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It was an honor to have Josh Steimle, the founder, and CEO of MWI, an international digital marketing agency on the podcast to talk about his 7 Systems of Influence. How cool is Josh Steimle? He has hung out with Richard Branson on his private island. Josh helps people turn their biggest dreams into reality as he works with some of the world’s top business executives and entrepreneurs. Josh covers many beneficial topics on the podcast including marketing, sales, and leadership. Not only is Josh brilliant as a contributor for Forbes, Entrepreneur and Fast Company, as well as a TEDx speaker, but he’s also 100 percent authentic and down-to-earth with his willingness to help others. You don’t want to miss this one.
Josh Steimle is founder and CEO of MWI, agency that provides SEO, content marketing, conversion rate optimization, web design and development, social media management, online public relations services, and marketing automation to large enterprises such as Sony, LG, and Symantec as well as SMEs and startups, working in tandem with clients’ marketing directors and marketing departments. He is the co-director of the Hong Kong chapter of Startup Grind and an instructor of digital marketing courses at the Hong Kong campus of General Assembly. Steimle is a contributing writer on online marketing, startups, and East Asian entrepreneurship for Forbes, Entrepreneur, Fast Company, and VentureBeat. He is a TEDx speaker and appears frequently as an expert commentator on national and international TV and radio. He took his MS in Information Systems Management from Brigham Young University.
Josh’s life changed in 2013 when an editor at Forbes invited him to write for them, leading to over $10M in revenue for my marketing agency MWI ( And then there were the book deals, a TEDx talk, national TV and radio appearances, 100+ podcast interviews, paid speaking engagements around the world, and hanging out with Richard Branson on his private island. I then focused on writing for LinkedIn where I created posts with millions of views that generated leads and sales and helped me launch a second business.
Josh realized that he stumbled onto a formula that he could use in the future, and that perhaps he could share with others. This interest and subsequent research led to The 7 Systems of Influence, a framework now used in the business world by executives and entrepreneurs, but also in other fields, professional and personal, by academics, engineers, politicians, parents, and individuals of all types. The end result is that people are turning their biggest dreams into reality.
[00:00:00]Greg Bray: Hello everybody and welcome again to another episode of the Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast. I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine.
Kevin Weitzel: And I am Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse.
Greg Bray: And today we are excited to have with us Josh Steimle, who is the founder of Influencer Inc along with a whole big list of other things that he's done that I'm not going to try and read to you today, but a welcome, Josh, thanks for being with us today.
Josh Steimle: Thank you Greg and Kevin for having me on.
Greg Bray: Because I'm not going to read the big long list. Josh, why don't you give everybody just a [00:01:00] short introduction, um, you know, kind of who you are, what you've been working on in your professional life. Tell us more about it.
Josh Steimle: Sure. Well, I've, I've been an entrepreneur since I was a little kid, but my first real business, quote-unquote, that I started was MWI and marketing agency started in 1999 was a college student, failed for a bunch of years, but stayed in business just barely.
And in 2013 this is kind of when everything changed for me because I got the opportunity to write for Forbes magazine and that led to writing in two dozen publications and speaking opportunities and a book deal and all this stuff, and it ended up generating $10 million from my marketing agency through the attention I got through these outlets and that changed my life and I ended up living in Asia for six years and starting the second business. And being able to meet people I never would have dreamed in a million years that I would meet. And here we are today.
Greg Bray: So tell us, how did you end up in Asia? Why? Why Asia?
Josh Steimle: So it wasn't [00:02:00] really business focused at the time. Actually, my business was in a bad spot and I had myself, and then I had one employee who eventually became my partner.
But my wife and I felt like, so we had two kids. We had adopted our first, then we had a biological, and we felt like there was a child waiting for us in China. And so one day as we were working through all this adoption paperwork, I looked at my wife, I'm like, why don't we move to China? That'd be fun. And my wife's like, okay.
Okay. Sure. Crazy. But yeah, we could do that. And about eight months later, we were living in Hong Kong. We lived there for a few years, and then once we got brave enough, we actually moved into China and lived there for two years. And then we moved back about a year and a half ago. And as soon as we moved back, that's when we actually found our daughter.
