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We sat down with Spencer Powell of Builder Funnel to discuss content marketing. Spencer sheds some great tips to make inbound marketing work better for you. We discuss ways to nurture your pipeline with content marketing, the importance of consistency. Overall, Spencer expertly explains how you can build a digital marketing relationship overtime to increase qualified leads. We also learn of his affinity for Chipotle. Wait until you hear about his Chipotle exploits.
As the President at Builder Funnel, Spencer helps companies improve their website, not only to drive more prospects to their site but to help them capture those prospects as leads. Spencer comes from a long line of builders who have been in business for over 100 years now, dating back to his great-great-grandfather. Spencer got started in marketing when his uncles' business made a shift from purely home building to adding a remodeling division. When the crash hit, they needed remodeling to support new home revenue until the building came back. Since then, Spencer has proven his expertise in helping builders, remodelers, and contractors generate more leads and sales using the power of their own company websites.
For the last 10 years, Spencer has helped hundreds of companies around the United States and Canada build better marketing and sales systems and turn their websites into lead generating machines that work for them 24/7.
Spencer also hosts an active podcast called Builder Funnel Radio where he interviews industry experts.
[00:00:00]Greg Bray: Well, hello everybody and welcome back to the homebuilder digital marketing podcast. I'm your host, Greg Bray,
Kevin Weitzel: and I'm Kevin Weitzel
Greg Bray: and we're so excited today to be here with Spencer Powell. Spencer is the president at builder funnel. And build a funnel is a great company that works on helping builders and remodelers improve their websites and generate more leads.
Uh, and Spencer is also really big into inbound marketing with HubSpot, and I know he's got a bunch of their certifications and things too. So looking forward to [00:01:00], learn a little bit more about that as well as we, as we dive in today. So Spencer, welcome, and thanks for being with us.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, thanks, guys. I'm excited to be here.
Greg Bray: Well, Spencer, you know, just give us that, that quick introduction. Let people know who you are, kind of what you do, and just that general over overview for us.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, sure. Thanks for asking. Um, I mean, the kind of the the quick and dirty is we're a digital marketing agency. We're based out of the Springs. But, uh, we primarily serve home builders and remodelers across the country a little bit in Canada. And we kind of clip in as either an extension of their marketing team or sometimes kind of their whole marketing team and primarily play in the digital space.
So working on a lot of content marketing and lead conversion on websites. And then we definitely get into a lot of email marketing and nurturing and building those relationships. So, yeah, that's the quick overview.
Greg Bray: Awesome.
Kevin Weitzel: So Colorado Springs, right?
Spencer Powell: Yes, sir.
Kevin Weitzel: You know, you wouldn't know by looking at me, but, uh, in 1988, I was [00:02:00] Olympic alternate, and I spent a lot of time in Colorado Springs, the Olympic training center.
Um, but you know, I got a little angry with that place cause they don't have any air there.
Spencer Powell: we are a little short on it
Kevin Weitzel: yeah, there's no oxygen. It's like you pedal and you're like, what's wrong with my bike? I can figure it out.
Spencer Powell: I had a cousin that moved from LA, and he came to visit us one time, and he walked up the stairs, and he was out of breath. What's wrong with this place? But you get used to it.
Greg Bray: Yeah. You do acclimate, and then when you go down to normal elevation, you can like run forever. Right. It's exactly, at least for a few days.
Spencer Powell: Yeah. Yeah. It doesn't last forever.
Greg Bray: So, um, tell us, Spencer, tell us something that people don't know about you. They are the most people who don't know about you.
Just some, something interesting.
Spencer Powell: Oh, man. Well, I've eaten at all 73 Chipotle lays in Colorado.
Wow. Was that on purpose or just an accident?
Spencer Powell: Accidentally stumbled into all 73 now. Yeah, it was. It was on purpose. Uh, I'm a huge Chipotle fan, but, uh, when my wife was in law school in Denver, [00:03:00] um, I was just getting the business off the ground.
