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Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Digital Marketing Podcast Hosted by Greg Bray and Kevin Weitzel

192 How to Ask for More and Get It - Dia Bondi

This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast Dia Bondi, author of Ask Like an Auctioneer, joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builder digital marketers and salespeople can learn how to ask for more and get it.

Digital marketers and salespeople have often been trained to ask for what is probable but it’s important to know how to reach far beyond that. Dia explains, “…when we go for a yes when we only ask for what we're pretty sure we're going to get, we inadvertently lowball ourselves and we don't even know it…We have to actually ask in order to get a no because the no lets me know I've maximized the potential of that ask. And I never sell it for the number I get a no for, I always sell it for the number just below that. So, I want everyone to go, Oh, flip that bit in their brains and say, Oh, when I get an instinct, yes, it means that there's probably something more I could have gotten.”

Asking for that maximum potential can be extremely uncomfortable because it challenges conventional wisdom. Dia says, “This is difficult for folks to do. Why? Because everything that lives between a guaranteed yes or a mostly guaranteed yes and that menacing word no exists in a zone, I like to call the Zone of Freaking Out. It's that…feeling you get, it's because that number is in the Zone of Freaking Out and that feeling keeps you out and away from asking for more.”

Learning how to move through uneasy thoughts and feelings to ask for more is a skill that will open up greater possibilities. Dia says, “…I think that asking is one of the most overlooked and actively avoided success strategies out there. If we can learn to ask with more courage, also more heart, and not in the spirit of demands, but in the spirit of help me try to get where I'm trying to go, we can often accelerate toward those goals.”

Listen to this week’s episode to hear more about how to reach business goals faster by learning how to ask for more.

About the Guest:

Dia Bond is a Communications Catalyst for high-impact people. In her private coaching and programs, she works with professional C-level leaders, VC-backed founders and ambitious professionals guiding and helping them find their voice and lead with it. Her workshops and talks are hosted by corporations including Quartz, Salesforce, Google's, and Dropbox. In global sport, she helped Rio de Janeiro secure the 2016 Summer Olympics. After attending auctioneering school for fun, she translated the techniques she learned into a program that prepares ambitious professionals and especially women, to ask for more and leave nothing on the table called Ask Like an Auctioneer. She's been featured on CNBC Make It, Forbes and Fast Company. Her book, Ask Like an Auctioneer, will be published in 2023. Listen to her podcast Lead With Who You Are.


Greg Bray: [00:00:00] Hello, everybody, and welcome to today's episode of The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine.

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm Kevin Weitzel with Zonda Livabl.

Greg Bray: And we are excited today to have joining us on the show, Dia Bondi. Dia is an author and a leadership communications coach. Welcome. Thanks for being with us today.

Dia Bondi: So glad to be here. Thank you.

Greg Bray: Well, Dia, I think we need to start by just getting to know who you are a little bit. Give us that quick introduction for folks who haven't had a chance to meet you yet.

Dia Bondi: Sure. I am a longtime leadership communications coach working with venture-backed [00:01:00] founders and senior executives to help them speak powerfully at really critical moments and use their voice as a leadership tool. A handful of years ago I went to auctioneering school during a sabbatical for fun and started doing, as an impact hobby, fundraising auctioneering for women-led nonprofits and nonprofits benefiting women and girls.

And it turns out, what I learned in the auctioneering stage is very useful in our life, careers, and businesses to think about how we can all ask for more and get it. And so, that's the author side of my title. My book Ask Like an Auctioneer is coming out fall this year, 2023. I'm a mom. I've got a 13-year-old super athlete and a 16-year-old son who likes to build robots and married to my high school sweetheart and live in California.

Kevin Weitzel: High school sweetheart. That's rare nowadays.

Dia Bondi: I tell my kids, it's not a goal. It just happened. I don't know what to tell you. Like, yeah.

Kevin Weitzel: This is either going to be the easiest or the toughest question you're going to answer today. And that is, please tell our audience something about you personally that has zero to do with work that they'll [00:02:00] learn about on our podcast alone.