And then we went back last August and picked her up. So now we got her.
Kevin Weitzel: Congratulations.
Greg Bray: That's awesome.
Kevin Weitzel: Greg actually literally [00:03:00] asked the exact same question I was going to ask like what brought you to Asia, but I have a followup question. Your list of just your accomplishments is ridiculous.
Honestly, you could take it, you could write a whole book on just all the different things you've done, but with all the things you've done, and I kind of already have an idea, an inkling of who the person may be. If you were to rank all the influential people you've ever met in your life. Who was the number one most interesting?
The one that you would hold a card in your pocket of a picture of you standing next to this person. Who would that person be?
Josh Steimle: You know, uh, you probably think, I'm going to say Richard Branson cause I got to meet Richard Branson, but
Kevin Weitzel: YES
Josh Steimle: It's not Richard Branson. Um, it's actually Clayton Christensen who was a business guy here in the Boston area.
Here's a professor at the Harvard business school. He's semi world-famous, so he's not as famous as Richard Branson, but he wrote some bestselling books like The Innovator's Dilemma and How Will You Measure Your Life? But I had the opportunity to meet Clay Christensen in [00:04:00] 1997 when I was a college student, and he's the reason I'm living here in Boston.
He's the reason I'm doing what I'm doing right now. And he had a larger impact on me than just about anybody that I've ever met short of, you know, my parents or my wife or family members. And he was just such a good person, as a sincere great guy that there was like no downside. There was no dark side there was.
And uh, so whenever I think about, you know, who do I want to be like when I grow up. I think about my dad, but I also think about Clayton Christensen and then I think of Richard Branson.
Kevin Weitzel: That's fantastic.
Greg Bray: And he just, he just passed away recently
Josh Steimle: and he just passed away recently, just a few months ago. He, uh, he was one of the few men in the world who have survived all four of the major, the top four major causes of death for men.
He survived all four, but then he got one of them again and he didn't survive it the second time. But amazing guy.
[00:05:00] Kevin Weitzel: And did he ever have a private Island like Richard Branson, like sir Richard Branson?
Josh Steimle: I don't think he had a private Island but, you know, it's not just islands that matter in life.
Kevin Weitzel: Yeah. That's not how we, that's not how we rank ourselves in the hierarchy of living and loving. Right.
Josh Steimle: Right.
Greg Bray: Well, Josh, tell us a little bit more about Influencer Inc and kind of what you're about there.
Josh Steimle: Sure. So the reason I started it is because when I saw the success I had writing for Forbes and these other publications, and in generating attention for my marketing agency, and then how that built that business, that was interesting in and of itself, right?
I mean, anything that can generate millions of dollars is interesting. But was, what was more interesting for me was the impact I was able to have on people in terms of changing their behavior. And when somebody would come back to me. And say, Hey, I read this article you wrote in Forbes two years ago and I did what you said to do, and it changed my life.
It changed my business. That was a huge satisfaction. I just thought, wow, that's [00:06:00] amazing. That's something I said, somebody actually did it. I mean, cause that doesn't work with my kids. And but somebody actually did what I told them to do and it worked and they got great results from it. Like wow, this is amazing.
And then I thought. There are so many other people out there with interesting, useful, helpful information locked up in their heads. What if I could help them to get that information out of their heads and put it out there so that it could do some good in the world? And that was the inspiration behind starting influencer inc not because I want to help kids do crazy stuff on YouTube or Instagram or something.
I'm not into that kind of influencer. But in the sense of leadership or just getting that message out of your head and out there in the world where it can do some good because everybody has something that they can share that will help somebody else. And I feel like when you have that kind of information, you have an obligation to get it out there, but most people don't know how to do that.
And that's what I'm trying to help people with.
Greg Bray: Awesome. So when we talk about [00:07:00] influence, you're, you're talking about helping people make decisions, helping people go in a certain direction. Um, we're not just talking about tricking them into doing something or, or, or selling them, so to speak. Is that a fair, a fair statement?
Josh Steimle: Right? I mean, it's persuasion versus manipulation. Uh, when we trick people, we're manipulating. When we give people all the information, and then they make an educated and informed choice of what they want to do. That's persuasion. And so I'm into the persuasion type of influence.