So we were both just working all the time and Sunday for lunch. Our traditional is, Hey, let's go to Chipotle. Um, cause it was inexpensive, and we both liked it. And. Then we realized there were like 40 in Denver. And so we just started kind of like, well, let's go to a different to Chipotle. We'll get crazy, you
And then it kind of became a mission. We're both kind of task completers, like, okay, well, how many are there? And then we just kinda did it over like two or three years. But it was fun that we have a photo album of, you know, us in front of every Chipotle. So.
Kevin Weitzel: So, obviously, I eat a lot of Chipotle and pretty practically every restaurant on the planets.
I've go to a meal that I get there, I get the salad with the pork and the corn salsa. But anyway, so being you're in Colorado on a personal level, forget about all the housing stuff for a quick second. Um. You got to be into health, you gotta be into running, hiking, fishing. What are you into? Cause everybody, I know this from Colorado, does something [00:04:00] crazy to excess.
Spencer Powell: Yeah. Well, uh, I, I'm a big weight lifter, so that's kinda my base. And then I try not to run actually, but I do quite a bit of hiking. And so we have something that's right next door to us in Manitou Springs. It's called the incline. Uh, maybe if you remember that. So, uh, yeah, we, we tried to do the incline as much as we can, and my wife and I have done one once in the morning and then once after work, uh, on a couple of occasions.
And, uh, yeah, if you don't know what that is, do a quick Google search, and you'll see, it's basically just like. Stairs straight up for a mile. Um, so it's a lot of fun.
Greg Bray: I'm, I'm just, I'm sorry. I'm processing, stairs straight up for a mile in the same sentence with a lot of fun. I'm just,
Spencer Powell: I know that's tough to wrap your head around and no air, right?
Greg Bray: Yeah. Yeah. With no air. Absolutely. Well, Spencer, tell us more about kind of your, your homebuilder background, and how you kind of got into this particular industry.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, you know, I, I [00:05:00] came into it through family, like I think a lot of people do, and my family has been in the home building industry for 110 years out in the Seattle area.
Um, and really it evolved and got passed down over generations. So, my great grandfather, I believe it was who started the business. Uh, my grandfather, uh, eventually took over for him, and they did a lot of spec building, but they built some communities, and then they started building apartment buildings.
And then my, my dad and his siblings got involved in the business. They started to get into some senior housing, so they built two, um, senior housing developments out in the Seattle area. And so today that businesses. Um, really evolved into a lot of project management and operating those apartment buildings and retirement communities.
But, uh, in the great recession is where I entered the mix, and my uncles had the business at the time, and they were building. And then they also had a remodeling division. And we help them scale up that [00:06:00] remodeling division for about two and a half to five or 6 million in sales over two or three years.
Uh, primarily using digital marketing. And so then from that point, it was like, well, maybe we can help some more people do this. Uh, and so that was really kind of how, I dunno, the intersection of the building side and then the marketing side. So I, I never really did anything other than. You know, demo stuff and you know, scrap lots and do kind of those things as an intern.
But I mostly, I was like, Hey, I'll be on the computer. I kind of like this a little better
Greg Bray: in the air-conditioned office.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, exactly.
Greg Bray: Yeah. Awesome. Awesome. Well that's, that's great. Now, do you still have any family businesses that are clients? A builder funnel.
Spencer Powell: We do. Yeah. So yeah, they were our first clients, and they're still clients, and that kind of got us into the space, and then we just kind of kept running from there.
Kevin Weitzel: So is it the same
solution for everybody? Kind of like a, uh, you figured out a formula that works. Like, do you have the same [00:07:00] recommendation for a home builder that you would have for a remodeler.
Spencer Powell: Good question. So generally there's a still a similar methodology, but the activities are certainly going to vary.
And so we typically build a custom plan based around goals and timeline. So if somebody is trying to grow from, you know, 20 million to 25 million over a year or two years, we're going to say, okay, well how many more leads do we need. How many of those leads do we want to come from digital, and like what we're bringing to the table?
