with what Pinterest users want, it usually works out very well for you. So, I did a little test. [00:30:00] I created a story pin that showed my painting process all the way through with video plus stills, plus a list of all the, the materials I used doing everything they said to do.

Right. You could follow along and maybe make that painting just from that story, you don't have to go anywhere from it. Well, I noticed that in the 10 days before I published that story, my little neglected account had eight followers added to it in the 10 days afterwards, I had 32 followers added to it so that there was no like a teeny little baby test.

But it was four X follower growth and not just follower growth, but followers who are going to engage with that kind of content. So I know that next time I post something about one of my paintings. I already have this audience primed, and now they're more likely to see my content. that's a win for me, right?

Because those pins will be clickable. Uh, so story pins really are where it's at. You're getting about [00:31:00] 41 times the number of saves on your pins. So when someone saves your pin there, they see it on Pinterest. They save it to their board. That really is how your content. Spreads on Pinterest is having people save it like that.

So story pins are real powerful right now. I would highly suggest you do that. 

Kevin Weitzel: Like an STD.

Alisa Meredith:  No, not at all. 

Kevin Weitzel: This pin has been with this pin and it's been on this person's storyboard storyboard. That pin just gets all over the place. Anyway. 

Greg Bray: So this is what happens when his mind is blown.

Kevin Weitzel: I seriously, I'm making call to Rachel Peters.

And I'll tell you why, because Keystone Custom Homes, Ben Russ had his team catalog their entire image file or image library of what things are in there. What colors are on the walls, what flooring is in there. And I know that they did that in catalog their entire library. So you could search within their website that way [00:32:00] I'm wanting to know, and that's why I'm going to call Rachel.

I'm gonna call her as soon as we're done with this. And I want to find out if they're actually utilizing that to push that content out to Pinterest. 

Alisa Meredith: Oh, will you tell me what they say? 

Kevin Weitzel: Yeah,

Alisa Meredith: you do have to know, and if they're not, then you have something really great to tell them. That's 

Greg Bray: right. Yeah. There we go.

Well, I'm Alisa again. We're really grateful for your time to any, any last thoughts or piece of advice you'd like to share with our audience before we wrap up? 

Alisa Meredith: Well, I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Tailwind helps make this all a lot easier. So you can create images very quickly and schedule them as well.

I also have a Facebook live on the Tailwind Facebook page every week with my co-host Jesse. And we talk about Pinterest. And we talk about Instagram and all kinds of things, and it's a lot of fun. 

Greg Bray: Well, and we're going to be sure to put some links to that in our show notes as well for you, because we really appreciate that.

So if someone does want to get in touch, is that the best way, or is there some other way to get hold of you too? That if they [00:33:00] want to reach out, 

Alisa Meredith: I love to hear from people on Twitter @alisaannmeredith, same on Instagram. 

Greg Bray: All right. Awesome. Well, at least again, thank you so much for your time today.

This has been a great conversation. Everyone does not have the distinction of having blown Kevin's mind. So you on a very short list. Um, so we might have to do some awards for that some point, Kevin let's say all right, everybody. Thank you for listening today to the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast.

I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine 

and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse. Thank you. 


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