Greg Bray: Okay. And now you've got what you call the seven systems of influence that go along with that. Can you get to just kind of a quick overview of what, what that is, and how that works?
Josh Steimle: Sure. So system number one is vision, which is you've got to have some sort of objective or goal in mind when you want to accomplish something. The next part is the genius zone, which is your unique mix of skills, talents, abilities that make you the person to make your vision reality.
Then you've got system number three, which is your audience. Who are you going to [00:08:00] go out and influence? Number four is content. What are you going to produce so that people are influenced, whether it's speaking or writing, or even just your example is your content as well? Then system number five is your action.
That's your plan. What are you actually going to do if you're going to write a book? Are you going to wake up in the morning and write for a half-hour or two pages a day? What's your plan for getting that done? A six is collaboration, working with other people because you can do thousand times more work with other people than you can by yourself.
Can I say seven Josh?
And then there are seven. Yeah. Number seven is
yes, although I don't say it that way. When I say it. But yeah, system seven is a love. And when we say love, of course, we don't mean romantic love. We're talking about excitement, passion, empathy for your audience, uh, and Goodwill, especially wanting to really help people.
And if you get system seven is critical, because if you get system seven, right, you can get [00:09:00] everything else wrong and you can still be a highly influential person. But if you do everything else right and you don't have love, you don't have Goodwill. It doesn't matter. You're not going to, you might have influenced, but it's going to be based on fear and intimidation or tricking people, or it's just purely a transactional type of thing.
Greg Bray: Now I, I'm glad you kind of brought that up because I wanted to spend a little more time on system seven anyway, because in my story for, you know, I'm going to come right out here for those who haven't met Josh before. I've been aware of Josh now for probably about a year and started kind of following some of his newsletters and things, and, I'm gonna tell you, Josh, it was when you wrote the email about system seven.
That it got me to take the next step and say, okay, I need to get more into learning about these things because it really connected with me. This idea that marketing and selling and influence doesn't need to be sneaky or adversarial or manipulative. That's a great word that you used. [00:10:00] Um, but it can be, I can do things and still be selling.
But I can do it because I really think this will help you. I really think this is good for you. Um, it can solve your problem and help you. And when we think about home builders, specifically kind of our audience here, you're helping somebody find their home. You know, the place they're going to spend so much of their time, the place they hide away from the rest of the world, you know, there, the safe place that they go to and where they have some of the most special moments with their, their closest friends and family and everything else. I mean.
Josh Steimle: That's kind of a big deal, right?
Greg Bray: Yeah. Where is there more love than in selling a home? Right in the big picture of what matters, but yet sometimes we lose that. So sorry, I got on a real long tirade there, but I think that that, that loves the system. I think it's really one of the cores and something that really made me connect with what you've got.
Josh Steimle: Yeah. Well, I'm, I'm sure everybody who's in marketing or [00:11:00] sales in the home building industry can point to somebody they know who sells homes, and it's purely just all about the transaction. It's just all about getting that sale. How do I get the sale? How do I close this person? How do I get this deal? And then there are other people that do marketing and sales and you can tell that they really care and they want to help.
And if they have something and it's not the right fit, then they'll say, you know what? This isn't the right fit for you, or this isn't the right deal. And that's the difference between love or no love.
Kevin Weitzel: You know, it's funny that you say that because you know, I've only been in the home building industry for four years prior to that.
Motorcycles, bicycles, automobiles, and it's always about how many X's can you get on the wall? How many, you know, what, how big a commission can you earn? And I've never really been driven by that. I've always followed the construct that I'm a customer advocate and I make my sales by selling them what they need and what they desire, what they want versus just me selling them something too.
Add a tick Mark to the board and to get ahead in the commission and the commission chain. [00:12:00] So I really appreciate that you are pointing that out and saying, calling it. Cause when I hear people say, Oh, it's just about the deals, I want to grab my chest like Fred Sanford, you know, like I'm about to have a heart attack. I really do because it makes me sick that, you know, you're in a business selling somebody their home. They're forever, they're forever. Comfort place. They're there, their state, their place, they want to live, that want to raise their family, and it's just a tick on the board. That's not good.