Cause obviously that's not the only piece of marketing. And so, and then once we figure out that differential, then we're building an activity plan to go after that number of leads that we need. And so that activity plan will certainly vary, but there's still going to be. You know, the same methodology of we need to improve traffic generation needs to capture and convert more leads.
We need to nurture those leads and create more sales opportunities at the bottom. And so, uh, in [00:08:00], those buckets are where the activities will vary.
Greg Bray: Gotcha. So, um, you know, Spencer, just so people are aware, you are going to be one of our speakers at the Home Builder Digital Marketing Summit, which was now been rescheduled for October due to some of the craziness that's going on in the world right now.
Um, but one of the reasons that. That we're excited to talk to you is because you really are an expert in, you know, inbound content marketing, you know, and so, so it really likes to, you know, dive in a little bit deeper into that specific piece of the Mar. There's obviously other things people do digital marketing-wise, but, but let's, let's dive in a little deeper there if that's all right.
Um, and, and I guess. Just to be sure we're all on the same page. Can you kind of define how you view the word or phrase content marketing, what that is, what that includes for those who, who may not be familiar
Spencer Powell: with it. Yes, certainly. So the way I look at content marketing is it's creating material that you're going to share [00:09:00] online.
So that could be blog posts, video, social media posts, but the the content or the material. Is not promoting directly your brand. It's promoting the solution or the offering generally. So if you're a builder, you might create some content around the building process, but you're not necessarily talking about, you know, A B, C homebuilders process.
And so what you're trying to do is educate people around a topic. A theme, a subject, and answer to a question. And by the very nature of doing that and you attracted them to your site, people are going to know your brand, but that way it doesn't come across as salesy and that sort of thing. And you're, so, that's kind of the way I view content marketing.
Obviously, there's ways to include your brand. There's some styles of content marketing that are a little bit more salesy, or you might choose to be more salesy in [00:10:00] certain moments, but generally, you're just promoting. The product or the service, not your company specifically.
Greg Bray: Awesome. I think that's a great definition.
So lots of times, I hear people think of content marketing. Oh, that's blogging. And I think, I think you've, you've taken that a little beyond that. It's, it's not, I mean, that's a piece of it, right? And that's kind of, kind of where it came from, sort of, kind of initially in, in the day. Um, but it's, it's more than blogging.
Um, and, and it's also a certain type of blog, and it's not just any old blog article that you might slap up there. It's not your press release. That's not right. Intent marketing.
Spencer Powell: Yeah. That's PR, right. Yeah,
Greg Bray: exactly. Exactly. So, so, you know, when you, when you think about that then, what are, what are some of the challenges that you've seen builders have that, that have maybe tried content marketing or, or interested in trying it and get a little hung up somewhere along the way?
Spencer Powell: Yeah, I think, um. Consistency is one of the biggest pieces. You know, people [00:11:00] go, they'll go to a conference, or they listen to a podcast like this, and they go, Oh yeah, I can see the power of content marketing. They're convinced that's a good Avenue, and then they get into it, and they maybe start up a blog and say, okay, great.
This person said I should blog once a week, so I'm going to try to blog once a week. And then you start blogging once a week, and then you get two months in. You're like. Well, I don't know if this is working. And this is really annoying, and you know,
Greg Bray: it's hard work.
Spencer Powell: It's hard work. It takes a lot of time, you know, an effort.
You have to think of the idea. Somebody has to write, it has to get reviewed and edited, and you know, and we haven't even talked strategy, you know, in terms of executing the blog that's just getting it done. That's in bolts. And so I think consistency is one of the biggest challenges. Just saying, Hey, we've committed to this.
Philosophy and that's I think, where people aren't making the leap. They're just saying they're using it as a tactic. They're saying, okay, let's jump into blogging and let's do this, and then [00:12:00] they get tired of it, or it just doesn't seem like it's producing, and so they stop. But I think the other challenges I kind of mentioned as a part of that, it's.
