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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

56.5 Bonus Episode: Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit: Sneak Peek

Bonus Episode: Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit: Sneak Peek

Show Notes

Speaker Line-up:

Sponsors: NoviHome, Association of Professional Builders, Denim Marketing,, Dun Today, Lasso CRM, NterNow,, 149 Photos, Bokka Group, New Homes Sales Solution Consulting, ProHome.

On this week's episode of The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, Greg and Kevin give you a little sneak-peek into the upcoming Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit – Virtual Series, April 29, May 6, May 13, May 20, 12-2 ET. Join home builder marketing experts in an information-packed session that will help you boost your business today!

Home Buyer Behavior is Changing Quickly. We'll Help You Keep Pace...

Blockbuster, Borders and Kodak were once thriving brands that met their demise by failing to recognize the change in consumer behavior. The pandemic has accelerated a shift in buyer habits. Do NOT let your home builder business fall behind. Here’s your opportunity to learn from the top minds inside (and outside) the home builder industry to help you secure your business’ future.

Join us at the Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit… it’s FREE.



Greg Bray:  [00:00:00]Hello everybody. And welcome to a special bonus episode of the home builder, digital marketing podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine 

Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin to, with Outhouse. 

Greg Bray: And we are excited today to take just a few minutes of your time and tell you about the upcoming spring 2021 Home Builder, Digital Marketing Summit Virtual Series.

That's coming up. Did I get that right? Kevin? That was a long mouthful of stuff. 

Kevin Weitzel: Yeah. It's only one of the longest names of a summit in the entire industry. 

Greg Bray: Well, we want to make sure that people [00:01:00] just, you know, never forget it, never forget it. tell him a little bit about what's coming, what's coming up, and when it's happening.

Kevin Weitzel: Well, I'll tell you what's really cool about it. We actually split it up over four different days, so you can take it out in bite-sized chunks. So instead of having to clear out whole days or a couple of days out of your schedule, two hours, starting April 29th, not 49. There is no 49 days in April. April 29, and day one is actually pretty cool, all right. Well, Kevin, let's tell him what's coming up on day one to kick this thing off. 

Greg Bray: Well, it doesn't get any more exciting than multi-author, VP of everything. Awesome. At CBH homes. The largest builder in all of Idaho, Ronda Conger, she's going to be talking about leading through extraordinary times and who else to do it than her.

Greg Bray: Ronda is so full of energy, Kevin. I'll tell you this, you're going to love, love, love her presentation because that's Rhonda, it's just full of love, right? Full of love. And then Kevin, of course, coming up right after that is going to be [00:02:00] a great builder panel that you're going to be heading up.

Kevin Weitzel: Yeah, this one I'm actually pretty excited about, you know, our builder panel was a big hit in our fall session. And because of that, we're doing not one but two in this spring session. This, uh, first builder panel is actually going to be based on how the consumer's habits have changed based on having to deal with COVID and being on lockdown and what's changed their behaviors.

So we're going to take a look at three unique stories from Brenna Ryan of William Ryan Homes, Jennifer Cooper of Truland Homes, and Quint Lears of Hakes Brothers. And we're going to just kind of dive into some of the things that they've done that differentiate them from other builders. 

Greg Bray: And of course we can't forget our sponsor for the day NoviHome and their contribution for being our day sponsor for day one. 

And that that panel is going to have a lot to offer because those people are all very experienced. They come from different parts of the country, different sized builders. So you're going to get a lot of different perspectives. I'm excited about it, for sure. 

Kevin Weitzel: It's three [00:03:00] battleships being brought into a harbor.

Greg Bray: Amazing. I'm not sure we're going to tell them you call them battleships, but, okay. Well, all right, well coming up on day two. Which again, every Thursday for four Thursdays. Right? So day one's, April 29th, day two is May 6th and day two is sponsored by The Association of Professional Builders and we really appreciate their support as the day sponsor.

So coming up on, on day two, I'm excited that we're going to have Ali Webster from Zillow, and she's going to be diving in to some of the statistics and reporting and surveys that Zillow has been doing about the buyers and some of the things that have changed for the buyers and their attitudes and their decision-making processes.

Again, a lot has changed in 2020, and it's not going to go back the way it was folks. So come and listen and learn from Ali and some of the things that Zillow's found out.

 Kevin Weitzel: On the second half of the day, we get to enjoy Carol Morgan talking about professional networks, you know, dealing [00:04:00] with LinkedIn and lead networking conversions.

Greg Bray: She is actually the director owner extraordinary over at Denim Marketing and Denim Marketing's got a lot of great experience with social media of all kinds. So, Carol I'm sure is going to bring some amazing insights. I think LinkedIn is an nderrepresented opportunity for a lot of home builder marketers.

You know, we talk a lot about the other networks, but LinkedIn is one that I think there's a lot of opportunities there that people have not yet tapped into. So excited to hear what she has to share.

Kevin Weitzel:  I agree. 

All right. Day three. Greg is going to be one of your special days, a little bit of pressure on you. So May 13th, our first session is Five Keys to Successfully Sell Homes Online - Completely. Who's doing that one, Greg. It's you? 