Josh Steimle: Yeah. I mean, when I look at those metrics are important.
I mean, I believe in collecting metrics and tracking those things, but it's kind of like eating for a human being. Like eating is important, right? Like we've got to eat to live. And so that's kind of a big deal, but if that's the only thing that you live for is eating, then you've got kind of an empty life.
Like life should be so much more than just feeding your body and business. It's so much more than just making money. If there's nothing more than making money. Then it's kind of an empty business, like what's the, what's the point?
Greg Bray: No, absolutely. And for those of you [00:13:00] who can't see Kevin right now, I think the idea of living for eating, I think you hit a sore spot, Josh.
Kevin Weitzel: I love to eat, i do!
Greg Bray: So it, it was just a poor choice of analogies there because, but that's all right. Um, a lot of our folks know Kevin well, so, um. So they'll connect with that. So, um, so Josh, let's, let's dive in a little more into the concept of thought leadership. I think that goes along with influence. How do you define that when you say someone is a thought leader.
Josh Steimle: Uh, to me, anybody who has thoughts that they can put out there that are helpful and valuable is a thought leader. Uh, and I think thought leader, just like influencer kind of gets a bad rap like salesperson too. I mean, all these things go together and people look at this and they have this idea that it's a bad thing because they've seen so many bad examples.
It's kind of like the joke. Uh, Rexy Lee, he was the late president of Brigham young university and he was a former lawyer and he said, you know, about the legal [00:14:00] profession. He said it's really unfortunate that an entire profession should be maligned just because of three or 400,000 bad apples. And it's kind of the same thing with influence and thought leadership.
Like. We see so many bad examples that we think that that's all there can be. And so a lot of people who come to me for the mastermind or the coaching or whatever, they're like, all right, I think I want to be a thought leader, but I don't want to be like Tony Robbins or I don't want to be like this guy or Grant Cardone or something.
And I hear what they're saying when they say that. Not that there's anything bad about Tony Robins or Grant Cardone, but. I understand where they're coming from. They're saying, you know, I want to help people, but I don't want to be out there and flashy and showing off my private jet and all this stuff. I just want to help people.
And I get that. And I think that's all it takes to be a thought leader is to figure out, okay, what are the thoughts in my head that would be valuable to other people? How do I get them out there? And once you're getting them out there, great. You're a thought leader.
[00:15:00] Greg Bray: And of course, so the seven systems are kind of aimed though at this idea of how to do I kind of move in that direction, right.
Josh Steimle: Right.
Greg Bray: Um, if I want to share those, those thoughts. So, so is that something that, uh, you know, home builders should think about, should, should becoming a thought leader be something on their radar and how would they kind of approach that if they want to?
Josh Steimle: I think it should be, if, well. Yes, to put it bluntly, because it goes back to what I said at the beginning.
If you have information in your head that can help other people, you have an obligation to get that out there and you might be uncomfortable about it because you don't want to look like you're showing off. You don't want to be pointing your finger back at yourself and saying, look at me. Look how great I am.
We don't, most of us don't want to do that. And the people who do want to do that are kind of psychopathic, right? But you don't have to do that. Uh, and so you've got information that you can use to help other people. You should be getting that out there. You have an obligation to get out there. So that's reason number one for being a thought leader.
[00:16:00] Reason number two is it's great for business and it's not that hard and it's not that expensive. It seems hard because if I tell you, Hey, you should go launch a podcast, or you should write a book or something like that, that sounds hard. It sounds really complicated, but once you get into it, it's actually a lot less complicated.
And you think, I mean, here you are a Greg, you got a podcast going right and writing a book. There are ways to write books that are super easy and easiest thing of all is you can go hire a ghostwriter and you just sit down and talk with them and they write your book. So there are lots of easy ways to get the message out there.
It's just a matter of looking into it and knowing that it can be done. And so if you're a home builder and you're thinking, well wait, how does thought leadership help me sell more houses? Think about it this way. So you're selling houses within a certain geographic region. There are people who are moving to that region.