It's time and effort and energy, and it is difficult. And so I think when you're looking at that, you're going, Oh, well, we could just send an email blast, you know? Or we could just run some ads, and I can set up the creative and then just hit go and wait and spend some dollars. Whereas there's, there's a lot more personality and nuance, I think, to content marketing.
Kevin Weitzel: So wait one second. Let me make sure I'm understanding what you're saying here. You're saying that you don't just set it and forget it like people think you're supposed to do with their websites.
Spencer Powell: I know that's madness right.
Kevin Weitzel: Yeah. I think it's, it cracks me up. I see it all the time where you know, a builder will, you know, spend a little bit of money.
You put a website out there, and then they're like. It's set. It's good, it's done. We never have to spend another penny. It's like, no, you have to maintain it. Just like a car the message has to be update and crisp and consistent with your messaging. So
Spencer Powell: yeah, the way I think about it is kind of, you got like website [00:13:00] design, and then you've got website performance, and the design is like the user interface, the look and feel how it operates, you know?
And you do have to maintain that. But then you've also got. The performance, like what am I doing to get more people here? It's like, Oh, I spent 20,000 or 40,000 on a website. Now it looks better, but there's not actually more people getting there now, you know? It just looks different. So that's how I think about it.
So we talk a lot about website performance and how do you improve that from a traffic standpoint and allegiance standpoint.
Greg Bray: No. I think that's a great differentiator because cause you're right, a website needs to become an active business tool and, and it needs to be part of the ongoing operation of the marketing activities and much beyond just, Oh, we've got a website now.
It's out there, it's done. We'll look at it again three to four years from now when we want to do a new one and go on from there. Yeah, for sure. And, and haven't we all seen those [00:14:00] sites that have these blogs that the last article was two years ago, you know, type of thing that are on there. And I don't know, I almost tell people it's better to take it off at that point, um, because when it just looks so old and out of date, I think it hurts more than it helps.
Kevin Weitzel: So when I'm researching my potential clients out there, you know, the potential home builders, the record for the oldest content is 2015, and that was just this last week. I found blog content, and they're coming soon, 2015, that's ridiculous. That is just, you might as well just tell your customers. I don't care about you. Right. You know?
Spencer Powell: Yeah. Yeah. At least take the dates off if you're not going to delete it.
Greg Bray: Well and, and you know there's, there's a great point, right, Spencer, cause some of the content doesn't expire if you do it if you do it right if you've answered a useful question, the answer may not change. And it may be the same answer that you did five years ago. So you need to think about how you present that, you know, and, and consider that as well.
Spencer Powell: Yeah. So, so let's dive into that a little bit cause I think this will be [00:15:00] really helpful to the audience. Um, one thing we uncovered maybe a year or two ago is something we call historical blog optimization. And this is a practice of taking your old blogs and refreshing them as new.
But those tend to perform really well and often times much better than new blogs because that old blog. Has an old URL that's been indexed in Google, it's a lot stronger, but most of the time the content maybe wasn't that good, or maybe it wasn't getting enough traffic where it converts really well, but there's still some issues with it.
So what you can do is take an old blog that's sort of evergreen, but maybe meets needs some updates, go in, edit it, improve the content, right? Add more content, add more photos, add more relevant links, make sure it's up to date. Publish it as new. With the current date, you can change the title to match the new content that you've got.
Um, keep the URL the same. And what that [00:16:00] does is now you're building on that same URL authority, but Google sees us as fresh content. Re-promote it on social re-promote it on your email list, and suddenly that thing will jump up, uh, in terms of its ranking. So if you've got some old blogs lying around, that may be your best source of opportunity for new content is just improving those.