Greg Bray: Yeah, that's going to be me.

And we're excited to have Denim Marketing, sponsoring that day for us as well, but I'm really excited about talking more about selling homes online, lots of builders are excited about this, there are builders leading the way buyers are interested. [00:05:00] It's time to figure out where it fits in your strategy.

And so we're going to talk about some of the things you need to think about if you're heading in that direction and even what it means to buy homes online. So, yeah, I'm, I'm pretty pumped about sharing that for sure.

Kevin Weitzel: So with that whole process of buying homes online, you have to qualify leads, right?

Greg Bray: Absolutely. And I think our second speaker is an expert in this area. This is Russ Stephens from the Association of Professional Builders and, you know, Kevin, we searched the world to find the best speakers for this summit. Russ is going to be speaking live from Australia. All right, while we're doing this and he's even going to be doing it in the middle of the night, his time he's that committed to making this happen?

He kind of said, Greg, is there a little bit later time slot? You can fit me in. And I'm like, Nope, sorry. It's going to be like 3:00 AM his time or something like that. So we appreciate Russ and all he's doing to make that happen.

Greg Bray: Oh, I'm excited for it though. It's going to be great. And so day four coming up today four and you know what? You may be tired already just thinking about day one through three, but don't [00:06:00] Miss day four, May 20th. Brought to us by our sponsor for the day sponsor. And what are we going to see on day four, Kevin? 

Kevin Weitzel: Well, we're going to have some cutting-edge digital tools and those cutting-edge digital tools. Those are the tools that drive you in the real estate sales process and we're going to have none of them other than Justin Croxton.

Greg Bray: And I know Justin personally. His agency, Propellant Media is a leader in some of these cutting-edge tools that are out there. And so we were thrilled when he agreed, to join us for the summit and be able to share some of those ideas. So you're not going to want to miss Justin's ideas.

And of course, Kevin, then we finish it off with the grand finale. Our second panel that you're going to lead. And tell us what this panel is going to be talking about. 

Kevin Weitzel: So there's a lot of things that are involved with marketing events, but with the pandemic and not to be COVID to death, you know, because we're all sick of hearing it.

But. You had to do virtual events. And what we really found was that there are two people that [00:07:00] shine and outshine a lot of competitors when it comes to marketing these virtual events because you can't just put on a virtual event in the hope that people show up, you have to market them. We got to have an Ananth Rao from EYA Marketing. We're going to have Juliette Elliott from Elliott homes, as well as Shane Austin from Abrazo down in New Mexico. 

Greg Bray: It's going to be great to learn some of the lessons that they've done. These people have all had some great experiences with their events and figuring out how to use those to drive engagement, drive interest.

And I'm really excited to learn what they have to share so that we can all do better. Well, Kevin, again, four days. Eight presentations. And tell them about this amazing opportunity, how much it's going to cost. 

Kevin Weitzel: It is free, absolutely free, but why is it free, Greg? It's free because we have fantastic sponsors.

Greg Bray: We do. We've already talked about Novihome, the Association of Professional Builders, Denim Marketing, and, but they're not our only sponsors. 

 We are also really grateful for the contribution of our other session sponsors, [00:08:00] ECI Lasso, Dun Today, NterNow, and the Association of Professional Builders. 

And we're also really thankful for the contributions of our summit sponsors, Boca Group, New Home Solutions, consulting ProHome Warranty, and 

Kevin Weitzel: All of these folks have made a contribution to make this possible, to make it all come together. So come learn more about them. Check out the website, their websites, as well as summit website, and also come listen to some of the information we'll share about our sponsors, because without them, none of this would happen, especially not at the price of free.

Greg Bray: Free. If anyone's not clear how much it costs. It's free, who says that great things don't come free because this is a great thing 

Kevin Weitzel: for our Spanish-speaking folks. That's nada, for our Australian speaking folks, that's. I don't even know. That's the one word I have learned in Australian life, in my Australia 101 class.

Greg Bray: Well for German, it's nitchs.  So there we go. Yeah. [00:09:00] Well folks, so if you want to take advantage of this, where do you go? Builder Marketing That's where you register again. That's Builder Marketing Again, it's free. It's going to be starting soon. April 29th. Don't miss out. We can't wait to see you there.

Kevin and I are going to be there. Of course, you wouldn't. It wouldn't be any fun if we weren't there, right, Kevin? 

Kevin Weitzel: Well, if I'm not there, then the moderator role is just going to be void and then we're going to have, you know, builders, running amuck, just talking amongst themselves. 

Greg Bray: All right.

We'll make sure you're there, Kevin. All right, well, thanks, everybody. Please be sure to join us at the upcoming spring Builder Marketing Summit. Again, that's Builder Marketing Starting on April 29th, four Thursdays, 12 to 2 Eastern time. Go ahead and sign up even if you're not sure if you can make it to every day, it's one sign-up to get you in.

That's ticket's good for all four days. Can't wait to see you there. And thanks again for joining us today on this bonus edition of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg gray with Blue Tangerine 

Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse

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