Dia Bondi: Let's see. When I was a kid, while friends wanted to be doctors, nurses, engineers, and teachers, I wanted to be a long-haul truck driver.

Kevin Weitzel: B. J. McKay and the Bear.

Greg Bray: Oh, man, that's a reference I'm not sure everybody's gonna get.

Dia Bondi: I didn't get it, but roll right past it. Yeah. I had a fantasy of like being a lone woman on the road, driving coast to coast in my super shiny 18-wheeler.

Kevin Weitzel: Chrome all over the place.

Dia Bondi: Yeah. And then when I pull into like a Love's truck stop, I would like drop out of the cab and people would think I was gonna be some, you know, beefy dude. But instead, I was basically, Daisy Duke falling out of an 18-wheeler. That did not happen, but I do still have that spirit alive and well in me. I like to hit the road. I like to go out and adventure, and I like to kind of do things on my own terms.

Greg Bray: So, in full disclosure to our audience, I had a chance to hear Dia speak at a conference a couple of months back about some of this auctioneering stuff and it was fascinating. So, that's why we wanted to have you join us because I think there's a lot [00:03:00] of great insights that you've put together here. But let's kind of start with the background of what the heck does auctioneer have to do with anything in leadership coaching or communication.

Dia Bondi: Sure. So, to give a little context, you know, I'm active in the world of entrepreneurship and leadership and folks come to me 'cause they need to tell a compelling story to an audience. And in order for me to help them do that in a voice that is aligned to who they are, I have to ask the question, what do you want from your audience? Right? I mean, if there are marketers on this podcast right now, it's what you'd think of it as a CTA.

But it's not just two words that go into a button, it's a request of the room, whether it's for time, attention, resources, headcount, engagement, participation, investment, whether it's angel funding or big VC money, or whatever it might be. When I ask that question, I'm usually met with another question, which is, what do you think I can get? And for years I was co-conspiring with my clients to sort of lowball themselves by answering that question. Great. What do you think you can get?

And they'd say, well, I need 10 heads, I need a hundred thousand dollars budget, but they'll never go for it. I'll [00:04:00] ask for 50. I'm pretty sure they're going to get it. And when they would get it, they would congratulate themselves and I would congratulate them until I started auctioneering and I saw that actually when we go for a yes, when we only ask for what we're pretty sure we're going to get, we inadvertently lowball ourselves and we don't even know it.

As an auctioneer, after 20,22 auctions doing my impact hobby, standing in front of the room doing the bidding exercise, I realized, we are unknowingly lowballing ourselves. Why? Because as an auctioneer, we don't go for a yes. We can't. That would be the equivalent of me asking for an opening bid of a hundred dollars, having somebody put their paddle in the air and me instantly saying sold.

We have to actually ask in order to get a no because the no lets me know I've maximized the potential of that ask. And I never sell it for the number I get a no for, I always sell it for the number just below that. So, I want everyone to go, Oh, flip that bit in their brains and say, Oh, when I get an instinct, yes, it means that there's probably something more I could have gotten.

[00:05:00] And twist that feeling you get when you get an ask for a no from a feeling of anxiousness and rejection into a feeling of sort of pride and relief that that no has told you, you've maximized the potential of the ask and that you're going to negotiate down to the maximum that you've asked for and the maximum they'll say yes to. And inevitably it'll be more than it would have been had you just gone for a yes. Does that make sense?

Greg Bray: Totally. But it's also hard for people to kind of get their head around, right? When you first put this in front of somebody in a coaching situation, what kind of feedback do you get?

Dia Bondi: Well, the first time I tested it in front of a room of 60 women at a meetup in Silicon Valley. These are all like product leaders, finance people, early and mid-career leaders in tech, whether they were marketers or again, like in the finance practice, if they were doing product development, if they were copywriters, creatives, folks up and down functions inside of tech.

My only job for them that day, in the 20 minutes I was going to share with them this idea of go for a no. No is great [00:06:00] news. Stop going for a yes, and you'll get more every time. I asked them to do only one thing, which is at the end of my 20 minutes, tell me if this is crap or not. This was five years ago, maybe now. Every woman in the room raised her hand and said, please keep going. This is not garbage, and so we were off to the races.