Greg Bray: And just, just to be clear that everybody's listening. He's not saying, just go change the dates to make a meal. Okay. I just want to be clear about that. That's like, Oh, Hey, I can just read you my blog. I'll take, yeah. Last year, things have just changed all the dates, and I'm done. There we go.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, sure. Make sure you're upgrading the content,
Greg Bray: it's a great tip. That's a great tip. You know, that some of this content just needs to be tweaked a little bit. It's still mostly relevant. You know, you just need to maybe change the examples you use or, or, you know, fix a couple of links that have been broken and maybe add one more paragraph or something like that. That's, that's terrific. You don't have to start from scratch.
Spencer Powell: Yeah. And a great example on that is something like trends where maybe trends change, but some trends last [00:17:00] for years. So you might've done home design trends 2020 well then in 2021 just go update it. Delete the old trends, add the new trends, um, and then update the title.
Maybe you did seven trends, now you're doing nine, or you've cut it to five, or, you know, so you can do those sorts of things. And so there's a lot of things that you may want to update annually. And then if you do that three, four, or five times, and you have, you know, those old blogs from 2015, well, if you've updated them five times, by the time you get to 2020, those posts are really, really powerful.
Greg Bray: No. Great, great tip. Great tip. Now, um, you know, lots of times when we talk to builders about blogging, they think it's all about SEO and, and there's certainly an SEO benefit there. But let's talk a little bit more about, you know, from a content marketing more about this nurturing concept, how, how this content helps, helps nurture the pipeline, not just. On the attraction side or, or the top of the funnel, so to speak.
[00:18:00] Spencer Powell: Yeah, it's a good point because blogs are really multipurpose, you know, they do help, you get found, but then I always think about like what are the different ways we can get this content in front of people? Because the most common thing that happens is you spend a lot of effort writing this blog post, and then you post it.
And you're like, great. Or maybe you share it once on Facebook, maybe you send it to your email list, and then it just kind of sits there. But you can actually use that content. And you know, back to your question from a nurturing standpoint. Anytime somebody comes into your website and say, downloads a free guide or a floor plan or something like that, and you've got their email, you can leverage all of that blog content.
And again, we're, we're using blogs as an example. It could be video content to, uh, things that answered questions like process or timeline or design trends or anything that you're writing about. And send those as nurturing emails. Hey, I saw you downloaded this, [00:19:00], a home design guide. You might be interested in these three blog posts, links, links, links.
Well, now you're adding value to this person. You're building a relationship, and you can still use, you know, Hey PS, if you want to book some time, uh, to come into a model, click here. But you're starting with value. That way, you improve you're unsubscribe rate. You know, cause people are actually getting help from you. But then you also give them that next step to, you know, enter the sales process.
Greg Bray: Oh, I think that's, that's a terrific key of using that content by pushing people to it and not just waiting for Google to send everybody, you know, using it in other, in other places is, and it, and when you started to think about that, it kinda changes the way I think you think about the content you're creating.
Um, because, Oh, I want this to be something useful, or maybe it's a different type of question that you decide to answer because of that. When you start to step back for that, that idea,
Spencer Powell: I think. Yeah, totally. And I think, you know, we. We think of, to your point, blog content is like from an SEO standpoint, but a certain [00:20:00] blog post that you create, you may create one.
Knowing this may never rank, but it's going to be really valuable from building a relationship or nurturing a lead. And so sometimes you'll go into your creation mode going, this isn't going to be a. You know a traffic driver is going to be a lead nurturing tool. And so I think when you start to look at all of your content that will give you more fuel for ideas, you'll go, okay, these ones are like questions people are looking for in Google.
The those can maybe drive some traffic, but then these topics are really going to help build that relationship and move people into the sales pipeline.
Greg Bray: Have you ever seen anybody make just a terrible mistake with that, where they were, they created some type of content that they threw out there, and when you saw it, you just wanted to shake your head, you know,
Spencer Powell: more often than I'd like to say.
Yeah. I feel like, um, I feel like the problem is people jump into it, and they just go, okay. Blogging, and so they just pick a title and they, they write like two sentences, and then there's another heading, and then there's two sentences. [00:21:00] And when you actually look at the post, you're going. This is not helpful at all.