There are people who are moving within that region. There are all sorts of different life events that cause people to say, I need to [00:17:00] find a new place to live. And they have tons of questions. There's lots of information that they need, and this is a big mistake if somebody buys a house in, it's the wrong place or it's the wrong house.
There's so many questions around that to be answered. And you as a home builder can go and answer those questions so. Somebody who did this was Marcus Sheridan. He has a book out there called, they ask you to answer, and he had a pool company. They make these fiberglasses inground pools and years ago he said, you know what?
Nobody is answering all the questions that people have about fiberglass inground pools online. So he started answering these questions online and just posting these questions, the questions that his sales rep got, and he became known as the pool guy who had all the answers and his company grew like crazy and became the largest in-ground fiberglass pool company in the United States, maybe the world.
And it's all because he just went out now answered questions. It was easy. An [00:18:00] that's the same type of thing that can happen as a home builder. If you become the expert on the region where you're building the homes and you're answering all these questions and you're putting out material on social media and on your website and you're blogging and you're getting that stuff out there and you can hire other people to help you with this, you can put together a team.
But that information is super valuable to people, and you can do that in a way that's not being done, and you can reach people. And then there's this connection and trust where people say, you know what? I want to buy a house from this guy or this gal because I trust them. I people buy stuff from people they know, like, and trust.
And if you're putting out the right kind of content, people will like you and they'll trust you and they want to buy from you regardless of almost how good the house is. They'll just say, you know what? I like this guy. I trust him. I want to buy a house from him. I haven't even seen the house. I don't know anything about the house, but I like this guy and that's what makes me want to buy a house from him.
Greg Bray: Awesome. So I think we hear [00:19:00] that type of presentation often referred to as content marketing. Is that, would you say that's kind of the same idea? Are you taking that to another level?
Josh Steimle: Yeah, it is content marketing. So in the seven systems system, number four is content. So that's where the content marketing comes in.
So there's definitely an overlap there.
Greg Bray: Okay. Awesome. Now you talked a little bit about this idea of, you know, I know a lot, I mean, the example of the pool guys is great. I know a lot about pools. I'm going to share this. Do you ever, do you ever find people that you're working with as they try to establish, I guess this falls under the genius zone, right?
What am I good at? What do I know? Um, where they kind of discount the value of their knowledge and experience. So, you know, I really, well, nobody wants to listen to me. I really don't have that much interest. I haven't done anything special. You know what, what would you say to someone who's kind of struggling with that?
Josh Steimle: It's not just some people who do this. Everybody does this. Everybody thinks what they know is not that big a deal. Everybody else already knows it and they feel [00:20:00] embarrassed sharing it because they feel like they're saying something that's already been said 10,000 times. Even if it has been said 10,000 times, nobody else has said it.
The way that you, you are going to say it and your voice. The exact mix of the information that you have is not out there, and there's somebody out there who will listen to you that won't listen to anybody else. The example I like to give is 20 years ago when I got married, my wife said, Hey, we should sit down and talk about like personal finance and budgeting and like how we manage our money and all this stuff.
And I was like, yeah, yeah, yeah. Why don't you just take care of that, you know, whatever? I trust you. And so we went for years and we didn't really have a handle on our personal finances. And then my wife gave me this book by Dave Ramsey. The total money makeover and I read this book and I go to my wife and I'm like, you have got to read this book.
It's so good like we should totally be doing all this stuff. And she's like, yeah, this is the stuff I've been telling you for years that we should do. Like all of a sudden you're telling me we should [00:21:00] do it. I've been telling you we should be doing this. Why don't you listen to me? I'm like, I don't know.
You just didn't say it the way that Dave Ramsey says it. Something about the way he says it. Just, I don't know. It's different. So we all have a different voice. It's not enough to just get the information and it has to be delivered to us in a way that we can relate to, that we can connect with. And so the home builders out there, you've got your own stories, you've got your own information, and it is unique and there are people out there who will not listen to anybody else, even if they say the same thing.
Greg Bray: And I'm just going to go on record though and say that listening to your spouse is a good idea. I just want to make sure that's clear.