Yes. This is difficult for folks to do. Why? Because everything that lives between a guaranteed yes or a mostly guaranteed yes and that menacing word no exists in a zone I like to call the Zone of Freaking Out. It's that moment when maybe marketer's listening right now, maybe you've been in freelance for a long time and what do you do? You try to raise your rates and it feels like, well, I don't know if they'll say yes. And that feeling you get that, I'm going to ask for 150 bucks an hour, and my clients all know me at 85 an hour. That feeling you get, it's because that number is in the Zone of Freaking Out and that feeling keeps you out and away from asking for more.

Greg Bray: Sometimes we look at things though, and do we get sidetracked by how we [00:07:00] value it versus how maybe the other side values it? And it's like, well, I would never pay that much for it, so therefore I can't ask for that much for it. Where does that kind of fall in this thought process?

Dia Bondi: Absolutely. I don't talk about it in this language in the book, but it's basically shopping from your own wallet. And you can't do that because what you value and what they value may not be the same thing. In fact, what you value doesn't really matter. What matters is how do we use the ask to see what they value.

Kevin Weitzel: So, let me get this straight. I should ask for more that I know I'm going to get a no to, so I can step it back. Because currently right now, Greg is paying me $0 an hour to be on this podcast. Zero, Dia. Zero.

Greg Bray: And if you ask me for zero, you will get it.

Kevin Weitzel: Oh, well, that's what I got. And I got a yes on zero.

Dia Bondi: So, well, Kevin. Yes, that's correct. Here's the thing though, there's a really good chance that if you ask, and it's not even a really good chance, like so many folks have told me, men and women, have told me that they've asked for things they thought they were gonna get an instant rejection for and they got an instant, [00:08:00] or in some cases a little bit of a breadcrumbed yes. And they're like, what? I asked for double my fee and I thought they were going to throw me out of the building, and they said, yes. What else have I been leaving on the table? Assuming that the thing I thought they were going to say no to was still in their ballpark.

Kevin Weitzel: Yeah. Let's put that to the test, Greg.

Dia Bondi: Dude, I put it to the test for the last five years. That's why it's a book now, man.

Kevin Weitzel: It is a book, but I'm going to do it live on this podcast. Greg, I want, and I demand a five times multiplier of what I'm being paid right now.

Dia Bondi: I'm going to interrupt you right here. I'm not going to play this game with you. You know why? Because you just said the word demand and an ask is not a demand.

Kevin Weitzel: That's true.

Dia Bondi: This is a subtle, but very important distinction because when we conflate those two things and we assume that the ask has a demand inside of it, we end up sabotaging relationship. We see the conversation as transactional in a way that's not helpful. Sometimes seeing the conversation as [00:09:00] transactional is helpful, but in that case, it is not. It is prioritizing your demand over the relationship that can enable a stronger, more powerful ask. It puts us in a position to feel like if we're asking for any of it, anything at all, it's a demand.

Now for women, y'all sent me a few preview questions and there was a question in there about how women experience asking. okay, I'm gonna go here for a second. All right. When we make an ask that is outside of what we expect to get a yes for, it can feel like a demand to us and can feel like we're risking it all when we do it, and it feels dangerous.

Greg Bray: Hence, freaking out, right?

Dia Bondi: Hence, it's called the Zone of Freaking Out. Exactly. And especially for women, they're probably women marketers listening to this pod right now. Making a request that feels bigger than we're used to, or bigger than we expect we might get a positive response for, can sometimes feel like we're running up against, because we are, gender expectations.

That is [00:10:00] a behavior that is counter to what we're socialized in doing. We're prioritizing our need and asking quote-unquote too much of the situation, even if our idea of too much is not even too much at all, based on what our audience is perceiving. It's really important that we understand that making a big ask is not the same as making a demand. It's a request.

Greg Bray: Dia, then again, kind of this idea that women have been socialized to not make some of these asks. Is that what I'm hearing you kind of imply? And I know that that's one of your goals is to help women do better in general. I mean, you want to help everybody, but.