And so I think that's what, you know, that general like thing is what you see. And you'll see it when you look at lots of different posts, and you'll just look at a post and go, this is 300 words of fluff, you know? Um, and that takes varying formats. So I would say just a good lens to look at your content through is. Is this helpful? You know, if somebody landed here, would it actually deliver What would you think they were looking for?
Kevin Weitzel: So that actually brings, it brings up a good question for me. And that's, do you consider yourself, I mean, obviously you're kind of a guru when it comes to inbound marketing, especially, I mean, I've, I've actually heard your name in several circles.
Um, but, uh, are you more of a consultative, uh, uh. Compatriot to a home builder, or are you more of a, uh, are you for a, you know, assassin for hire? Are you the person that goes in there and tells them exactly what to do and how to do it? You know, how, how do you best serve a builder?
Spencer Powell: Yeah, thanks for asking. I mean, we typically will clip in [00:22:00] as an extension of their team, so we'll actually write the content for them, and then they can approve it. And some, some clients are like, yeah, we want to see every post. And some are like after they've seen three, they're like, just post like you got it, like we're good.
We can edit later. And so yeah, a lot of people come to us because they don't want to do all this stuff.
Greg Bray: Well, and let's, let's kind of figure out then, you know. That it's not free to create this content. It takes a lot of work and planning to do it right the way that we've talked about. And then you mentioned earlier this idea that, well, I've done it for two months and I'm not seeing any return.
Um, nevermind, I'm done. Right? How, how do we, what's a fair expectation for return? How do we measure that? What are some, some tips you have thereon, on kind of that, you know, looking ahead of, of, is this working or not?
Spencer Powell: Yeah. You know. I think a year is a good timeline to just have in your mind. You'll see wins before that for sure.
You'll start to see traffic growth. You can [00:23:00] see, you know, lead conversion improvements. But if you don't have a longer-term mindset, then you're really approaching it the wrong way, you know? Um, we started our podcast, and I remember when I told my team when we started, I said. We're going to do this for a year before we even think about evaluating if it's going to be working or not.
Because it takes time to build an audience. It takes time to build a following, and part of it is just the traffic drove that growth and trying to rank in Google, but part of it is just actually building. Digital relationships with people and those are people that follow your content that you've probably never met, but they know you really well because they're reading your blog, they're following your videos or listening to your podcasts.
They're following you on social, whatever Avenue it is, they're paying attention to you, and so they get really familiar with you. Even though you may not know them, and then all of a sudden, nine months later, they pop up, and they walk into a model. They've been following you [00:24:00] and stocking you for a long time, but you don't know that.
And so, uh, I think part of it is the repetition, but then part of it is just building the authority of your site. All that being said, it really depends on where your website is. Starting from, if you're starting from a really low traffic standpoint, you should have that one to two-year timeframe in your mind.
If you're starting from a place of medium traffic to high traffic, you can probably see some wins within the first three to six months, depending on how much content you start creating.
Greg Bray: And it's, it's something that we always have to remember is that, um, it's that multiple exposures. Right. That that's really what marketing is all about. And people don't walk in and go, Oh, here are the ten blog posts of yours that I read, or here are the five videos that I watched, and I just wanted to make sure that you knew that they influenced me. You know? Wouldn't it be nice if they brought a little report with them and said, here's, here's, here's what made a difference in why I decided to visit you today?
And they, they don't do that. They don't even necessarily remember. [00:25:00] The one that they watched six months ago or read about, you know, along the way. But, but they just kinda kept, um, hearing about ya and, and being exposed to you. And then finally the day came, they were ready.
Spencer Powell: And I think that point right there is really powerful, which is. And then they were ready. And so we know that at any given point in time, you know, it's like three or 5% of your website traffic is actually ready for a sales conversation. Everyone else is just researching. They're just browsing. So they could be two months away or two years away from making a decision.