Josh Steimle: So yes, I should have listened to her long before I listened to Dave Ramsey.
Greg Bray: No, it's a great example. And, and you know what? Sometimes I think too, we, we feel like, because we hear it all the time, we assume everybody else is hearing the same thing all the time.
And we forget that they're in their own different type of, of the world of influence and [00:22:00] understanding. And they don't talk about this stuff every day. You know, when I get questions about how to build a website, I was like, how do you not know that? Everybody knows that, don't they? But no, they don't. You know?
And they don't understand it.
Kevin Weitzel: Take it from a guy that sells the content that goes on his websites to home builders all over the country.
There's a lot of home builders that do not know how to build a website. Tons and tons of them, Greg.
Greg Bray: I appreciate that. Thank you, Kevin. So Josh, do you feel that when people first hear about kind of your, your seven systems and they see kind of this content and message and get my thoughts out there?
I don't know. My first reaction is I have to write. I have to blog. I have, you know, that writing is the way you put it out there. Um, tell us a little bit more about it, and obviously your story is, Hey, you had some, some articles that, that kind of resonated with people and, and helped you. Um, but do you have to write, or are there other ways to do this?
Josh Steimle: You do not have to write. And hopefully, that's a relief for people out there who are saying, [00:23:00] I hate writing, I'm terrible at writing. You don't have to write. You don't have to ever put anything your pen down on the paper. So I mean, podcasting, that's purely audio. You can do video as well. That's just speaking.
So maybe you're great on video. Maybe you're great on audio. Maybe you're great in front of audiences speaking live, and maybe you're better at video. So when you're thinking about your ideal audience that you want to reach. You want to think about the channel that you're most comfortable with, but also where they're hanging out.
So you think about your audience and you think, okay, where are they hanging out? Do they read certain publications? Do they watch certain things online? Where is their attention? You take that into consideration, but then you also say, well, what am I good at? Because if they're all reading Forbes magazine and I hate writing, maybe that's a problem.
Well, maybe that's not your audience. Maybe you focus on the 10% that is on YouTube and loves online video, and you say, well, okay, great. I can make videos. No problem. I can point my phone at myself and speak all day. I'll just do that and I'll put my [00:24:00] videos up on YouTube. Great. Go and do that. It doesn't really matter how you create the content or the medium of the content, as long as it's the way that your audience wants to receive that content and you're comfortable with it.
Greg Bray: And I think, you know, when I see a lot of home builders with their blogs that haven't been updated in years, you know, they kind of tried and obviously they hadn't thought through. You know, the way that you structure this in your systems so that they could decide, is this really the right way for me to communicate?
Because obviously they're struggling to make it happen on an ongoing basis and, and, and kind of connect that way. And it maybe it wasn't the right medium for them there. There might have been a better way.
Josh Steimle: Yup. Yeah, and sometimes it's that there's a better, better medium out there. Also, sometimes it's that you need to keep on trying.
I mean, how many swings do you have to take at a ball before you hit a home run? It's not two or three or four. For most people, for a lot of these even professional players, they might swing at a [00:25:00] ball a hundred times and then. Maybe they'll get a home run or something, and then somebody goes out and they put up three, they put up three blog posts on their blog and they're like, Nope, didn't work.
Well, maybe you need to keep trying a little bit more.
Greg Bray: So, Josh, let's talk a little bit about, now we've got, we've got marketing folks listening in and they're sitting here going, okay, this thought leadership stuff is good. I like it. Um. The idea of influences is great. I'm going to, you know, sign up and learn more about these seven systems, but what changes in day to day of a marketing department when they kind of start thinking more from this idea of influence versus maybe a promotion or selling that, you know, are hard selling.
Josh Steimle: I think the focus, the first thing that changes is getting focused on the audience and what really matters to them and what they care about, and what, where they find value. That's the first thing that changes, especially as you really get on board with system seven love. And once you have that [00:26:00] caring for the audience and you're really concerned about what's best for them, then you start looking at the content and saying, okay, well what content do they really need?