Dia Bondi: I don't want to help women do better. Women are already doing great. What I want them to do is have more resources and decision-making power so that they can influence and we can basically, tear down the patriarchy so that women can secure the resources they need. You know, single moms can bring the resources they need into their house to have economic security so that they can start businesses if they want to.

You know, I don't use the word empower very much in the work that I do because [00:11:00] women are already empowered. The question is, how do they actually garner the resources and decision-making they need in order to grow their agencies effectively, in order to get into decision making positions that put them in a place where they can, oh, I don't know, advocate meaningfully for paid family leave in their organizations. Like that.

Greg Bray: So, let's kind of try to bring this then toward the audience we've got today. We've got kind of a couple of different directions we could go. Let's start maybe with the customer connection. Right? So, if we're in marketing and we're putting out these calls to action and things, what are maybe some examples or some opportunities to push for the no that we might not be thinking about in that scenario?

Dia Bondi: Well, I love that question. I want to let everyone know in the room I am not a marketer and this is not a marketing book. And the idea of Ask Like an Auctioneer is not necessarily meant to be applied to the marketing range. Okay. Because I understand that you need to move people through your funnel. I understand that incremental yeses that move them toward the conversions that you want to have [00:12:00] happen along the sales process are really, really critical.

The components in this book that are really relevant there are, for example, maybe you're writing marketing copy. I'm not a copywriter, again. Maybe you're doing digital campaigns. Maybe you're actually pitching creative ideas to your clients. What I want to focus on think of it as selling the idea. I'm not interested in talking about Act Now buttons. Okay. So, when you're selling your ideas in real relationship, an IRL relationship, for marketers who might be listening to try to move their projects, their work, their sales down the funnel, we're going to focus very clearly on rapport building and storytelling as the setup for the ask.

There's an idea that I learned from the world of auctioneering, which is inside every ask is an offer. That might just be a little different language than how marketers are used to thinking of it as like a benefit, right? Like, what is the customer benefit? But I want you, in a case, to really think about what the offer is inside of the ask.

Last week I was at a writing retreat in Montana. There's a woman in [00:13:00] the circle, she moved away from this career now but spent many, many years in health and life sciences, big research projects, and had been writing grants for hundreds of millions of dollars in a single pitch deck. She didn't ask me, what are the words I should use to get a yes. What she instead was talking about the greatest challenge was, how do I make the person that's going to write me a check for 100 million feel like a hero, and that I think is really powerful.

I know, for me, when I'm live auctioneering, the first thing I need to understand is what is in it for my audience, right here, right now. Are they bidding on art and they're going to feel like a collector for the very first time in their lives and part of an art community they've never accessed before? Are they going to go home tonight knowing that they advanced a particular social need in their community that's really close to their heart? Is this a place for them to participate in a collective act of generosity and feel part of a bigger wave of impact? In the things that you're doing in your marketing activities [00:14:00] that require other people to say, yes, this is where I would focus.

Greg Bray: That makes a lot of sense that we have to give them the story, right? You can't make any type of an ask without there being context, without there being a path, a clarity of what the vision is, right? Beyond just the fill this out or do this or buy this now. It's like, what am I getting? What's the context is the word I keep coming back to. It might not be the right word, but that story, I love the idea of keeping it about the story.

Dia Bondi: And there's two layers. There's what are we here to do? And what are we here to really do? You know? Like maybe you as a philanthropist or as a granting organization, you are the one that's going to decide to write that a hundred million dollar check so that research can get done and children, you know, with a particular rare disease can move toward a cure. And maybe that feels good to you, but maybe what really matters is that you can brag at the cocktail table that you're the one that made it happen.

Greg Bray: In this industry, you know, we're helping people find their home. This is much more than walls and drywall and lumber and [00:15:00] everything else, right? This is a place to create memories. It's a place to have experiences and a place to feel secure and safe from the world and retreat and all of that. And so, sometimes we lose sight of that, and being able to keep that story in front of people is a whole lot different than price per square foot.