Well, I'm just going to stick with them, you know, I'm going to stick with them. And then when they are ready. I'm going to have been in front of them every step of the way, but if I only do this stuff for three months, anyone that was thinking about it for four months or longer, like I, I'm not in front of them many more, so I'm not top of mind, and I lose that chance at pulling them into the sales process.
Greg Bray: Great reminders. Well, um Spencer, I know we're, we're getting a little near our end to end of the time here, but Kevin has a few more [00:26:00] questions he wants to make sure we get in.
Kevin Weitzel: I do. So, one besides or in addition to the Digital Marketing Summit coming to you October 29th, um, besides that, or in addition to that, uh, what other ways can people interface with builder funnel?
Spencer Powell: Yeah, thanks. So we, I mean, head over to our website we've got tons of free resources there. Got a blog podcast, tons of videos. Um, but you can also just shoot me an email if you just have questions. Um, we take a similar sales approach to our marketing approach, which is just try to add as much value as we can, help give you tips. And if it's a good fit, you'll ask us, you know, Hey, how do we work together?
Kevin Weitzel: Are there classes? Are there bootcamps, academies? How do you work that?
Spencer Powell: Fair enough. Yeah. So we typically start with a digital consultation, and so it's, Hey, let's have a phone call. Let's talk about your growth goals. Let's look at your website.
[00:27:00] Um, you'll get some tips. And then if you say, Hey, how do we work together? Then we'll start going down that path of building a plan. Uh, but we also did just launch an Academy. Thanks for asking. Uh, it's called Builder Funnel Academy, and, uh, that's currently open, uh, for a couple of weeks here. And then we're shutting the doors.
Uh, but that's just Uh, so head on over there if you want to check that out. Well,
Greg Bray: we'll have to make sure we heard and get this alive so that the two weeks are not by the time we get this episode out the door there. But, but Hey, I'm sure you'll allow, build a waiting list for everybody if, if they, if if you run out of spots there.
Spencer Powell: So. Absolutely.
Greg Bray: So, um, Spencer, thanks so much for, for, uh, you're, your time today for sharing your insights. I think I think this is an area that a lot of builders can do better in. You know, this is this whole idea of the content, Marketing, because again, they're there. They're busy building homes, right? And, and writing, writing articles, shooting videos, you know, social media.
[00:28:00] You need some help with that. Sometimes, you know, coming up with those ideas, and that's okay. It's okay to get help. Um, but it it works. It really works. It's a long game. It's a, it's one that you gotta be patient with. But it does make a difference. So thanks so much for for sharing with us today.
Spencer Powell: Yeah, thanks for having me on. I really appreciate it, guys.
Kevin Weitzel: And last but not least, I'm going to, I'm going to hold you to this one. If I'm a builder, what's that one little piece of free advice you would just give today just to get them kickstarted?
Spencer Powell: good question. One piece of advice. Have a top of the funnel lead conversion tool on every single page of your website.
So, uh, you may be heard of them as lead magnets or premium content, but it could be, uh, uh, download this, you know, community guide or a brochure or a homebuilding process guide, but somebody has to enter their name and their email to get access to it. If you put a call to action on every single page, your website, every single blog post, [00:29:00], you will start increasing the leads from your website.
This week.
Kevin Weitzel: Outstanding advice. I love it.
Well, thanks, everybody. I'm Greg Bray from Blue Tangerine.
I'm Kevin Weitzel with Outhouse.
Stephanie McCarty of Taylor Morrison joins Greg and Kevin on this week’s episode of The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast to discuss the significance of understanding what consumers expect and want when it comes to the home buying online process.
Kim Ross joins Greg and Kevin this week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast to discuss how to build a rock star home builder digital marketing team.
This week on The Home Builder Digital Marketing Podcast, David Belman of Belman Homes joins Greg and Kevin to discuss how home builders can advocate for housing affordability.
This week on the Home Builder Digitial Marketing Podcast, Greg and Kevin have the opportunity to chat with Ananth Rao of EYA Marketing. They discuss how to improve your companies flexibility to meet home buyer's expectations.