What problems are they experiencing? What solutions do they need? Where do they need help? And you start creating content to solve that need. And then it's after that that you start thinking like, okay, now how can we work this into growing our business? And when you put the customer first and their needs first, it's not that the business just takes care of itself, but you can figure out how to make it take care of the business a lot more easily and you get a lot more traffic.
I mean, when I started writing for Forbes. I really didn't know how it was going to benefit my business or help my business grow. I just knew that it was a great opportunity and I should take advantage of it because, gee, I mean, it's not every day that somebody says, Hey, do you want to write for Forbes?
So I had to jump on that, and it took me several months to figure out, you know what? I've been writing [00:27:00] for the wrong audience. I'm putting out the wrong content, because yeah, I know I was helping people, and that felt good, but it wasn't doing anything for my business. So I started looking at that and saying.
Well, can I help my business and still help people as well? And so I realized the people I really should be helping are people who are looking to hire a marketing agency right now and need help with that. So I started writing content about how to hire a marketing agency. And when I started writing that, that's when we started exploding with leads because everything that I wrote on Forbes went to the top of the search engines.
So somebody would go type in how to hire an SEO firm. And up comes my Forbes article saying, here's how to hire an SEO firm. Perfect. People would read it, and then they're like, well, who wrote this article? Oh, so this Josh Steimle guy. Well, who is he? Oh, he owns an agency. Well, he just wrote the article about how to hire an agency.
I liked his article. He owns an agency. Let's just go hire his agency. So we got filled up with leads that way. And if you can [00:28:00] adapt that for the home builder audience and think about it. Okay. Who's my audience? What needs do they have? What content can I write that meets their needs? You'll be able to figure out how to turn that into business without too much effort.
Greg Bray: Awesome. I think that's just so right on. I think so often we don't step back and think about the audience, you know, and when you think about builders. Lots of times they get focused on where's the land, what kind of, what kind of floor plan are we going to put together? You know, how, what price point do we get?
And we forget about who is it that we're trying to serve, you know, who do we want to live in this house and what is it that they want in the house and where do they want it? Even before we get to the point of putting out that message... You got to understand your, your customer and your audience, um, before you get too far. But we forget. We lose sight of that too, too easily sometimes.
Josh Steimle: Yeah. And I mean, if, if I were coming into this, and I'm not an expert on home building, right? So, but I'm looking at this and saying. If I were applying the seven systems [00:29:00] to the home building industry, I would be like, I used to live in Utah and I lived in an area where there's a lot of tech firms growing.
They've built like 60 buildings in the last five years in this one little area around the Lehigh Draper area in Utah. And so of course, all these tech companies are hiring, and that means people are moving into the state and all these people need somewhere to live. So I'd be looking at this and saying, okay, who's moving here?
What type of people are these? And I'm sure home builders do this, where they're like, you know, we've got a lot of young people moving in here with one or two kids, so let's build a lot of apartments and condos and townhomes for these people. And then let's build like starter homes and stuff like that in this area.
So I'm sure that stuff's going into it. But to look a little bit deeper than that. And say like, where exactly are these people moving from? What do they care about? What are their hobbies? What are they interested in? What do they do at home, and how does that impact the way that we build this home? Like what if we knew that 20% of these [00:30:00] people are really into like serious hardcore online gaming?
How would that change the way that we would build these houses? Well, a lot of these guys might want some sort of man cave in the basement or something where they can set up like a home theater type thing. And so even though we're doing these little starter homes, maybe that's something we should really look at putting in here because we've got all these gamers and we can really target that niche audience and lock them in and we can talk about that.
Then in our materials and stuff, maybe they already do this or something, but that's the type of thinking to start with the customer and then work backward to the product and let the customer. Pull the product through, rather than say, we build this type of house, now let's go find a customer who likes that type of house.
Greg Bray: Absolutely. So Josh, I really appreciate all the information you've shared today and I, and I feel like we've just barely scratched the surface, um, on, on, you know, what, what you can learn from the seven systems. So, but thank you.
Kevin Weitzel: Before we head out there, Josh, um, I also want to know, [00:31:00] so if somebody wants to learn more about your seven systems, is this a, like, can they order a book? Uh, is it just an online class? Is there, do you have these Boston base, you know, RA RA sessions? Where do we go?