Dia Bondi: Right. Exactly. Am I buying a house or am I finding a sense of place? Am I getting a good interest rate or what I'm really getting is being able to afford to build community? Here's a little example. Last year, it was maybe a year and a half ago, and you'll see that I have a TED Talk that I share this small example. I wrote a proposal squarely in my ZOFO, and I eat my own dog food, right? Like, I'm constantly going like, Dia, are you chickening out? What might garner a no? And not every ask you make in your career and in your business, is one that is a ZOFO ask, but when it really matters, like, you know, consider it.

We sent a proposal off, the woman that helps me with engagements and operations was like, Dia, stop wimping out. Like, that's [00:16:00] not going to get you to a no. So, she made me add like another 30%. We send it off. I was totally sure I was going to get a no, but I was actually, even though I knew it was a ZOFO, I could feel it in my body that it was a ZOFO ask for me. I also knew because I had spent time really building rapport with this gentleman that we were about to head into a negotiation, understanding completely that negotiation and the ask, I think of them as two separate things. There's the ask, and then there's the negotiation that happens after that.

I really spent time feeling like I could trust the relationship so that when he came back to me and had to say, we can't do that. Ha ha ha. Who do you think you are? That we could also stay in conversation. So, that's what I mean by the storytelling that leads up to the ask. The relationship building you're doing is really critical to give you permission to go for that no. And I don't mean permission from them, but the strength of that rapport can help you step into your ZOFO with a little more confidence.

Greg Bray: Just for those who didn't listen closely earlier, ZOFO is the Zone of [00:17:00] Freaking Out.

Dia Bondi: Yeah, which is a number or an amount that you're going to ask for that is bigger than what you are pretty sure you're going to get. And you'll know when you're in your ZOFO, cause you can feel it in your stomach.

Greg Bray: Yeah. So, we're in that zone and we're uncomfortable, but often we feel like we only get one shot, to kind of throw that out there. In an auction-type environment, you get to move up and move up and move and then you can kind of back off a little bit, but often we only get kind of one initial opportunity to kind of put the number on the table, so to speak, or whatever.

Dia Bondi: But do you though?

Greg Bray: Well, we think we do, maybe.

Dia Bondi: There you go. I can't tell you how often I talk to folks in my workshops and keynotes who were like, you know, I thought it was a one-shot and they came back to me two months later. And look, if it's a one-shot and they're out of there, probably weren't a great match for you anyway. And I'm talking to the marketers in the room that are advancing their agencies, that are serving their audiences, that are helping make happy home builder clients successful by doing the best creative they possibly can, you know, they're [00:18:00] growing their agencies or their freelance business.

I know that we're talking about construction and real estate sales, but there's an enormous amount of talent that goes into making it possible to sell one single home to one family, right? Think about all those flyers y'all designed, all those funnels you created, all that creative and branding you did for that home builder, thousands and thousands and thousands of hours of work that advances your own career, your own agency, your own team.

I just want to challenge this idea that it's a last-chance shot. And there's a pretty good chance that if marketers on this call, pitched a client and they said no and just ghosted you, they were probably not going to be a great client for you anyhow.

Greg Bray: Fair enough. Fair enough. So, let's spin to more of the career path. A lot of the marketers that work for builders directly tend to be, you know, women in those marketing roles and there are some challenges sometimes with women fighting against kind of that good old boy network a little bit and dealing with some of those things. Where does that kind of fit in from a [00:19:00] career management, a leadership kind of coaching scenario of some examples of how someone might apply these ideas?

Dia Bondi: I don't think of it in a leadership capacity that much. When we start talking about leadership, I really getting more into my communication side. However, I have two clients right now, they're heading on out to do fundraising and they're going to make some asks that are pretty intense. They're going to say a hundred million instead of 60 and they're going to see what happens.

Homebuilders have to go raise capital somehow, don't they? Looking for investors and trying to put together a coalition of investors to try to build important and big projects in the world. That is in that way, sort of an act of leadership, right? Because without those resources, the tens and thousands of people that might be behind them. Okay. I'm going to say behind them in the wake of those yeses and nos and those investments that create household incomes for construction workers, for folks who provide products for home building marketers, the whole ecosystem, right? So, it is a leadership act.

But in terms of career, I [00:20:00] believe and I see it all the way from how my daughter reacts to asking if she could sit in the back of the room where it's quieter during reading time because it's hard for her to sit at her community table and concentrate to recent graduates trying to advocate for a strong salary, maybe a little bit of stock options in their very first role when the stakes feel really, really high, to somebody taking on their first leadership role, having direct reports, that I think that asking is one of the most overlooked and actively avoided success strategies out there. If we can learn to ask with more courage, also more heart, and not in the spirit of demands, but in the spirit of help me try to get where I'm trying to go, we can often accelerate toward those goals.

Greg Bray: Now, Kevin, I'm just visualizing here this idea that there's a whole bunch of VPs of marketing at builders who need to ask for larger website development budgets.[00:21:00] I'm just saying, and if you guys need some help figuring out what to use those budgets on, I know a guy.

Kevin Weitzel: I know a guy. Literally, he's talking right now. I know that guy.

Dia Bondi: Importantly, when you marketers in this business ask for budget, whether you're an outside agency serving the home building domain or you're a home builder or developer trying to get work with a particular city or a county to get permits moved through or deal with variances, my dad had a small construction company, so I know what the word variance means, or to try to get something done that when you make the request of somebody who is your quote-unquote point of contact for where the work that you're doing intersects with a larger team somewhere else, do not underestimate how difficult it might be for that person to go advocate for your ask to their senior people.

I spend a lot of time helping people work through the hand wringing of [00:22:00] making the bigger ask for themselves and once they've made it, they're like, Whew. If we don't get responses sometimes from those people on the other side of the table, it's not necessarily because they're terrible or ignoring you, it's because you've just given them a challenge to go advocate for you to other people and that could freak the hell out of them too. So, we have to come at all of this with empathy and tools for people to be able to advocate for your ask to their stakeholders.

Greg Bray: Some great reminders, right? How do we help them succeed? How do we understand their dynamic and what's going on and be able to be part of the solution instead of just causing more problems? Great thought. Where does it fit in kind of the one-on-one sales type of conversation? So, somebody walks into a sales center. They're talking to a salesperson about a home.

Obviously, there's a lot of different parts and pieces that go into that as far as options and upgrades and interest rates and buy-downs and financing and all of these types of things. And you want to put them in the right home, but you're also trying to [00:23:00] maximize the value for the builder if you're their representative. How do you deal with a customer in this type of a context?

Dia Bondi: Sure. I have no idea, but I'm going to take a shot.

Greg Bray: Okay.

Dia Bondi: What do you think about this? In my communications work and the years I've done this, like I am so agnostic to two topics. I've worked in Blockchain and FinTech and health and life sciences. I've worked on global Olympics, social impact. Like, give me a topic, let's talk about it. So, I will try to use those muscles in answering this.

I think for folks who are in that across-the-table conversation, it is important to go back to what we mentioned before. I don't want to add new ideas into this conversation. You need to understand what the offer is inside of the ask. Maybe they're asking for a custom wool carpet instead of the standard laminate flooring. Okay.

So, maybe the ask is for that practical thing, but you as the quote-unquote seller need to be listening for what's the real need underneath that. Oh, you have four kiddos. You need a quieter house. It's not [00:24:00] about I want wool because I want to be fancy. I need a quieter house, and to be able to reflect that back to the folks across the table. Because maybe that's outside of the scope of what you can say yes to at the price point they're operating at.

I have no idea the cost difference between putting wool carpet in a 2,500 square foot house and doing laminate flooring, but I would imagine you add up all these little requests we're tens, 20, 30,000 dollars outside of our scope of what's possible. Am I wrong? Wool carpet's expensive, right?

Greg Bray: We'll go with yes on that.

Dia Bondi: Okay, great. I love it. So, what we're listening for is, oh, we can't do that, but I hear you in wanting a quieter house. Let's talk about how we can get that need met cause I can't do wall-to-wall wool carpeting for that price. But if you can, as a salesperson, understand what they're asking for, and what they're really asking for, you can also say no and still get their need met a different way.