Josh Steimle: So my website, has information there about the seven systems. The book is in progress. I'm working on it. It's one of those things. Hopefully, it gets done this year. Like a lot of other things I hope gets to get done this year, but maybe it will, maybe it won't.
But um I'm putting out a lot of materials. There's a mastermind group, there's coaching opportunities. So there's lots of ways for people to get involved and, um, get trained up on the seven systems. But the main place to go is my website. That's the hub for everything.
Kevin Weitzel: And they get to talk to you. Not a flunky the real deal. The real McCoy.
Josh Steimle: Yeah. Cause it is just me.
Kevin Weitzel: Oh, that's awesome.
Josh Steimle: No substitutions.
Kevin Weitzel: Greg uses me as his flunky every once in a while, so trust me, I know what it's like to have a flunky or actually to be the flunky.
So [00:32:00] you are wearing multiple hats and being the expert and your own flunky this is awesome.
Josh Steimle: If I could find a high-quality flunky, I would have a flunky, but I have not figured out how to clone myself yet. I'm working on that.
Kevin Weitzel: So you figured out a way to figure out this ghostwriting process, but you haven't figured out a way to find the ghost flunky.
Josh Steimle: Well, I figured that I have people helping me on all sorts of things. But then there are like these core things where it's like, man, I just cannot handle this part over yet. So yeah, maybe someday.
Kevin Weitzel: Well, Greg always likes, I'm going to go ahead and steal Greg's thunder cause Greg always gets to do this and I'm very jealous of it, to be honest with you. And I'm going to, uh, just ask you what free advice, one little piece of information could you give to our home building audience. That could help them out in their processes.
Josh Steimle: Sure. So I'm, I'm going to go really practical on this one and specific, which is every single home builder who's listening to this should be on LinkedIn and should be posting content [00:33:00] on LinkedIn at least once a week, talking about answering questions, talking about the home building industry, talking about what you do.
And I know there are probably some home builders out there who just aren't on LinkedIn. There are probably some who got on it 10 years ago and haven't been back since, and some people probably think, Oh, isn't that just a website where you put your resume online and then people find jobs and stuff?
LinkedIn is a completely different beast than it was two years ago, and today it is the number one professional social network and there's so much business being transacted over LinkedIn. And so much content being shared that anybody, everybody, regardless of your industry, should be on there. But I'm willing to bet that most home builders do not see LinkedIn as a prime place to sell homes, to get business, and yet it is, and it should be in, especially because not everybody's doing it.
That means it's kind of a gold rush opportunity for those who [00:34:00] move in first and figure that out. So that would be like my Uber practical tip is to get on LinkedIn, optimize your profile, start posting content, figure out the right content that works for you and your audience. Cause I guarantee you can sell houses on LinkedIn.
Greg Bray: That's awesome. That's awesome. And I'm going to go on the record too for everybody and let them know that that I have joined Josh's mastermind program. And, and that's, uh, it's been a great learning opportunity for me, so I'm going to give it the plug, you know, go, go take a look at that. Um, you know, there's, there's a lot of great content information being shared there, and I've been learning a lot from it, so.
Josh Steimle: Thanks, Greg.
And we're introducing some exciting changes in the next one, so stay tuned.
Kevin Weitzel: Don't drop a seven. Number seven is very important to me.
Josh Steimle: Yeah, we've got to stick with that I was, I was on another podcast the other day and he's like, so is there going to be like an eighth system?
I'm like, no, seven is the number of perfection. We're sticking on a seven. It's not six. It's not eight. It's seven. We're [00:35:00] sticking with the seven.
Greg Bray: It's a magic number, right i don't know where that comes from. But yeah, something special. Well, again, Josh, thank you so much, for being here. Um, we'll put some links in the show notes as well for folks who want to connect and, and look at the site or organic with you on LinkedIn.
And everybody pleases, um, you know, thanks to Josh for us by taking a look at his stuff, and we have got some, some great information today, so thanks again.
Josh Steimle: Great. Thanks so much, Greg and Kevin for having me on.
Greg Bray: I'm Greg Bray with Blue Tangerine.
Kevin Weitzel: I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse.
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