Because I understand for these sellers, I think of a seller as the agent in the office, but also the builder themselves, you need to move inventory, man. Because [00:25:00] getting that capital lets you go on to the next project, right? Can't have your capital locked up in these things sitting forever. So, I hope that folks who are listening and doing that kind of selling, having conversations with young couples, families that are buying their first home for the first time, to really be listening deeply for what the real need is. And when you can build that kind of listening and trust with that listening, you're going to be able to have a little bit more fluid conversation moving between yeses and nos without it breaking that rapport.

Greg Bray: Now, isn't it fascinating that in order to get to an ask, you have to listen?

Dia Bondi: Get out of here.

Greg Bray: You have to stop talking, right? I think that's great. Again, it's communication, right? It's communication, it's understanding, it's empathy, it's looking for that deeper need underneath what they're really trying to solve.

Kevin Weitzel: You weren't joking. We really are supposed to listen, is that what you're saying?

Dia Bondi: You are actually supposed to listen. But also having the courage to reflect back to the people [00:26:00] that are talking to you and making connections that maybe even they don't see. They might say I need wool carpet and instead of saying why because not everyone knows why they're asking but they are driven to ask for it. To say like are wool carpets helpful to you? Because they're kind of difficult to keep clean, harder than a laminate floor. Is it sort of the quietness that it brings that might be useful to you? And for them to go, yes, actually that's it. I know cleaning is a pain, but like, oh, can you imagine if we had such a quieter house because it was carpeted? Do you see what I'm saying? Like, you have to have the courage to listen closely enough to make connections maybe for them that they're not making even for themselves.

Greg Bray: Dia, we really appreciate the time you've spent with us. I think it's been great. Tell us when's the book coming out and how do people get their hands on it.

Dia Bondi: Thanks so much. You can go to That's the home for the book. It's coming out November 14th, 2023 whenever you're catching this podcast. You can order it though, even if you're listening to it before that date, on your favorite bookseller online. And it's very meaningful to have you even [00:27:00] request it in your local bookstore if you're somebody who likes to hang out in bookstores, especially locally owned bookstores. It helps them out so much if you can say, Hey, I'm looking for this book by Dia Bondi. Do you carry it? And if they don't, when you make that sale through that bookstore, it makes a huge difference.

So you can go to If you purchase the book, you're going to get other freebies and there's a lot of worksheets and other things that'll be downloadable once the book launches to help you put together a strategic ask for your own business or career to help you get you to your goals faster.

Greg Bray: Kevin loves to support local business movement, so he's already scheduling it.

Kevin Weitzel: I'm all about local business, brick and mortar, yes. And I assume that can people still buy it on the Evil Empire? I'm not gonna mention their name because they're evil. But, can they buy it there as well, I assume?

Dia Bondi: Absolutely. Yes. Available now on the Evil Empire.

Kevin Weitzel: I just want to put something into practice because this is not a demand. But Greg, I'm currently at zero and what would really make my life a lot better, and I'm just going to ask this out here. I'd like to see a 10 [00:28:00] times multiplier on my current pay scale for the podcast. If it ever goes public, I'd like to have 20,000 shares.

Dia Bondi: Greg, 10 times zero is still zero. So, you're good.

Greg Bray: So, Kevin, if I'm hearing what you're after is you're looking for ongoing validation that you're doing a great job.

Kevin Weitzel: Yes.

Greg Bray: Great job. Thank you. Appreciate it.

Kevin Weitzel: All right. Cool. All right. Well, it works. Dia knows what she talking about.

Greg Bray: Dia, any last words of advice you wanted to leave with our audience today before we wrap up?

Dia Bondi: Yeah, I would just say that price or what folks will do for you or give to you is a measure of what they value and how they value it, not a way to determine or define your own worth or worthiness.

Greg Bray: Powerful. All right. Well, Dia, again, anybody wants to reach out and connect with you best way for them to get in touch,

Dia Bondi: Or Also, you can find me on LinkedIn as well, and my Instagram is @diabondia.

Greg Bray: Awesome. Well, thank you again, Dia, for spending time with us today. And thank you everybody for listening to The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue [00:29:00] Tangerine.

Kevin Weitzel: And I'm Kevin Weitzel with Zonda and Livabl.

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